Chapter 164 Princess?
Hurriedly rushing back to the dormitory building, Xue Yingying was preparing to take a hot bath!

On one side of her head, her brain was working fast.Estimate the time, there is a difference of about two hours before the bonfire party at night, it is more than enough to take a bath and relax.

In a very light mood, she walked into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and waited for the water temperature to reach a suitable temperature.

There is still a period of time when she can only relieve her boredom by calling.

"Xuanzi, what have you been up to lately?" With her legs bent, she lay on the bed.

When the other party heard her lazy voice drifting over, he couldn't help but joked: "Sisters, you've been busy with things recently, so it's hard for you to think of me as a little guy, right?"

"How can you be a small person? At least you are also a Thumbelina!" The best friends, they are always joking with each other.

Chatting back and forth with a few words, her suppressed voice became much more comfortable.

"Nonsense! Thumbelina, why don't you like the flower picker?" Xia Xuanfu seemed to know something, and the deep laughter couldn't be covered.

Xue Yingying's heart trembled, and she sat up directly: "Why, you and Han Shaoting are still talking on the phone frequently recently?"

Besides his broken mouth can shake out, there will be a second person to let her know about this matter?

"Why, only you and the head of your family are allowed to make human beings every night?" Xia Xuanfu's ending sound turned up, and people who don't understand her personality can definitely make trouble for her.

Xue Yingying really knew her temperament, and it was not her style to get angry just because of such a small talk.However, there were some things she had to say.

After pondering over and over again, Xue Yingying couldn't hold back her advice in the end: "Xuanzi, seeing that you can have a happy home is my greatest happiness. To tell you the truth, Han Shaoting's flamboyant character has not been restrained at all. The whole first grade Most of the girls are waiting for the end of the military training to have a development with him."

"Niu'er, he and I are not what you think. If we get along, we will continue. If we don't, we will separate. It's as simple as that."

Don't listen to her free and easy voice, but Xue Yingying knows that her heart is more fragile than anyone else.

"Are you still trying to be brave? It's useless! At [-] o'clock in the evening, at the playground of A large playground, there will be a bonfire party, see you there or leave." Before the other party was ready to decline the line, Xue Yingying cut it off immediately.

Holding the fuselage in her hand, she was full of emotions for a moment, and a heavy stone was suppressed in her heart.

Xuanzi, the sisters can only help you so far. I hope that Team Han can find his way back and take care of you as a beloved man.

While she was thinking, the landline placed beside the bed rang, one after another.

Who is okay to play this?

Xue Yingying connected curiously, and before she could say anything, a tender female voice came from the receiver, probably one of the freshmen!

"Excuse me, is this Instructor Xue? It was the aunt in the dormitory who asked me to make a call. The solar energy in all the dormitories can't provide heat today. Therefore, I have to go to the bathroom to take a bath." She spoke in a timid voice, suppressing her voice, which sounded weak Weak, no momentum.

really true?

Xue Yingying held a skeptical attitude in her heart, but she agreed: "Okay, thank you classmate for your notice, I understand."

Don't blame her for being suspicious. In an unfamiliar environment, it's not a bad thing to be careful.

After getting up, she walked into the bathroom, stretched out her fingertips to check, and the water temperature was indeed about the same as before she left.

Hey, I guess I haven't been able to concentrate recently, and I've been thinking wildly all day long.

Xue Yingying was upset and gave herself a fist as a punishment.

It was indeed late, so she casually packed up a military uniform and rushed to the bathhouse.

As soon as she approached, she noticed something strange, and her footsteps came to a standstill.

What is the reason?

It's obviously the rush hour for bathing, but it's so quiet here that there's not a single sound. Isn't that suspicious?
"Why doesn't she go in?"

It was obvious that the owner was trying hard to control his volume in this depressing low voice.However, Xue Yingying successfully graduated as a member of the Beast Camp. Although she was not born in a major, her investigative level is still qualified.

Isn't the other party just looking forward to her entry?

Why doesn't she come along?

Under the anxious and earnest attention of the other party, Xue Yingying directly stepped into the room.

Dirty clothes stained with sweat, and a set of summer military uniforms, she left on the left and right, all of which came from the design of the school.

Turn on the faucet, and the warm and hot water is slowly spraying down. The speed is neither slow nor urgent, which is quite comfortable.

"Are you afraid? OK, then I will replace you."

There is more than one opponent?
Although Xue Yingying was washing up, her attention was still outside.

The corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, she wanted to see, what kind of behavior that the current little girl can make is so shocking?

However, even though she had made thousands of assumptions in her heart, she still didn't expect them to make such a move!
She has a pair of fast hands, so fast... After a few years of graduation, if she can't find a good job, she might still be able to steal from the rich and give to the poor.

Xue Yingying chose to strike at the first moment, not giving the other party a chance to escape, and directly grabbed her wrist, holding her tightly and refusing to let go.

However, there was a very fatal problem that she didn't take into consideration.She had just put on the shower gel, and she hadn't finished rinsing off the foam, and there was a slippery liquid on her hands.

With such a close clasp, how likely is it to be able to trap the other party?
The girl twisted like a water snake, Xue Yingying's palm slipped, and she ran away quickly.The friendship is still very deep, facing her companions who didn't move, she actually ran back and prepared to talk: "What are you doing to eat, isn't this the time to be dazed?"

The companion was stimulated by her words, and finally ran wildly.

Xue Yingying originally wanted to chase them out, but she was completely naked. She had never run like this before.

Want to impress?Come on, she has no such intentions yet.

She had a headache and was in trouble, how should she go out later.

Forget it, let's finish washing the foam first.

As soon as Xue Yingying turned around, there was a set of clothes in the original position.

The cute little pink color is matched with a hot miniskirt.

They still have a bit of conscience, and by the way, they also prepared an inner suit and safety pants to prevent exposure.

Is it necessary to frame her like this?

The corner of Xue Yingying's mouth twitched for a while, but there was no result after thinking for a long time.

Right now, she forgot to wear her mobile phone when she went out. Apart from accepting this preparation, what else can she do?

Headache, eye pain, every organ in the whole body is aching.

God must be against her. As soon as she stepped out of the bathroom, she was stopped by someone.

"Beautiful sister?" The voice mixed with surprise, isn't it just that little tender meat?

Xue Yingying was still tugging at the hem of the skirt. Due to tension, her thigh muscles kept tense, which caused the miniskirt to shrink up unconsciously.

Xiao Nen Rou didn't think about letting her go, so he circled around her, and after a circle, he came to her.

His eyes were full of infinite amazement, and he couldn't help but praise again and again: "As expected of the woman I'm looking for, she really has a good figure, but I don't know, what does it feel like to touch?"

With a salivating expression on his face, he almost regarded her as food!
There are countless beasts roaring in Xue Yingying's heart. Why did she agree to accept this task? Isn't this just to make her feel guilty?
"No way! Anyway, I don't belong to you. Go away!"

If he doesn't plan to let go, she really won't have time to change clothes.

With this kind of dress, it can be conveyed to her troublesome father-in-law and a certain man with a thousand-year-old vinegar bucket that night without the next day.

With the intention of accumulating blessings for herself, Xue Yingying is still working hard.

However, in order to meet her own visual needs, Xiaonenren pushed her forward from behind: "Beautiful sister, I know that you are specially prepared for this body. Time waits for no one, let's go there first! Don't worry, You're definitely the first one out."

First appearance?
your sister!
Xue Yingying just wanted to say something right now, where did the brat come from? He could only misinterpret her meaning.If she wasn't the instructor this time, she would have used brute force to knock him unconscious with one hand.

However, this can only be a fantasy.

The appearance of Xue Yingying is indeed eye-catching.

This kind of excessively cool attire is completely prohibited by the school.Schoolgirls want to dress?It's okay, the punishment will be issued immediately, but Xue Yingying is not under the jurisdiction of the school.

The headmaster was in a cold sweat, so he had to turn to Han Shaoting for help: "Brother Han, look at this—"

Unexpectedly, Han Shaoting hardly paid attention to him.

Xue Yingying's attire, in his opinion, is definitely a beautiful landscape.If she wasn't his sister-in-law, based on her past personality, if she didn't step forward to tease her, she would be really sorry for his flirtatious personality.

"sister in law--"

After all, Han Shaoting couldn't hold back the address, he shouted loudly in front of all the teachers and students.

Few of the people present knew her real name, except for a few colleagues in the mansard, and Bessemer and the principal.

Manthorn's immediate boss is Tan Junzhan, a well-known number one figure in the capital.If Han Shaoting can call her that, then she is——

The astonishment in everyone's eyes soon turned into probing eyes, hoping to find any clues from her.

"First of all, I would like to thank the two classmates who took my clothes by mistake. If it weren't for them, I'm afraid I wouldn't have the courage to try this style. Secondly, I'm about to make a fool of myself, I hope everyone doesn't hold it against me!"

All the good words were said by her.

Even though there is no evidence to show whether she is the rumored princess, this indifferent attitude has to be convincing.

Her ingenious remarks immediately won the applause of the whole house, and thunderous applause could not stop ringing.It lasted for about 5 minutes, and was finally interrupted by a male voice.

"Xue Yingying, do you dare?"

That voice without any warmth made people feel chills in their bones when listening to it at night, and the deep cold air suddenly penetrated into it.

(End of this chapter)

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