Chapter 165
Everyone present held their breaths and concentrated, no one knew what the big Buddha would do next.How much he cares about her has already spread throughout the capital.

Xue Yingying didn't change much, she continued to show a sweet smile, and said to him, "Chairman, come here at this point, do you want to come and accept our results?"

"Get down!"

Tan Junzhan ignored her words at all, and after being stubborn, he gave another cold order.

However, Xue Yingying is a master who is not afraid of anything.Let him control the hegemony for a week, and finally seized the opportunity, wouldn't she use it rationally?

Her long eyelashes trembled, but she just sang against him: "Captain Han, hurry up and make room for the chief, so that he can see my demeanor."

Is she still here?
Han Shaoting was also muttering in his heart.

Before he opened his mouth, Tan Junzhan couldn't hold back his mouth, and the last command came: "Xue Yingying, don't force me to resist you from the stage? Look at you in rags!"

On that face, black clouds approached and struck suddenly.That aura is chilling and aggressive.

Master and student A, most of them have never seen the way these two get along, and they can't help but sweat coldly.

After hearing his words, Han Shaoting couldn't help laughing alone.

The sullen man couldn't let go of his mouth and said that sentence.After all, isn't it just jealousy?Looking back at the beginning, the sister-in-law was dressed in a similar way, which immediately triggered his transformation and gnawed her out!
Here again today, my sister-in-law's fate is probably "miserable"!
"Me too!"

Xue Yingying helplessly spread her palms, her shoulders trembling slightly.

See what this is saying?
Tan Junzhan's face became even more gloomy.

"A few children really like my military uniform, so I gave it to them." Unexpectedly, she didn't tell the whole truth, giving the two girls enough face.

——If you want to travel far and wide, go to a higher level!

The old ancestor's admonishment is really good, you can only see far when you climb high.

Xue Yingying was the only one standing on the high platform, and she took into account the expressions and behaviors of everyone in the audience.Among them, the girls who were the two instigators naturally made no mistakes.

One of them was the one who threatened to take revenge on her at the door of her dormitory. She should be the mastermind.And there was a girl next to her, looking uneasy and slightly anxious.Before her butt was warm, she was about to get up.

Ms. Mastermind, how can I let her go?

With a hasty pull, a man-eating gaze shot at him, and the timid one returned to his original position.

Xue Yingying kept chuckling all the time, which made Tan Junzhan in the audience quite dissatisfied.

Who is there in her eyes?Get out!

Talking about such words, the Chief Chief can only slander in his heart and curse silently.

How could he let her continue to let her go on with such a shameful thing.

"Then I will show my shame for everyone, don't waste time, start now."

There was thunderous applause underneath, and the sound was deafening.

This undoubtedly stimulated someone's ears, and the string in his heart was completely torn.

He simply didn't hesitate anymore, without saying a word, he went directly to the stage to snatch people, acting like a man.

A few stepped forward, and it didn't take long for him to come to the bottom of the high platform.

This time, he stood still, and there was a lot of coldness in his slightly squinted eyes.

He raised his chin and looked towards her: "Last chance, jump off by yourself!"

"But I have a fear of heights..." Don't listen to her delicate tone, he didn't see any fear from her expression.

With a smug smile, haven't you set him a trap?
Depend on!
The arrow is on the string and has to be sent.

Tan Junzhan was really helpless, so he had no choice but to obey the answer in his heart, and stretched out his arms decisively: "Jump down, I will catch you."

"Everyone, teachers and classmates. I don't want to break my promise, but my husband is offended, so I must put his opinion first. Sorry!"

This is what I heard--

Tan Junzhan's mouth twitched several times, because of her, he lost face several times.

Taking advantage of his panic, the corners of Xue Yingying's mouth curled up and showed an upward trend: "My human cushion, here I come."

She smiled smugly again, the purpose was to kill him by surprise.

A good show ended successfully.

Let's talk about Jun Zhan's reaching out, which time will something go wrong?
He accurately embraced her in his arms, strode away, turned around and left.As for what should be explained, naturally, he didn't say a word. Didn't you see that he is about to explode now?
"Everyone here, Tao Tao, the sister of Instructor Xue, is also an old senior who has graduated from University A for several years. Now I will perform a show for everyone. I hope you will be satisfied!"

Booming applause rang out without exception.

The enthusiasm they give is not aimed at a certain person, as long as there is a program to watch, anyone can get it.

Thinking of this level, Tan Junzhan's expression eased a little.

But Xue Yingying secretly counted in her heart - one, two...

The third number was not yet in place. Amidst the noisy applause, there was a particularly loud objection suddenly.

He raised his voice several times: "Xia Xuanfu, get out of here, this is not the place for you!"

"Oh, my alma mater, why do you discipline me?" Xia Xuanfu didn't buy his order.

Xue Yingying was curious about the interaction between the two of them, and was planning to go back and watch the good show.

A big hand twisted her head compulsively, returning it to its original position.

When the pupils were raised, the pair of eyes that met her was beginning to roll up turbulent waves, and the waves rolled towards her.

"From this moment on, you belong to me, don't think about mixing other thoughts in your mind."

After expressing his firm position, he didn't even give her time to think about it, and took her to the school gate in the arms of an envious princess.

It took her mind to fly over to Java for a while before she reacted.

The school gate and the dormitory building are completely opposite directions!
She slapped his arm hard and said angrily, "Bastard, what should I do with my things?"

Tan Junzhan knew what she meant, his expression remained unchanged, and he continued to walk in that direction: "Han Shaoting will take him back along the way, shouldn't this be what you should worry about now?"

Xue Yingying was puzzled in her eyes, waiting for his next words.

With her brain, it's impossible to guess what's in his heart?

Tan Junzhan didn't intend to sulk with himself, so he used brute force to push her into the passenger seat.

Xue Yingying never thought of running away, when did he think of hurting herself?
It's better to be resigned.

After Tan Junzhan entered the carriage, he leaned over and helped her fasten her seat belt.

Xue Yingying moved her mouth, wanting to speak.

He was quite fast, he spoke first, and blocked her: "What day is today? Think about it for me!"

At first I wanted to say it completely, but when it came to my mouth, it became like this again.

Tan Junzhan got into a fight with him again, the man who is boring is destined to deserve what he deserves!
Xue Yingying tilted her head in reverie.

After a while, she finally had an answer in her mind.

Wanting to blurt out, the man slammed on the gas pedal like crazy, so she had to hold the top handle.

(End of this chapter)

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