Chapter 156
Compared with Tan Junzhan's gloomy face, Xue Yingying looked quite active.

Sitting in the passenger seat, she directed his driving route with one hand.

With his status as the pampered prince, how could he go to that kind of place on weekdays?If she doesn't lead, she is sure to feel in the wrong direction.

"That's right, that's the small alley in front." Excited, Xue Yingying grabbed his arm and yelled to fetch it.

This move made him quite displeased, a pair of thick eyebrows and big eyes were furrowed, and he said dissatisfiedly: "Where is this place?"

Even though he often encountered such a harsh environment during his missions, it was not the first time he had taken the initiative to go there in his life, because his first time was dedicated to her, the so-called food street back then.

There was a lot of unacceptable backlog in his heart, but he still followed her instructions and drove to stop at the entrance of the alley.

Without saying a word, Xue Yingying just sneaked out without giving him a chance to stop her.

Unable to hear the expected reaction behind her, she subconsciously looked back.Seeing him still in a daze, she waved her hands cheerfully: "Ah Zhan, do you want me to find that guy who looks like Ah Mo?"

"You, don't think about it."

That character is the most beneficial magic weapon to stimulate him.

Xue Yingying was happy alone.

After finding a place to park the car, a pair of tender white arms wrapped around his arms, and his little head leaned on the net.

She deliberately teased her twice, and said in a coquettish tone: "Ah Zhan, you can rest assured! Even if Ah Mo comes back, you will not endanger your status."

He followed her wish, so she naturally had to give him a sweet treat!

Tan Junzhan's big palm tightly held her small waist. In the eyes of outsiders, the two of them were clearly a pair of emotionally tired young couple.

Have you ever seen a couple who can be glued like this?
This alley is not too small, and because the address is hidden, it is not easy for the city management to find out, so there are many small businesses and vendors gathered here.

Xue Yingying has not enjoyed such a comfortable life for a long time.The most important thing is that she has a man she loves deeply by her side, which is really rare and unimaginable.

She hugged his arms more and more tightly, and the two continued to walk forward.

After walking a few steps, her eyes were attracted by a street vendor.Looking over there with straight eyes, she couldn't take it back, so she had to choose to let go and trot over.

Therefore, Tan Junzhan had no choice but to follow.

Taking a closer look, his entire scalp was tingling.

Not because of anything else, but because she held it in her hands and couldn't put it down. It was the couple shirt she had been talking about before.

Let him wear this thing, that's okay, where should I put my face?

Tan Junzhan's throat tightened, and the word "no" had already sprung out, but she was forced to hold it back by her begging eyes with a little desire.

In the whole world, what he can't stand the most is her acting like this.

With a wave of his hand, Tan Dashou directly said: "Wrap everything up!"

He spends a lot of money, how can Xue Yingying let him be extravagant?
The small vendor's pupils suddenly dilated, looking at him as if he was the God of Wealth.

Xue Yingying corrected very unkindly: "We only need these two items, and we don't need the others."

"But this gentleman..." The peddler was still arguing.

"Ah Zhan, you said who is in charge of the family's financial power?" Xue Yingying raised her chin, posing like a queen.

Tan Junzhan chuckled muffledly, and naturally understood her innocence, it's not good to let her sing a one-man show alone.

He suppressed his smile and pulled her into his arms: "Is there anyone else besides you?"

"That's enough, we want these two pieces! If you dare to say 'no', don't want to see me tomorrow." Queen Xue's attitude was obvious, and she arrogantly issued a death order.

Look at her virtuous manner, once in a while, Tan Junzhan will follow her temperament.

But in the eyes of others, this is not the case.

The peddler was a young girl, just at the age when she came out to beg for life.At first glance, someone who looks like Tan Junzhan, with a domineering appearance, naturally admires him in his heart.However, not long after the admiration, the dream was shattered. This kind of man actually has the element of a married wife in his bones.

What a disappointment!
The vendor lady let out a long sigh, and continued to entertain other guests.

Seeing this, Xue Yingying's playing factor was fully revealed. She raised her hand and slammed into his side, jokingly said, "Aren't you going to save yourself?"

"Strangers, it doesn't matter." Tan Junzhan was open-minded, and he didn't worry about it.

I have to say that these simple six words satisfied her very well.

After Xue Yingying checked inside and out, she stared at the clothes in her hand and couldn't help saying: "I'm not sure about the size, I want to try it on."

The vendor lady was probably still immersed in the previous shock, and casually pointed to the corner of the "storefront" that was erected: "Just go there, just pull the curtain."

Xue Yingying was used to this kind of experience in her early years, but she forgot to consider whether someone could accept it.

Before she ran to that place, Tan Junzhan waved his hand to stop her: "If you don't pay attention to your image, I will lose face!"

What are they talking about?

The street vendor couldn't stand it anymore. She sat down and snatched the things from Xue Yingying's hand with a tug: "There is dignity in doing business. I just don't sell things to people like you."

Is it easy to have a birthday?
Xue Yingying didn't want the situation to be too bad, so she had no choice but to act as a peacemaker and talk: "If you can't try it on, just wrap it up for me! We want it."

"The size is not suitable, and we will not return or exchange it." The vendor's tone was very firm. Isn't this the man who made it up?

Xue Yingying was depressed, and now she could only do this, she smiled lightly and approachable: "It's okay."

It's impossible for Tan Junzhan to be unclear about Nizi's concession, it's all because of him.

So, he stepped forward and said in an unquestionable and firm tone: "Try, you must try it on. Just go to that place, and I will go in with you."

Then, he snatched the lovers' shirt from the vendor's hand, grabbed her wrist with the other hand, and walked towards that corner.

Xue Yingying resisted vigorously along the way, he is simply crazy, is this insincere and makes people laugh?

"Let me go! I won't go over there to change." It's barely enough for him to fit in such a small place, let alone two people.

"It's okay if you don't go there, just change it in the car, if it doesn't fit, come over and return it immediately." Tan Junzhan spoke strictly, as if he was performing official business, and he couldn't tolerate any sloppy.

Clutching her hand tightly, he dragged her away, aiming at the direction of the car body.

As soon as he stuffed it into it, Tan Junzhan didn't have any time to hesitate, and all four sides of the interior of the carriage were raised with partitions to prevent any possibility of her happiness leaking out.

And he folded his arms and stared straight ahead with awe-inspiring eyes, as if he had the attitude of a gentleman.

Just him?laugh--

Xue Yingying didn't believe it at all.

"You want me to do it myself?" There was no sound in the back seat, Tan Junzhan turned his head to observe, the clothes she was holding were motionless.

As soon as Xue Yingying heard his words, she was defeated. Let him fight, why not work harder!
"Turn your head away, don't turn your head back." Xue Yingying yelled at him, it was this consideration that she had been hesitating all along.

Tan Junzhan turned her head away as she wished, but the words she spit out were quite embarrassing: "Little mandarin, who cares?"

"You have developed chest muscles, how come no one mistook you for a woman?" Compared with eloquence, under his careful guidance, Xue Yingying did not show weakness.

Tan Junzhan waited silently, waiting for her dressing to end.

Lover's shirt, Tan Junzhan has never paid attention to this thing.However, when he appeared in the same clothes as the little guy, he couldn't imagine the scene.

The first thing that came to mind was not his loss of face, but whether the two of them were right?

However, in about a minute or two, the carriage they were staying in was suddenly bumped from the rear.

As soon as Xue Yingying put on the couple shirt, she was startled by the violent noise behind her.

"A Zhan—" Xue Yingying's voice was faintly trembling.

Even birthdays once a year don't make people feel comfortable, how annoying!
Xue Yingying was dissatisfied and slandered in her heart. For some reason, she had an inexplicable thought that she always felt that she was an acquaintance.

So, before Chief Tan gave the order, she glanced back.

But because of this look, she didn't even see the other person's face clearly, and the rear of the carriage received a huge impact again.She was not bound by any safety equipment, and she almost threw herself on the front seat cushion.


Tan Jun Zhan lacked skills in avatars, so he couldn't spare any other time to investigate the perpetrator.

He placed her in the passenger seat, fastened the seat belt, and headed straight to the hospital.

It's the operating room again.

Xue Yinuo rushed over as soon as he received the call. As soon as he stepped into this floor, the shocking bright red light lit up. He couldn't hold back the impulsive force in his heart, and swung his fist again.

"Tan Junzhan, you don't have the ability to protect her well, why do you take her away?" The angry words were not enough, Xue Yinuo punched again.

During this time, a small figure hurriedly squeezed into the middle of the two, and hurriedly separated: "I have already found out that the person who drove the car into the boss is Benson."


Even if it was found out, this caused Xue Yinuo to complain even more: "It's Benson again? Tan Junzhan, some people you provoke outside, why would you want your daughter to suffer for you? You are not qualified to protect her, so you can get a divorce as soon as possible."

"I will do everything possible to protect her."

He won't compromise with a man who has encountered several fists in a row.When everyone is wishing for the two to divorce, will he let go of the hard-won marriage?
I don't think about it!

"Boss, you also suffered a lot of injuries from Benson's impact. Rest in the next bed for a while, and I will take care of my sister-in-law here."

Xue Yinuo always only had Xue Yingying in her heart, but Ding Keke was different. She investigated the ins and outs of all events.

According to the battle situation at that time, in order to catch Xue Yingying who was thrown forward from behind, the boss acted as a human air cushion.

Even though he is strong, he is still a body of flesh and blood, how could he not be injured?

(End of this chapter)

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