Chapter 155
Tan Junzhan pushed Nizi into the passenger seat and drove by himself, Nizi played with his right hand with great interest.Therefore, he threw out this sound extremely coldly.


She smiled lightly, and then disregarding his command, she separated his five fingers and clasped them together with her own. The standard is "fingers tightly clasped".

This is clearly what a couple in love should do!

In front of her, he was like a paper tiger, and the threats he breathed out didn't work at all.

After thinking about this level, Tan Junzhan couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, and then stopped reprimanding her, but said: "Where do you want to go?"

The two who blatantly escaped from the hall were, in their eyes, a young couple who eloped.As for the location of the tryst, it is up to Nizi to decide, after all, she is a birthday star today.

"Go—to the place where you are." Nizi turned her head to think, and the last words that came out of her mouth turned out to be like this.

I have to say that this really greatly satisfied his masculine dignity.

Where there is him, the world is big, as long as he is with him, where is there without him?

"it is good!"

Tan Junzhan was a compromise, following her temperament, she let her mess around.

In the evening, when the bright moon was in the sky, most of the bright stars also went out to play and play, which seemed to be similar to her current state of mind, happy and joyful, but there were more things that I couldn't imagine.

Xue Yingying grabbed his right palm, and under the bright lights in the car, she carefully studied the lines on his palm.

"I really don't see it, you still know how to look at faces?" The corner of his mouth raised, showing that he looked down on her.

Dare to look down on her?
Xue Yingying narrowed her eyes slightly, then let go, she returned to her original position, sat upright, and couldn't help but joked: "I really didn't expect that the grand prince would have a severed palm, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!"

There is a saying in ancient books-a man loses his palms, and a woman loses her palms to live in the house!

Women's broken palms are all kinds of restraints, and their fortunes are generally not very good.However, men are the opposite, he has the ability to create wealth.

Now, she actually spread out such a good thing?
At this moment, Xue Yingying was looking at him like an animal, squinting at him.

Tan Junzhan didn't know anything about this thing, he didn't understand what she meant at all, and said coldly with a stiff face: "What do you mean? Say it!"

"Really want to know?" Nizi became playful.

"Nonsense!" There seemed to be a harbinger of a storm in his eyes.

Xue Yingying tilted her head and looked towards him: "How about a confession? It's my birthday today, so you should let me get what I want."


Inside the carriage, there was silence, and even the heavy breathing of each other could be heard clearly.

He is nervous!

Xue Yingying took a quick look, and since he refused to cooperate, she couldn't continue singing.

"A man with a broken palm has a stubborn personality and a strong sense of responsibility. He will never look back if he doesn't hit the wall. The most important point is that this kind of man is very emotional, whether it's family affection, love, or friendship."

Xue Yingying counted them one by one, and at the end, the man's face finally calmed down.

Regarding that sentence, no matter whether he is willing to give it or not, as long as he does not touch her dangerous zone, she will follow him for the rest of her life.

"Azhan, to be honest, I am very satisfied now. I have never had a birthday with you, even once. Every time, you are threatened by Aunt Jiang and my brother, so you come here A trip. After leaving the things, I just walked away. Even though I didn’t say anything in front of them, I was really uncomfortable in my heart. I don’t know why none of you like me.” Lowering your head, recalling the past, She couldn't help but still get a little emotional.


Shared memories, not only her, Tan Junzhan will also resonate.

At that stage, for her age, it was indeed a bit cruel in the past.If it can be counted to today, will he still do it?

Tan Junzhan choked his throat, really not knowing what to say.I'm sorry, but it's too late.

Having vented enough, Xue Yingying was aware of his psychological changes, tried her best to sniff her nose, and said with a strong voice: "Forget it, it's a thing of the past anyway, as long as there is a place with you, it is heaven."

Lifting her head, she stared at him intently, and asked tentatively: "Ah Zhan, from now on, you will never let me fall from heaven to hell again, will you?"

Her eyes were tight, and they fell directly on his cheek, and she had to ask for a guarantee before she was reconciled.

At this moment, Tan Junzhan could not sit idly by.

Even though he was stuck in the throat, the courage to answer was extremely difficult.

But once he met her big watery eyes, he couldn't refuse: "Okay!"


She jumped up in astonishment, and then her not-so-strong forehead hit the hard roof of the car.


The surprise hadn't passed yet, and she pouted her little mouth, feeling very unhappy.

It was a rare time for Tan Junzhan to gloat over others' misfortunes. He held the steering wheel, holding back a faint smile.

Xue Yingying immediately said "Asshole", without further ado, she just threw her over.

What's the use of having some cheap money on your lips?The man is still there, smiling happily, completely ignoring her feelings!
Xue Yingying was sulking all by herself, so she couldn't just pounce on him and beat him up, right?Regardless of the disparity in strength between the two, she has to save her own life.

As soon as the steering wheel was turned, the two of them had to finish the game.To get angry for a while, why bother?
However, she will never let him go easily.

Nizi rolled her eyes and finally came up with a trick to deal with him.

At the red light, she finally found a good time to talk.

Xue Yingying calmly said, "Ah Zhan, let's go to the night market! The two of us haven't worn couple outfits, and we haven't had a mug shot. Although we haven't dated, at least you have to make it up to me!"

A certain man who was about to drive almost choked when he heard this.

Let him do this kind of thing?
Tan Junzhan slammed on the brakes again, and both of them rushed forward again.

"Are you sure?" Tan Junzhan clenched his hands resting on the steering wheel tightly, and the veins on the back of his hands visibly stretched as he worked hard silently.

Xue Yingying glanced at him casually, seeing that his posture was exactly what she liked.

She pretended not to see his secretly sullen appearance, and looked at him with twinkling eyes, still fighting for the benefits she deserved: "Can't you?"

"Hey, forget it, anyway, you have never been Ah Mo, how could you be with me?" Xue Yingying waved her hand a few times casually, poking at the most sensitive place in his heart.

Dang Zimo was between the two of them, and he was always an indestructible barrier.

Therefore, Tan Junzhan had no choice but to grit his teeth and roar, "I'll accompany you!"

"I didn't force you, did I?" Xue Yingying smiled like a little ruffian.

Now, what else can he say?

"To shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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