Chapter 170

Xue Yingying was sulking all by herself, a goddamn domineering man.

If she didn't follow his orders, she would be punished later.As for the specific content of being cleaned up, the slight blush on the base of her ears is the best hint, isn't it?
Tan Yan was not keen on the atmosphere in front of her, so she simply sat down beside Xue Yingying.

Xue Yingying looked back and couldn't help joking: "Tired after such a short time?"

"No. Sister-in-law, Zhao Yaokun sent me this text message in the early morning, what do you mean by helping me as a staff officer?" Tan Yan was crying, even with high-end cosmetics to cover up, the thick dark circles under her eyes were still clear visible.

Xue Yingying took it and took a look.

——At three o'clock in the afternoon, see you at Clearwater Huating 3344.

But the signature blinded Xue Yingying's eyes—your beloved Zhao Yaokun.

After reading this content, Xue Yingying couldn't close her jaw for a long time.

"Yan Yan, is this the reward for all your hard work?" After a little time, Xue Yingying finally digested it, and she spoke in a teasing voice again.

And Tan Yan continued to droop her face: "This style doesn't look like him! A while ago, I heard that he was going to divorce Lian Yinyun, and he had already filed a divorce report. But I didn't hear any other news later, it seems Let it go."

"You can't miss this opportunity, you won't miss it. Yan Yan, listen to sister-in-law. You go to the appointment first, and I will let Lei Ting secretly protect you, so you can rest assured! If something happens, you don't need me to speak, your elder brother will definitely be the first one not to let go." pass him."

"I'll think about it!"

Tan Yan scratched the back of her head vigorously, the criterion was an irritable state of mind.

After scratching for a few seconds, she remembered something important, and said casually: "By the way, sister-in-law, it's time for dinner, you go up and ask my dad and elder brother to come down for dinner!"

Extend three fingers to indicate OK.

Xue Yingying got up immediately and was about to go upstairs.

However, Xue's family, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, swarmed her way.

Xue Yingying immediately became excited when she saw her family.

She leaned forward excitedly, grabbed Xue Yinuo's sleeve, made a coquettish tone, and called out one by one.

It's a pity that the heavy expressions on the faces of the three of them didn't seem to relax, as if a huge rock was pressed against their hearts, and they were so oppressed that they couldn't breathe.

The family members who get along day and night, Xue Yingying immediately noticed the signs.

She raised her eyebrows, and her voice trembled faintly: "Brother, what happened at home? You are talking!"

Unable to stand waiting in silence, Xue Yingying put both hands together, shaking Xue Yinuo's arm back and forth, trying to force him to speak.

Relying on Xue Yinuo's impressive height, he looked down on her from above.

Xue Yingying's temperament has always been stubborn, and she will not look back until she hits the south wall.

The two looked at each other, and fierce sparks burst out in mid-air.

Lin Qiao didn't want the two children to have a conflict because of this, and the palms and backs of the hands were full of flesh, even if she...

After looking around for a few times, but seeing no one approaching, Lin Qiao dared to blurt out: "Ninny, listen to mom and beware of Tan Junzhan."

"Mom, you have to give me a reason!"

It was hard to accept his identity, but what does it mean to do it again now?
Xue Yingying defended herself, and he was her husband, so she naturally leaned towards him.

Lin Qiao felt distressed in his heart, so he said it like this: "Remember what mom said, you are right! Baby, be obedient."

Her stubborn personality is mostly spoiled by her family.With a firm attitude, she only had two words to answer: "Nothing!"

"Ninny, he is not suitable for you, let brother protect you for the rest of your life!"

Let her continue to be self-willed, and she will suffer.

Xue Yinuo spoke in a subtle way, but his words were still more tactful.

Xue Yingying was a little stunned when she heard that, she suddenly looked up at him, and said in a daze, "You are my brother! Even if I am with Ah Zhan, you can still protect me for the rest of my life."

"I want to guarantee you the rest of your life in a man's way. Nannie, you still don't understand?" Xue Yi promised so much, and a fiery light burst out from his eyes, which was about to burn Xue Yingying's eyeballs.

The two looked at each other, and it was impossible for her to ignore the intention in his eyes.

But how can this be possible?

"You're my brother... What we do is incest, it's outrageous!" With a plain face slapped and wrinkled tightly, she couldn't understand what went wrong.

It's fine for my brother to mess around, why didn't even my parents stop him?

Xue Yingying quickly thought of this level, and quickly turned her head to look over.But at this point, she was the first to spot Sudushayi who was not far away.

Her current attitude is completely a replica of her previous one, unable to digest this appalling truth!

"Su Du—" Xue Yingying knew in her heart that she must be thinking wildly, so she wanted to call her away.

However, Su Dushayi couldn't bear this shocking blow, and he turned around and disappeared long ago.

Xue Yingying was deeply afraid that something might happen to her, and just about to take a step forward, Tan Junzhan's cold ordering voice suddenly began to sound in her ear.

So, she had no choice but to backtrack, hinting to the tall man in front of her: "Brother, no matter how I change, I will always be your sister, and no one can change it. I just pretended not to hear what you just said. Su is a good girl." Girl, and I can see you care about her. Go after her, you shouldn't miss her!"

For the previous remarks, Xue Yingying had the right to treat him as a muddled nonsense.

Ignoring her family's calls, she was firm in her purpose and walked upstairs without hesitation.

The Xue family has always been easy-going when they get along with others, and they will not deliberately target someone.But today, Xue Yingying could see Lin Qiao's hesitant expression.

There is definitely something hiding from her, but what could be related to the two of them?

After thinking about it, Xue Yingying still couldn't come to a conclusion.

Raising her arm, she was about to knock lightly on the door when there was a crackling sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

The father and son had conflicts again?

Xue Yingying was used to this for a long time, and was about to go in to dissuade her.

Her upper body was pressed against the door panel, and before she could make a fist, Tan Jianguo's furious growls in the study had already spread: "Bastard! Do you still remember the purpose of registering your marriage with her? I think you just followed her way. "

"Marry her to cheat her trust, so as to further find evidence to prove her relationship with K." Tan Junzhan replied neither humble nor overbearing. At this moment, the man in front of him was not only his father, but also his boss.

Xue Yingying backed away quietly, without letting the two of them notice.

Ha, how ridiculous!

With a hot and enthusiastic heart, what is the final result?
Tan Jun Zhan, you are cruel enough, far more cruel than eight years ago.

Going around, I didn't expect to return to the beginning in the end.For so many years, her hard work has always been in place.

After losing her heart, she even broke her body, the modern version—losing her wife and then breaking her army, a typical loser!No wonder my mother was hesitant to speak just now, and that's what she was referring to.

In the end, the people who care about me the most are always my family.

Xue Yingying sniffed hard, and quickly controlled her agitation.

Once downstairs, Tan Yan surrounded her.

Looking at the tip of her nose was slightly red, Tan Yan also noticed the clue, and asked in a low voice: "Sister-in-law, my father said bad things about you again? He is like that. We are used to it for so many years. You should also get used to it!"

"Don't think about it! The weather has been changing recently, and it seems to be a bit of a cold. Yanyan, please tell grandma and the others that I will not participate in the family dinner. I have to go to the hospital first. That's it!"

Xue Yingying said everything in one breath, and she didn't know when she would reveal her true colors.Once the tough shell cracked through the cracks and everyone in the family knew the truth, then what should she do?

"Sister-in-law, let me go upstairs and tell my elder brother to see you off?" Tan Yan shouted after her a few steps.

From far away came her voice—"No need!"

She stumbled out of the hall, to his death order, to his Tan Junzhan,
She was just her, Xue Yingying who yearned for justice.

Is it just a beautiful illusion that "I wish to win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be separated"?
She has always vividly remembered the time they spent together for more than a year.

Just because he cared about her, he could abandon his face and teach Qian Jinjin on the spot over and over again.

When her life was in danger, he repeatedly took risks to rescue her without hesitation, regardless of his own safety.

When Commander Tan attacked her verbally, he did not hesitate to sever the relationship between father and son several times, but also wanted to preserve her status as the daughter-in-law of Tan's family.

Is everything just her wishful thinking, a virtual dream?

Xue Yingying's expression was no longer clear, and she staggered in the middle of the road.

At this moment, how could she have the mood to observe the surrounding environment?


"Yan Yan, why haven't your father and Jun Zhan come down yet? By the way, have you seen her? I've searched inside and out for a long time, but I just didn't expect it."

After Jiang Yinshi came over, she complained to Tanyan.

Thinking back to the previous scene, Tanyan had a bad thought in her heart.

She grabbed Jiang Yinshi's arm, and said tremblingly: "I asked my sister-in-law to go upstairs to tell my elder brother and the others, and my sister-in-law left after a while. She said that she had a cold and needed to go to the hospital. But, she left The way you walk seems to be floating..."

Jiang Yinshi didn't listen to all of it, she already got the general idea.

Her heart trembled, and she could no longer calm down.It was obvious that it was most likely caused by the guy upstairs.

In a blink of an eye, she appeared at the door of the study.

Even if she stood here without any movement, she seemed to feel the helplessness and panic that Nannan felt at that time, even though she didn't know what happened at all.

The anger in her heart couldn't be restrained, she immediately unscrewed the door and broke in directly!
"Talk about Jianguo, talk about the commander, what kind of ugly words did you choose? After hearing this, my daughter left in a dispirited manner."

"Mom, when did my daughter leave?"

Tan Junzhan was the first to react, and his expression turned pale.From this point of view, Nannan really held a very important position in his heart.

Thinking of this level, Jiang Yinshi felt much better.

"It seems like it's been a while..."

Immediately afterwards, she only felt a gust of wind passing by her ears, and Tan Junzhan, who was still asking questions just now, disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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