Chapter 163
Being misunderstood, Han Shaoting only felt sorry: "Sister-in-law, this matter hurts your reputation, I will deal with it."

"It's okay. Isn't it just the little girl's awkwardness? I understand, you shouldn't be the one who should express your apology." Xue Yingying's words pierced his heart directly, and her face suddenly turned pale.

Han Shaoting didn't move his feet away, he froze there.

Xue Yingying didn't bother, the rumors outside were spreading like this, why should she go up and get involved?
"Captain Han, if you don't move, will our reputation become even worse?"

There was a little contemptuous smile in her voice, she could be regarded as self-deprecating.

As a temporary counselor, Bessemer is quite dedicated to his job.As long as a whole class of boys was exposed to the hot sun, he would be by his side for as long as possible.

This act of sharing weal and woe made the few girls in other classes cast hateful eyes at Xue Yingying.

Two handsome guys with different styles take good care of her at the same time, how can she?

Xue Yingying's skin is extraordinarily delicate compared to ordinary people.In the past, he was able to persevere all the way to the end in the beast camp, all thanks to the unknown medicine presented by Ding Keke.

Now, without that thing, how could she have no reaction at all?
If it wasn't for the suppression of her role as an instructor, she would have already left. Who wants to be with this man all day long?A skin bag is quite attractive, but she doesn't like it, whoever cares about it will take it, what is it like!
With this kind of thought in her heart, it was impossible for her to shake out the truth one by one, so she had to silently endure his sticky behavior.

"Itchy skin?" He leaned close to her, looking carefully at her.

After a while, the bright red mark between the collarbone jumped out directly, and his eyes burned instantly.

Xue Yingying had a cold face, not wanting to talk nonsense with him: "It's none of your business."

She said every word, and her attitude was quite cold. .

And her attitude just aroused someone's rebellious mentality.

Bessemer stepped forward stubbornly, conjured up a black plastic umbrella out of nowhere, and opened it with a flick of the floor.Both sides have vinyl components, which can be regarded as the most beneficial magic weapon to prevent ultraviolet rays.

"Keep it for yourself." He opened the umbrella and propped it directly above her head. Would she not understand his intention?
Just because I was obsessed with ghosts for a while, I listened to his Lao Shizi's suggestion, and I couldn't get out of bed on time every day?The whole body seemed to be disassembled by someone, rearranged and integrated.

Evil smelly man!

In her mind, a creature like a man is an abominable law of existence.

Whether it's Tan Junzhan, the domineering man who comes to fight for [-] rounds every night, or the black-bellied and sullen man who is smiling like a spring breeze, or the gang of mischievous troublemakers, she wants to escape. Object.

Taking a deep breath, she let it out decisively.

"Counselor, please don't disturb my training, OK?" She freed up three fingers, her good temper was on the verge of collapse.

In the next second, if he still doesn't know how to repent, she may really have to pierce the window paper.

"Beautiful instructor, it's been an hour, can we rest?" The little tender meat who said this was the young man who wanted to hook her up.

Xue Yingying got angry, and cast her eyes over the next moment.At the beginning of the training, which Ken has the right attitude?The end time was quite accurate.

She sulked herself.


If she didn't want to get rid of that clingy guy completely, how could she have found out with her conscience once?

The sun is extremely fierce today, her back must be red and swollen!

She just turned around and wanted to go back and take a hot shower.

Xiaonenrou opened his mouth to express his retention: "Beautiful sister, today is your last night in University A. Will you come to the bonfire party?"

His tone was different from usual joking, it seemed that there was a little more expectation.

It's rare that he has a heart.

Xue Yingying echoed, her tone was more usual and much gentler: "When the time comes, I will participate as your old school sister."

"Senior sister?" Upon hearing these two words, Xiao Nunrou's eyes were filled with strange brilliance.

Xue Yingying was restless and restless, always feeling that something should not happen.

Sure enough, his next speech still hit her guess.

"As a senior and also as an instructor. Sister beautiful, you must perform a show for us. That's it. I'll go and inform the principal first." Xiaonenrou decisively made such a decision for her, turned around and walked away. Start running.

Seeing that speed, Xue Yingying couldn't help but feel ashamed.

In normal training, if he has this speed, it will definitely be a good result for the first time!
"Aren't you going to stop it?" An Jing is here, and he will let the students mess around?

Xue Yingying stared at him in disbelief.

"It's what everyone expects, isn't it?" Bessymer didn't look back the whole time, but just threw his hands to the rear, and the dark group of boys behind him had mostly expectant eyes.

What is riding a tiger hard to get off? This is, forcibly forcing a good woman into prostitution...

Ah bah, the idiom is used incorrectly, the proper word should be - what is difficult for others!

She made him lose face in front of others a few times, and he just retaliated like this?
A man's heart, like a sea needle, is hard to measure!


Forced by the situation, she couldn't come down to the stage.I'm afraid that now that it's a foregone conclusion, it will be useless for her to waste her words.So, with a muffled snort, she walked away, let's solve the problem on her body first!
For Han Shaoting, the training is not over yet.

The principal of University A actually approached him on his own initiative, approached him, and said with a kind smile on his face: "Major Han, I just got the news. I heard that instructor Xue wanted to perform on stage on a temporary basis. Well, actually I am I'm looking forward to it. It's just that it's best not to use swords and guns, in case it will have a negative impact on the students..."

This is the end of his words, Han Shaoting can hear the purpose of his visit this time.

His face was flat, no expression could be seen on his face, and Han Shaoting's answer was quite official: "Okay, I'll talk to her later."

"Well, I'm really sorry to trouble you." The principal thanked him very much, holding his hand tightly, shaking it up and down, feeling very emotional.

A girl I ran into at the door of Xue Yingying's single dormitory before happened to be staying in Han Shaoting's class.After that time, she was severely taught by Han Shaoting, and she was naturally indignant in her heart.

Xue Yingying?
I want you to be there and lose all face!

A thick black shadow flashed across her eyes, and an incomprehensible smile curled up at the corner of her mouth.

The people next to her saw her strangeness, bumped their arms, and expressed concern: "What's wrong with you? You smile so weirdly?"

"When it's over, I'll tell you again, don't reveal it!"

"Sure, who of us is related to whom!"

(End of this chapter)

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