Chapter 171
"... well done!"

Xue Yingying was unconscious, and was a little bit awake in a daze.She didn't hear the most crucial call.

However, the next time an overly familiar voice spoke, she woke up suddenly, and her back was covered in cold sweat.

"Let's talk ugly first, you promised me that you would never hurt her." The female voice was cadenced and sonorous, but the threat contained in it was quite strong.

Unexpectedly, the other party just laughed in a low voice and said, "Xia Xuanfu, don't you think it's too late for you to negotiate terms with me again?"

"You—repeat what you say!"

At this time, with Xia Xuanfu's ability alone, he really has no ability to fight against him.But, that person is her best sister.No matter what, she had to fight desperately to protect Yingzi's safety.

"If I hadn't used your figure to top the bag, I really didn't realize that the backs of you and Xue Yingying are very similar. Tell me, if this matter is known to the crown prince and your most caring girlfriend, what will they do?" Treat you?" The man's deep laughter gradually spread, with a strong sense of ridicule.

This is undoubtedly an insurmountable knot in Xia Xuanfu's heart. She clenched her ten fingers tightly, and the white and tender fingertips gradually sank into the palm of her hand. A little bit of pain slowly spread around, just like her state of mind at the moment.

At this moment, Xue Yingying opened her eyes wide, and there was no so-called hatred in her eyes.

She said softly, "Aren't you Bessemer? Tell me, who are you?"

"A smart woman is worthy of my identity!"

Xia Xuanfu's eyes widened instantly, as if he didn't realize this, "How dare you lie to me?"

"Who made you so stupid that you didn't realize this." Fortunately, he shifted all the blame onto her.

"Beauty girl, give me some time! As long as you get rid of all the idlers in front of you, I will take you to travel around the world. Wait for me!"

The appearance can be changed, but the eyes cannot be faked.

It was alive, as if a plate of freshly baked raw meat appeared in front of my eyes!

In this world, who else would look at her like this?

Sigh - the answer is ready to come out!
The man did leave in the end, but Xia Xuanfu didn't cling to him because of it.She kept her head down all the time, silently.

Xue Yingying stared at her for a moment, and finally sighed: "Xuanzi, you owe me an explanation!"

"I admit that I approached you at the beginning because of the need of the mission. I am a member of the Intelligence Bureau, and the task assigned to me by the superior is to investigate you. But as we get along, I am also very painful. About this Duan Friendship, I can even swear to God, I really want to be friends with you forever. Regarding the specific content of the mission, Xuanzi, I’m really sorry, I can’t tell you the truth!”

Xia Xuanfu talked a lot. From the beginning to the end, during this period, her eyes were shining brightly, and she just stared at Xue Yingying tightly.

However, at the end of the day, she just couldn't stand the condemnation in her heart.

Guilt, sadness, self-blame... With mixed feelings, Xia Xuanfu lowered his head again: "Sisters, I never dared to ask for your forgiveness..."

"I only have one question, did you do the money and gold, and blame me?"

Xue Yingying asked crisply, and after she finished speaking, she looked closely at the hanging head with her lips tightly closed.

Raising his head suddenly, Xia Xuanfu immediately raised his hands, waving his arms, and quickly put aside all ties: "No, the death of that salty pig has nothing to do with me."

"Let me tell you the truth! In the past year, I have been in frequent contact with Bessemer, and the superiors need me to steal important information from him. I didn't expect the death of the pig hand. They just borrowed my back that time. If I knew their intentions in advance, I would never cooperate. Girl, you have to trust me!"

Eight years, no, it should be nearly nine years to be precise!

The friendship for many years was about to be destroyed, Xia Xuanfu was so sad that he almost knelt down and begged her.

However, Xue Yingying's attitude was firm and she didn't want to dump her: "Xia Xuanfu, see you later, you and I are just strangers. All the things in the past, love and justice."

"Yingzi—" Xia Xuanfu's voice sounded sad.

At the same time, a chilling and piercing male voice broke the silence of this moment.

"Ninny, I'm here!"

Is that the voice of Tan Junzhan?

Xue Yingying raised her head quickly, and a feeling of joy appeared in her pupils unconsciously.But the next moment, she herself fell heavily.

At the end of her mouth, she only had one sentence: "What are you doing here? You want to chase after the divorce certificate when things are revealed? You go back first, and I will never default on the debt. Get out!"

Dear Ah Zhan, the last love is to let go!

Even your approach is also a long-planned mission.But leaving, staying away completely, is the last protection I will give you.

"Tan Junzhan, get out, get out as far away as possible! I hate you, and I will never forgive you in this life." Xue Yingying turned to that side, roaring angrily.

At this moment, Benson, who had not been away for a long time, appeared with Bessemer.

However, at this moment, Bessemer looked a little strange, as if he had experienced a huge catastrophe.

He was depressed and depressed, unable to cheer up.

"Can't you take such a small blow?" Benson sneered at this.

"If you want to kill or cut, come here! Don't talk nonsense, are you still a leader?" Xue Yingying has always been dissatisfied with being looked down upon, let alone this stage.

Not far from them, Tan Junzhan stayed where he was.

He couldn't understand Xiao Nizi's thoughts?

Would you rather sacrifice yourself to keep him safe?

How could he not feel sorry for her like this?All the ribs in his chest seemed to be broken, and he couldn't move an inch.

"Mei Niuer, it seems that you still don't know the important reason why the crown prince married you?" Benson saw all the changes in Jun Zhan's demeanor.

Xue Yingying was one of his weaknesses, how could Benson have no reason not to touch her?

"Benson, shut up for me!"

The truth he was going to say next was exactly what they had been concealing for a long time. It was impossible for Tan Junzhan to let all his efforts fall short.Without saying a word, he directly took out his own gun and aimed it in the direction where Benson was standing.

This action makes it a bit dangerous.In case of angering Benson, Xuanzi will end up with a dead end.

After Xia Xuanfu thought about it for a few seconds, she made a bold decision.

No longer hesitating, she rushed forward quickly, intending to snatch the gun from the crown prince's hand, so as not to accidentally shoot it.

Xue Yingying couldn't keep her composure any longer, she was about to run to the rescue.Talking about Jun Zhan's character, she knows better than anyone else, apart from being kicked away by him, can there be a second result?
(End of this chapter)

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