Chapter 161 DNA
The voice sounded strangely familiar, could it be him?
It was hard for Xue Yingying to believe the thought circling in her mind. In order to confirm the fact, she turned around quickly and looked at the man in front of her with straight eyes.

He——as expected!

Xue Yingying's face immediately darkened, but then she was speechless again.

If she revealed his identity to his face, he probably would have to go around too much.

As the person with the thorn, her first reaction should indeed be to subdue him to the ground, but there is an opposite voice in her heart.

A lot of excitement was created here, and several colleagues who were scattered around immediately shot their eyes directly.

As long as she yelled, they would definitely rush forward at the first.Among them, Han Shaoting's reaction was the most prominent.

Let the other party get close to her, is that okay?
Han Shaoting's eyes were tight, and he said briefly: "All stand at attention and stand in place for half an hour."

As soon as he was about to take a step, the little girls said dishonestly: "Instructor Han, that female instructor, is she your girlfriend?"

Looking at the interaction between the two, they didn't look like a husband and wife, so they guessed wildly.

"Instructor Han and I are just the relationship between the captain and his subordinates."

When Han Shaoting was stunned speechless, Xue Yingying argued directly.After that, she clearly saw something in the eyes of the girl who asked.

The flowers are big and small, and wherever you go, there is a little green among the thousands of flowers, which is very eye-catching, and this has brought disaster to the campus!

There was a smile in Xue Yingying's eyes, and she said half-jokingly: "Adore Han Brigade? You can, but you have to wait until the military training is over before you act."

"..." Han Shaoting's eyelids twitched again and again, really speechless.

Whether she admits it or not, in his heart, she will always be his sister-in-law, and no one can shake her.

"Sure enough, it's the woman I like, her eyes aren't that bad." The young man who was lying on the ground chose to despise her at this moment.

It's understandable to be disgusted by my sister-in-law, but this brat—it's simply unforgivable.

Han Shaoting hadn't moved yet, but there was movement on this side.

Xue Yingying's arm was pinched hard, and she suddenly lifted it up.

A nameless sense of oppression followed, and she immediately turned her head around, with a lot of jumping flames blooming in her eyes: "This gentleman, please let go."

"I have something to discuss with you, go over there." The hand holding her arm reversed direction, and he clasped her slender wrist tightly instead, and then compulsively dragged her to the destination.

The young man lying on the ground in disarray did not agree: "Hey, do you know who my father is? He dared to snatch the woman I like, young master. Are you tired of work?"

"Your father?" The man repeated, and then he smiled a bit unclearly, "Who is your father, you have to ask your mother, anyway, it can't be me."

"You—you bastard!"

He took advantage of his words, how could the young man not respond?He, who had been lying still, jumped up all of a sudden, forgetting about Xue Yingying's knee feud.


The corner of the man's mouth was raised, with a proper arc.

that smile—

Xue Yingying took a step back in disbelief. The similar profile of the gentle boy and the basically matching arc of the smile all corresponded to him.

Is he really Ah Mo?

"Student, during this period of time, I will be your temporary counselor. Now, I have to help you and plead with the instructor. Do you think I should?"

In a word, he was choked up.

Bessemer dragged her away desperately.

Han Shaoting watched everything, how could he not react at all?

Based on protecting her, he was ready to follow in the next moment.However, Han Shaoting's attitude was predictable and angry when he saw that the honest principal stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Go away!"

Han Shaoting had already recognized that guy's identity immediately.But once the deeds are exposed, it will definitely be the gang of sub-schools that will be hurt first.In public and private, they really shouldn't take risks because of this.

His temper suddenly changed, and the principal couldn't accept it for a while.

Out of fear, he immediately withdrew his hand, and the corner of his mouth got stuck, before he spoke: "That he is a new temporary counselor, and he will not hurt Instructor Xue."

"The arrangement of the roster was all arranged by him alone?"

Han Shaoting's voice raised several pitches, he should have thought of this fact long ago.

damn it!
"Yes, because he is the sponsor who has invested the most in the school in recent years, so..."

Han Shaoting's current performance seems to be talking about the special effects of Jun Zhan's upper body.The terrifying look in his eyes made the other party unable to continue speaking.

Quite a few besymers, what a boldness!
Han Shaoting's eyes were directly closed, and because of this action, the cold light in his eyes was completely hidden.

Xue Yingying was taken away, so should the group of boys and girls be allowed to continue to relax?
He raised his voice sharply, "All the students led by Instructor Xue obeyed the order and ran ten laps around the playground. No one was allowed to rest if they did not complete the specified number of laps. Those who disobeyed will be doubled."

"Why do you take over?" The young man was still looking anxiously at the direction Xue Yingying left, and there seemed to be a little more eager anticipation in his eyes.

"She is not the woman you should dream about! Because you molested Second Lieutenant Xue in public before, all of you must be punished for your actions. Do you want a reason? Just because I am the chief instructor here!"

Han Shaoting choked out confidently, he couldn't directly confront Bessymer, he didn't believe that he couldn't cure these little bastards anymore.

Xue Yingying had thousands of impatiences in her heart, but she still followed his temperament and was forced to drag her to a lush grove that just shaded her from the sun.

There was no one around, which happened to be a good time to pick up the topic. She asked directly, "Bessymer, if you have something to say, don't waste my time."

"Displeasure", two bold characters, were clearly written on her face.

He just appreciates her straightforwardness!
Bei Ximo was not as usual, but her heavy eyes were always fixed on her face, which made Xue Yingying very uncomfortable.

She avoided her body on purpose: "Admiring my looks? Next time, I will reward you two, and the peach blossoms will surely bloom."

He had never seen such a confident person!
"Is there any foreign body in front of Dang Zimo around you? I want to do a DNA confirmation." He finally explained his purpose.

Xue Yingying's small face was tightly wrinkled, and she refused to let go: "Even if there is, I will not provide it to you. You are not my Mo, and you will never be in this life."

Her position is firm, and he will never disclose this information without strong evidence.

"I heard that the prince has treated you coldly recently. Are you interested in retaliation? He can flirt with Lian Yinyun, but you can't?" Bessiemo changed the subject and brought this matter up.

Xue Yingying was alert: "Your purpose—"

Bessemer just pursed the corners of his mouth lightly and did not speak, his smile deepened.

(End of this chapter)

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