Chapter 160
A major, see A major again.

Xue Yingying didn't check the mission location carefully before coming, so she was a little surprised here.

Han Shaoting had already known before departure that she was regarded as the senior sister of this group of students.For other jokes, he didn't dare to jokingly say to Xue Yingying, for fear of causing memories she shouldn't have.

"Sister-in-law, I heard that you also graduated from University A before. As a senior sister, you can't ask them to relax just because of this!" Han Shaoting deliberately pulled his identity closer, hoping that when the situation calmed down, he could help the boss to say something nice.

Xue Yingying was extremely vigilant, avoiding her body deliberately, and paying attention to him thoughtfully: "Talk well! Do I look like that kind of person? After leaving Manthorn, I'm just your subordinate, so don't have a biased attitude toward me." , to be treated fairly.”

Just thinking that he belongs to Tan Junzhan's side, Xue Yingying couldn't face up to his existence.In just a short time, she was the first to reach University A.

As for the specific assigned list, this was arranged by the school in advance, just to save their time.It's really rare for the thorns to allocate part of them to serve as instructors at University A.

Xue Yingying stared at the roster in her hand for a long time, raised her head in surprise, and asked, "There isn't even a girl in this class?"

I glanced three or five times vertically and horizontally, and none of the names looked smooth and marginal with women.

As the principal, he quickly scanned the team, and Xue Yingying was the only female instructor, which surprised him.

He smiled kindly: "Since ancient times, men and women have been paired together, and work is not tiring. It is because there is no girl in this class, so it needs to be adjusted."

"Sister-in-law...Xue Yingying, most of the items in my hand are girls, I'll trade them with you." When he was away from home, even without Tan Junzhan's instructions, Han Shaoting still shared her worries.


Regarding the instructor's matter, he had arranged it in advance, and changed his mind temporarily, just because the students would not be able to explain it.For a while, he was quite troubled, and he had nothing to say.

Xue Yingying also came out of University A, and the one in front of her is the one she was in school.She has a gentle personality and puts students first in all aspects, so she is not easy to embarrass.

"No, you don't need to specialize me. Aren't they just boys? I don't believe that I can't handle them." Xue Yingying pulled the roster in her hand, and without saying a word, her stubborn temper got on her body.

University A is a territory she is familiar with, and she can find the base even if she wanders around alone.

She didn't follow the main force, and the principal wanted to stop her.In case she gets lost, they have to send someone to find her, which is not worth the loss.

As soon as he moved his mouth, Han Shaoting explained: "It's okay, she——Xue Yingying, as a senior sister who graduated from University A a few years ago, how could she get lost? Stop talking nonsense! Principal, you open the way ahead, and the rest of us follow. Join together."

When Han Shaoting and his group arrived later, the unexpected Xue Yingying had indeed appeared.It's just that her slapped face was tightly wrinkled, and all the freshmen in Yishui'er looked at her with a sneer.

"Why did the principal send us such a tender little girl?" Among them was a proud young man, still muttering.He squatted on the ground and watched her for a long time.

Xue Yingying's skin has not been exposed to the sun, and it has turned red in a short time. No wonder it caused a group of teenagers to laugh.

Their laughter and laughter have long attracted Han Shaoting to come and watch.

"Go to the side to rest first, I'm here..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Xue Yingying interrupted sharply: "It's my task to deal with them this time, and no one can help. Han Shaoting, get out of here!"

Don't blame her for not saying nice things, that's how she treats the high-ranking prince.

The boss has nothing to do with her, let alone him.

Han Shaoting was frustrated at her place, but he couldn't help seeing her skin problem.

So, he waved to the principal: "If you have any impression, Xue Yingying, the female instructor, can be regarded as the number one person in your A university. Dang Zimo, you should still have an impression? What happened between her and Dang Zimo back then, I guess The whole school has been rumored. And now, she is my sister-in-law, the wife of our boss, the prince. This time, the boss will let her come here in order to assess her overall level. If she goes back with sunburn... Hmph, you should know what to do by now?"

A wise man does not need to complete his speech, he believes that the other party will understand.

Han Shaoting just hummed, and the other party immediately expressed his opinion: "I'll go and invite the school doctor right away."

It's almost there!
Most of the reason why Han Shaoting took care of her was because of the sweetness given by a certain woman, otherwise why would he bother?

That young man who swallowed clouds and mist, with a rebellious temperament, is probably the leader of this group of young men.

Xue Yingying's ability to observe is pretty good, to capture the thief first, she must first capture the king, of course she knows that she has to subdue him first.

"Not enough?" Xue Yingying didn't snatch the cigarette butt from his mouth like other instructors, then threw it on the ground and stomped it hard.

The young man understood her problem, so he just raised his head, hooked his mouth, and took out the rest from his pocket: "Want to try? You're welcome, these are my rewards for you!"

At such a young age, it is still commensurate with the word "father"?

Xue Yingying slandered dissatisfiedly in her heart, because this sentence made her think of someone again, and felt depressed in her heart.


Xue Yingying herself dislikes the smell of smoke, and every time she hangs out with Tan Junzhan, she always reminds him not to be contaminated by the smell of smoke.This time, someone actually handed the tobacco directly into her hands, can it have a good end?

With a soft snort, she stuffed it into her pocket.Even if she wanted to solve them, she couldn't do it in public, and she didn't want to arouse the public anger of these young men.

"Don't try?" The boy was still instigating.

Xue Yingying was unmoved, she found a shady place by herself, and then leaned on her back tightly: "Other classes have already started to implement the project, and I am a better person to talk. When will you be ready, we will Just when to start. If the project cannot be completed today, no one is allowed to rest and eat."

"Does that include you?" The young man was most concerned about this.


Xue Yingying changed her gentle image before, and a look of dissatisfaction suddenly appeared in her eyes: "I have hundreds of methods to deal with you, but you are not worthy of my use."

"It's not difficult for us to be obedient." With a crooked smile on the corner of his mouth, the unruly boy finally stopped smoking.

"Big brother-"

Sure enough, he was the "leader" who led the rebellion.

Xue Yingying wasn't overjoyed by his words, she glanced lightly: "Say—"

With a concise and concise style, she didn't know when she got into this bad habit.

"It's just a trivial matter, as long as you make a deal with me, we will all obey your orders, how about it?" He thought that this exchange of conditions was quite attractive.

However, he didn't know that Xue Yingying was not an ordinary woman.

"Sister-in-law, let me deal with this little bastard."

Han Shaoting flicked his sleeves, his face showed a fierce look, and he was about to kill him on a rampage.It's a pity that there are also a group of little girls who are not very familiar with him.

He looks handsome, who wouldn't be attracted by the little girls in and out of the campus?

One of them was very courageous, and threatened her in front of her: "Stinky bastard, I don't have the ability to discipline those boys, so I want to hook up with instructor Han to help? Shameless!"


Xue Yingying was not angry at all, and responded directly in a calm tone: "Han Shaoting, go back! No one will intubate my business."

"Sister-in-law..." He was still arguing.

Xue Yingying was determined after eating the weight, "Go back! Even if he came, the result would still be the same."

She has a stubborn personality, and few decisions can be changed, so Han Shaoting had no choice but to follow her temper.But the girl who dared to contradict and abuse her did not end so well.

"Want to have a boo? Are you not afraid that I have bad breath?" Xue Yingying smiled lightly, and did not continue to approach.

The young freshman shook his head: "No matter what you say today, I'm going to fix you anyway. Little girl, I'm in love with you, my lord, it's your blessing!"

Isn't it just because of the bad money in the family that you want to do evil?
Xue Yingying smiled contemptuously, she was so charming in his eyes.

Since he insisted, she couldn't lose her interest.It's not too early, and it is indeed time to make a quick decision.

Xue Yingying approached him a few steps away, she exhaled like blue, and the scorching breath sprayed on his cheek: "Are you sure?"

Young and energetic, there is an impulse in his body that makes no noise, and he is about to break out of the cage.

"Sure, sure, and sure." The young man was firm, and his next move was to hug her small waist tightly.

It looks like Yingying can't handle it, I don't know how it will work when you get started?

He is eager to try.

Xue Yingying took advantage of the trend and felt as if she was clinging to it, but the next movement was to raise her leg suddenly, and her knee pushed up fiercely and quickly.And that position—ahem, it happened to be his most vulnerable place.

"You - scoff!" The leader of the young man couldn't help covering his place, gasping for air again and again.

Xue Yingying helplessly spread her palms: "I gave you a choice, but if you don't listen, I have no choice but to do so."

"Now, who else wants to challenge again?"

In this end, it is clear that the other party deserves it and is not worthy of sympathy.Xue Yingying didn't bother to pay attention to him who was screaming. Turning around, she faced the others and asked questions lazily.

Anyway, she is full of energy, and another pair can still deal with it.

It's a pity that no one dared to speak up.

She was extremely disappointed, and a male voice came from behind: "Instructor Xue has some good brushes, you troublemakers want to try again?"

(End of this chapter)

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