Chapter 162 Strawberry Mark
The boys in that class were not easy to deal with, Xue Yingying didn't know what cruel punishment Han Shaoting did to them after she left.

When she came back, everyone looked at her with sad eyes, but her body was arranged in a mess, like a lying corpse.

Under the double blow from Bei Ximo and Han Shaoting, they were finally more obedient, and Xue Yingying was not as tiring as she imagined.

It has been a long time since she has received similar training, and Xue Yingying can't stand it.

University A gave her a lot of preferential treatment. Since she was the only female among the instructors, a single room was specially set aside for her to rest.Air conditioning hot water, fully equipped facilities.

After working hard all day, if you can take a hot bath, it is indeed a great thing in life.

Xue Yingying is enjoying herself at the moment, with her eyes closed, every pore on her body is opened, allowing the rising water vapor to enter her body one by one.

And at such a beautiful moment, it was too much for a noisy voice to interrupt.

The phone in the bedroom kept ringing, Xue Yingying hadn't enjoyed herself to the fullest, how could she be willing to leave?
She chose to shield her ears directly, and she continued to immerse herself in it.

In the bathroom, the white mist was lingering and rising gradually, and she was in this hazy beauty, forgetting herself.

After the phone rang for a while, it stopped talking.

It is estimated that the other party considers that she should have gone to bed by now, so it is inconvenient to disturb her.

Who knows, as soon as this thought came to Xue Yingying's mind, there seemed to be a noise of someone removing the door panel from the door of the room.

Who the hell is that brave!

The other party bullied her, how could she continue to tolerate it?

Without saying a word, she reached out to lift up the towel, wrapped her body a few times, and went out in a hurry.

Only then did she step out, before she even had a clear look at the opponent's appearance, she quickly fell into the opponent's hands.

"Smelly girl, how many calls have you had? See for yourself!"

He fiercely pulled her into his arms, and quickly came to the big bed.He picked it up casually and stuffed the phone into her palm, his expression looked a bit uneasy!

Xue Yingying glanced out of the corner of her eye, and caught sight of his expression.

What Gallbladder described was her, and she slid to unlock it with a calm expression.

However, she was almost dumbfounded by the number of missed calls that jumped up on the screen.

A fist was thrown over lightly, and she couldn't help complaining: "More than a dozen phone calls? Tan Junzhan, are you out of your mind? I'm here to be an instructor, not to have an affair, can you do this?"

She stared at people closely, and she was not as crazy as him.

Yes, it is crazy.

Regardless of men and women, during a relationship, if the other party always likes this, the other party will definitely not be able to bear it.There must be a limit to everything, and once it is exceeded, ordinary people cannot accept it.

This is the case in front of me.

After a few punches, Tan Junzhan couldn't bear it anymore, he stopped, and he gnashed his teeth and said, "During the day, what did you and Bessymo do?"

Oh, so you came to settle accounts with him?
Xue Yingying raised her eyebrows suddenly, it turned out that Bessimer's scheme had worked.

In Tan Junzhan's eyes, the most dangerous rival in love is number one.Surprisingly similar to Dang Zimo, Xue Yingying would mistake him for his return every time, how could this not make Tan Junzhan nervous.

No, he settled the account and came to the door.

With a push with her little hand, she easily escaped from under him.

Standing not far away, Xue Yingying only cared about whether she was naked.She lowered her head and took care of her outfit. In the dressing room, she casually replied, "Your state officials are allowed to set fires, and our people are not allowed to light lamps? Tan Junzhan, if you really can't stand me, I can give you back your freedom." body."

"No play!"

He was direct, only answering with these two words.

This undoubtedly set off a turbulent wave in Xue Yingying's heart. She immediately stopped her movements, and the smile in her eyes immediately suppressed.

"Yes, military marriage is indeed inseparable. If you like to procrastinate like this, I'm not afraid to spend so much time with you. Anyway, you play your game, and I also have my magic weapon to relieve boredom. Each takes what he needs and does not disturb each other."

Getting him to give up voluntarily is simply as difficult as climbing the sky.Xue Yingying didn't quite know the reason for his excessive persistence.If it's because of loving her, then why bother to stage that scene in front of her eyes.

The past reappeared, and her heart was throbbing, which was difficult to relieve.

"I will give you a reasonable explanation when this mission is over. Now, you must draw a clear line with Bessemer." Up to this moment, Chief Tan did not forget the purpose of coming here today.

Now that he was able to find his old love outside, it is enough to show that she is not as attractive to him as before.

It wasn't too early, Xue Yingying didn't want to pay attention to him, and walked past him.She yawned again and again, lifted the quilt, and then buried herself directly under the quilt.

"Enough! I'm sleepy now, and I just want to go to Mengdie with Duke Zhou. You can figure it out, and remember to lock the door for me after you go out. Walk slowly and don't see you off!" Xue Yingying simply issued a eviction order, regardless of his opinion. .

Tan Junzhan had never been treated this way before, and a look of displeasure immediately flashed in his eyes.

"Get up!" The big hand grabbed the corner of the quilt covering her body, and he was about to throw it up.

Xue Yingying pressed down hard, her clear eyes showed no signs of sleepiness at all.

"Divorce, or leave, you can decide for yourself! After the task is over, I only have the relationship between the leader and the subordinate with you, and you can't think about anything else."

Immediately sitting up, she clutched the quilt desperately, determined not to let his purpose succeed.

In the past, because he doted on her, he let her do whatever she wanted. How likely is it this time?
The fundus of his eyes was pitch black, so deep that one could not see the bottom.

"Ninny, don't even think about leaving me in this life." He moved his jaw upwards, strangling her sharp chin before she was ready.

I haven't seen her for a few days, but her little face seems to be a little thinner again, which is really frustrating to watch.

Nizi just didn't agree with him, she turned her head to the side, "Then please get the hell out of my world!"

If the mountain cannot come, I will pass.

That's the reason, if she is not allowed to leave, then let him disappear.

Nizi got a nerve twisted.

"If you can win me over, I'll let you go." Tan Junzhan's tone seemed to soften a bit.

Xue Yingying finally chose to face him squarely, and opened her mouth to ask, "Is it true?"

How dare you question him?

Tan Junzhan's expression became more gloomy and colder than before: "I'm your man, keep your word and never break your word."

"You should take it back first, maybe you will not be my man soon." Xue Yingying looked at him provocatively, her eyes filled with the dawn of victory.

He will let her get what she wants?
Thinking about it!

"During a week in University A, only you can... win me over, and I'll let you go. How about it, is it fair enough?" The key words, he spoke close to her ear.

There was a bang in Xue Yingying's head, and the pot exploded. Her ears were as red as if they had been scalded by boiling water.

"Tan Junzhan, you're a bastard! It's been planned long ago, just wait for me to jump in." She didn't control her temper well, and she cursed like a steel hammer with her mouth.

But someone's expression now, compared to just now, has indeed improved a lot.

Tan Junzhan embraced her with big hands, shackled her small waist, and moved light kisses on her smooth cheeks.

Sniffing lightly, the smell was exactly what he was familiar with.

"Honey, the countdown starts now, or do you want to lose without a fight?"

Xue Yingying was suppressed by him, wishing she could kick him away.

This battle, the final victory or defeat, will definitely end with her defeat.But, losing without fighting, which is her style?
Ever since, this battle without gunpowder began immediately.

Being brave is indeed not what a smart person should do.

Xue Yingying was awakened by the whistle, and the man on the other end had long since disappeared.If it wasn't for the warm touch remaining in the bed, she might have thought it was just a dream.

"Sister-in-law, did the boss come over last night?"

A few minutes after six o'clock, Han Shaoting had already squatted outside her door, with surprise in his voice.

He can guess all this, what a genius!

Xue Yingying dragged her limp body and spent almost twice as long as usual before opening the door.

Han Shaoting's eyes immediately shimmered brightly, "Sister-in-law, it seems that the boss was very lucky last night!"

"Did you endocrine disorders recently? Like to squat under the window to eavesdrop?" Apart from this possibility, she couldn't think of anything else.

Han Shaoting was embarrassed by her answer, so he had to invite it truthfully: "Sister-in-law, I have a conscience, I don't have such a hobby. Bessimer is not a good bird, I am based on protecting you."

"Protection for me? Hmph! Why don't you say it's for your promise to Xuanzi? Our sisters are good girls. If you dare to let her down one day, I will definitely pull you out, strip your clothes and throw them in the Go to the city center." Xue Yingying clenched her fists and swung towards him fiercely, but finally stopped in front of his eyes.

She never thought of actually doing it, it was just a threat.

"Stop it! You bitch!"

The young girl's stopping sound came from behind.

Just as Xue Yingying was about to withdraw her hand, she was shoved violently by the powerful force behind her.She was originally physically exhausted, unable to withstand any external force, so she fell on the door panel.

The position of the neckline that had been tidied up just now was completely exposed again.

Pieces of bright red strawberry imprints were obviously imprinted recently.

And according to where Han Shaoting is standing, it is absolutely impossible that he just came out of it.

After such an association, the girl finally came to a conclusion: "You actually stole someone! How can a woman like you be worthy of the handsome counselor and instructor Han?"

What is this all about?

Xue Yingying was also puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

His reputation was all slandered, and Han Shaoting's face turned down: "Don't talk nonsense! First go to the playground to gather."

"Instructor Han, we must help you out of this bad breath. Just wait!"

Before Han Shaoting continued to teach him a lesson, the young girl ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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