Chapter 153 Serving You
"you sure……"

A beautiful figure, with white and tender lotus arms hanging around the man's neck, looked at him with a charming smile.

"Let go!" These two words popped out of the man's mouth coldly, without any sense of warmth.

What a disappointment!

Hanging her arms resentfully, the woman Chi Lala planned to walk out.

However, before he could take a step on his toes, his arm was pulled back abruptly.

She was dissatisfied, and stared fiercely: "Bastard, let go!"

"Xue Yingying, is that why you plan to go out like this?" The man's gloomy face never showed a smile.

It was rare for Nizi to see him like this, she turned her head to look at him, not knowing where she was wrong: "Ah, what?"

From the first sound she uttered, how could Tan Junzhan not notice it?

"The imprint around the neck, you have the nerve to go out and embarrass me?" He gritted his teeth and said this sentence, I'm afraid his anger is on the verge of being cut off!
Xue Yingying no longer chose to be funny, and wrapped her hands around her again, with a slight smile at the corner of her mouth: "Your daughter-in-law is very charming, shouldn't you be happy? It proves that you have a unique vision."


He didn't realize this, so he grabbed her arm with one hand and walked inside.

When he was about to break through, there was actually a person leaning against the door.Even if you can't see his expression clearly, you can imagine his facial expression with that sinister tone.

"Brother, I think sister-in-law's exquisite figure is quite good, she is a beauty that makes men excited. If she hadn't become my sister-in-law..."

Tan Junzhan is naturally the overlord of one party, and he can't let people say a complete sentence.

Dao Ziyan, who was salvaged from the ice cellar, flew over without saying a word: "Repeat it again!"


It's obvious that she's been a peach blossom robbery this year, and the rotten peach blossoms are all wrapped around her body, so she can't let people live?

"Ah Zhan, Jun Zhan is talking nonsense all day long, what are you serious about?"

Xue Yingying spoke eagerly, if she didn't stabilize the situation, she would become a troublesome woman again.

"Little nannie, I didn't expect that the girl's [-]th change, and the slug following behind the big brother, became what it is now. Tsk tsk tsk—" Tan Junyan is a bitch, and the current situation is not good, and he won't just accept it when he sees it. .

Damn rhythm!
He wanted to commit suicide, but Xue Yingying couldn't help him.

Be silent.

"Second brother, our mother is looking for you! Are you still going?" Hearing the bustle at the door, Tan Yan had no choice but to step forward to help Tan Junyan. With the bad temper of the eldest brother, who in the whole family can screw it up? over him?
Of course, there is finally an exception now - Xue Yingying is also.

Xue Yingying has never been able to figure out Tan Junyan's thoughts. She is more willing to get close to Tan Junzhan who makes a cold face than him who is thoughtful.

I didn't find any reason before, but now I understand.

Seeing his meaningful gaze, Xue Yingying felt numb all over and felt uncomfortable.

Subconsciously, she selectively nestled into the man's arms, twisting her fingertips together, making her very uncomfortable.

It was the first time for Tan Junzhan to feel her strange emotions towards Tan Junyan.

He carefully brushed her broken hair that was dripping with sweat unconsciously, and then with a frightening gleam in his eyes, he stared directly at the other party: "Aren't you going to move?"

It was not enough to say all of this, he even clenched his fists tightly, and the voice of Crakakara echoed for a while.

Tan Junyan smiled softly as if nothing had happened: "Isn't it just a joke? Look at you, brother, you are so precious to your sister-in-law!"

After making fun of a few words, he finally left.

"Sister-in-law, second brother has always been like that, don't worry about it." Tan Yan said casually as if she was used to it.But his eyes fell on her face tightly, as if it was not that simple.

Xue Yingying pretended not to notice, her back was wet a lot.In addition, talking about what Jun Yan said before, this also forced her to change her clothes.

Looking back, she finally let him get his wish.The difference is that she did it willingly.

Not far away, resplendent and resplendent, bustling with excitement.

However, at this moment, Xue Yingying chose to retreat.

She suddenly withdrew her little hand from his palm, and said in a low voice: "There are three urgencies in people, I'll go first to make it easier."

"No!" The man gave an order, and clenched his big hands again.

Xue Yingying was furious immediately, before she could say "tyrant", he blocked her speech!

"I'm on the side, who dares to bully you? Give me your heart!"

As expected of her pillow person, he could see through her mind immediately.It's just that, for some reason, she has such a strong idea.The psychology of fear made her flustered inexplicably, causing an overreaction, and the final consequence was that her bladder was pressed.

What she said was true!
Clasping fingers together, he clasped her small waist tightly, and walked towards everyone with a righteous face.

After more than half a year, this was the first time she appeared in front of everyone.But it was obvious that the scene was too grand this time. How could she, who hadn't seen many big scenes, accept it?

There was a lot of cold sweat oozing from the palm of her hand, and she had to keep a smile on her face, as if she was used to all of this.

Three clear and clear words were quickly heard in her ears.

Xue Yingying had sharp eyes, but she didn't directly reveal anything.Since Chief Tan didn't do anything, why was she angry? Anyway, the embarrassment of losing face was not borne by her.

Even though he was not keen on this kind of place, Tan Junzhan still came over to greet each other, which really hurt his temper.

Xue Yingying suppressed a smile beside her.

As if considering her boredom, Tan Junzhan finally let her go freely, "Let's play!"

"Decree!" That's what a smart woman has to do.

Xue Yingying left in a smart way without any qualms.

Watching her gradually disappearing figure, a few joked: "This girl has a good personality and knows the general situation."

Tan Junzhan's eyes twitched, her legs were varicose veins like that, he didn't have that vision?

A bunch of blind people!

Tan Junzhan slandered inwardly.

After finally finding a sofa chair, Xue Yingying sat down immediately.

Since this place is in darkness and the light is dim, it is impossible for everyone to notice this side.Therefore, in order to relieve her severely varicose calf muscles, Xue Yingying simply took off her high heels and massaged them time after time.

Evil high heels, its invention was a failure.

Xue Yingying was dissatisfied.

Suddenly, a figure floated up in the darkness, grabbed her hand at once, and then wrapped his hand between her legs and kneaded it: "I don't know if I have the honor to serve you, miss?"

(End of this chapter)

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