Chapter 159
It has to be said that Bessemer's influence is still quite large.

Meeting at University A during the day, Xue Yingying tossed and turned at night, unable to fall asleep.


She scratched her head irritably, then sat up abruptly, a pair of clear panda eyes had begun to appear on her face.

After more than a year of marriage, she was used to resting on his shoulder, smelling his familiar body odor with the tip of her nose, and gradually fell asleep.

Now that he has acted like this, how can he let her go back and admit her mistake, and show her favor?

Xue Yingying gritted her teeth with hatred, she had nowhere to vent her anger, so she had to vent her impulse on the pillow, kneading wantonly.

Suddenly, the appearance of Dang Zimo, whom she had not seen for a long time, jumped into her mind.

How long has it been since he remembered this character?
Xue Yingying herself didn't even know that she had forgotten the promise she had promised to find him.

She blamed herself a lot in her heart, and when she turned her eyes to think about it, the outlines of Dang Zimo and Bessimo began to overlap.

The final result was an accident, and the images of the two in memory almost matched.

Xue Yingying was taken aback by this thought, and couldn't fall asleep anymore.

She scratched her head and thought, could it be that Bessimo was the Ah Mo she had been looking for so hard?
Is there no one who can give her an accurate answer?
All the rare vacations she had were used by her to ponder this question.Until the night before departure, she fell into a vicious cycle of insomnia.

As a night owl, she suffered from severe lack of sleep, causing her to oversleep the next day.

"Look at you, you're almost three years old, and you're still frizzy. In 10 minutes, meet downstairs, and I'll take you there."

"Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrur..." Xue Yingying was holding a bird's nest on her head, and her toothbrush was still sliding back and forth in her mouth, her words of thanks were vague.

Such a scene hadn't happened for a long time, and Xue Yinuo, who was leaning against the door panel, could no longer calm down, and stepped forward to help her wipe off the toothpaste froth on the corners of her mouth.

Along the way, Xue Yingying thoroughly experienced Xue Yinuo's superb driving skills.

After she got out of the car, her legs and feet were still shaking.

Her breathing was messed up and she couldn't return to her normal level.

Xue Yingying couldn't help giving him a thumbs up: "Brother, it's a pity that you don't want to be a racing driver!"

"Xue Yingying, you are the only one missing in the whole team, why are you still talking nonsense?"

The long-lost male voice still startled her.

A fragile heart was beating happily, who knew why he was standing behind her when he had nothing to do?

"Brother, go slowly first, parents will take care of you more." Xue Yingying waved to him and said goodbye quickly.

Turning around, the man's terrifying eyes stayed on her for a long time.

Xue Yingying seemed to be a normal person, she went straight to him and saluted: "Sir, I'm sorry, there is a little traffic jam on the road. Please forgive me!"

"Let the whole team wait for you alone?" His words were not as harsh as imagined, and it was unacceptable.

But even so, Xue Yingying still couldn't accept his change of attitude.

couple?It's ridiculous, is there such a speaking pattern?

The memory began to rewind, and she unconsciously remembered the time in the beast camp.

Hehe, bringing up the past will only make people feel ridiculous.

Xue Yingying quickly withdrew from the memory, corrected her posture, and smiled faintly: "What the chief taught me is that I admit my mistake."

"Everyone, I'm really sorry. Due to my personal reasons, I kept everyone waiting for a long time. I'm really sorry!"

As she said, Xue Yingying bowed her waist and apologized in public.

Others didn't know the details of their private affairs, and thought that their relationship was still harmonious.

The eldest woman, who dares to get angry with her?

Everyone opened their mouths and said, "It's okay, it's traffic jam, it's normal in the capital."

"Chief, may I return to the team now?" With two fingers out of her left hand, she made a walking gesture, moving back and forth non-stop.

He looked at her, his face changed again and again, and he didn't know what bad thoughts were brewing.

Xue Yingying looked straight at him, her eyes full of anticipation.

Taking advantage of everyone's presence, Xue Yingying once again took advantage of the topic: "Chief, do you want to be punished? I admit it. I will cancel my attendance at this mission, or review the one-thousand-character test of the small black house. I accept everything."

Doesn't that make it obvious that he can't get off the table?

Tan Junzhan's comprehension ability is not bad, he strode forward, he approached her side, raised his eyebrows slightly, and spoke in a volume that only two people could hear: "After the mission is over, I will talk to you again." You explain."

It's not obvious, do you need an explanation?
Nizi was unwilling to give this opportunity, she subconsciously regressed, and her cold voice cut off all the old feelings between the two of them.

"No need, without you, I can survive alone. In my world, because of losing you, the earth will no longer turn, and the sun will come out from the west. Talking about Jun Zhan, don't think too much about yourself."

Xue Yingying's words are indeed hurtful. Don't blame her for being unrighteous.

Nizi joined the team decisively without getting the news from him that she could return to the team.

No one has anything to say, in terms of courage and fat, who can compare to her?There is also a high-powered head behind him.

"All listen to the order, let's go—" With Tan Junzhan's order, everyone finally left.

Tan Junzhan watched her leave all the time, his eyes gradually shimmered.

Concentrating on her, he was a scout with sharp ears, and immediately noticed something strange around him.

"Who?" The slight noise around him still failed to escape his observation.

The people who came did not dodge any more, but came out from the secret place.

Tan Junzhan took a look, a little surprised: "Yinuo, are you still worried about her?"

"If that's what you mean by protection, you're dead wrong."

It is impossible for Xue Yinuo to not have any insight when things have evolved to this point.For years of brotherhood, he clearly talks about Jun Zhan as a person who values ​​affection, friendship and love are equally important.

He was able to act out that scene face to face, and he thought of that possibility at that time.

Because of Xue Yingying, Xue Yinuo's head became hot, and his plan was developed.

"In the past few nights, she hasn't slept well, even though she doesn't say anything." Recalling what she had observed, Xue Yinuo felt distressed.

After that, he couldn't control the flame in his heart, and he grabbed someone by the collar: "I admit, she will only belong to you in this life. But, promise me, those things must not let her know the truth , my daughter will not be able to bear it."

"I know, so this matter needs your help." Tan Junzhan's eyes flickered, perhaps because the two of them had reached a consensus.The thought of something about to happen immediately suppressed his emotions.

Does he still need his own help?It is rare.

Xue Yinuo raised his brows slightly, and waited for the next word.

Tan Junzhan looked around, the surroundings seemed to be quiet, who knows if the walls have ears here?
With a sideways flash, "Go to my place and explain in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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