Chapter 172
It's a pity that her plan was just a fantasy, a strong force beside her directly grabbed her arm, and then dragged her to her side.

"I have something to tell you!"

"I have nothing in common with you, let go!" Xue Yingying didn't think much about it, and wanted to shake off his shackles.

The whole situation was under Benson's control. He chose this moment and finally said, "The reason is very simple! K is the abbreviation of my former boss KEN. And you, Xue Yingying, are not Xue Ke's biological daughter at all. "

Xue Yingying's breathing was choked, and she was so dull that she could hardly breathe.

The chest is depressed, and the mouth is panting.

She looked up at the sky, and the whole truth behind everything seemed to be coming out.

Not your own?

Ha, this result is really ridiculous, why do such words have to come out of the mouth of an outsider like him?
However, she finally understood why her brother would rather bear the charge of incest than help her out of the pit of fire.

That's right!However, he didn't seem to get to the point of the important reason why Ah Zhan married her.

"What else?" Xue Yingying gave herself time to accept it.

Her tone was light and breezy, as if she didn't care.

Benson was dissatisfied with her reaction, so he secretly became cruel.

"Bessiemer showed you a picture of a woman, it probably looks like nine points! Aren't you curious about the relationship between her and you?" Benson asked retortly, never wanting to give her a good time.

Is it—

As soon as Xue Yingying thought about it, a bold answer hovered in her heart.

Benson lost his appetite, and then gave her a letter of approval: "The reason why the K organization is against the thorn is because your biological mother, Bessiemo's adoptive mother, was killed by Tan Junzhan himself. To put it simply, KEN is your biological father, and Tan Junzhan killed your biological mother with his own hands. Are you still going to love this man in front of you deeply?"

"Ah Zhan, tell me the truth. Is what he said true? Did you kill my real mother?" She didn't care about the emotional deception before.

Even though they haven't met each other, the constant blood relationship is at work.When she heard the news, she couldn't stop the throbbing pain in her heart, which gradually became worse.

How could he, how could he be her mother-killing enemy?
How could it be possible for the man she had loved for many years?
"Ninny, remember what I once said. No matter when, you are always the most important to me." Tan Junzhan stepped forward without hesitation.

Benson took a look at his behavior, and yelled directly: "Kick the gun over, or don't force me to do it!"

"Do you dare?" With a strong cold snort, he was quite upset.

"Let's see whether your marksmanship is faster or my movements are faster?" Benson strangled Xue Yingying's neck with one hand, and smiled threateningly.

Tan Junzhan didn't dare to make fun of her life, so he knelt down and kicked the gun over.

However, Benson said at the next moment: "Don't you hate him? Just pick it up and point it at him, and all your troubles will be solved."

"Ninny, come with me, don't talk nonsense with him." Tan Junzhan ignored Benson's temptation and continued to walk forward.

It's a pity that once his voice came on, Xue Yingying suddenly came to her senses, "Don't come here! If, or else, I'll do it!"

"Today I must take you away!"

Tan Junzhan stared at her coldly, and said coldly, with a firm purpose.

"Ah Zhan, you, you don't get any closer! You go! It's a farce between the two of us. When I know the truth, now we are completely done. I despise you, I despise you with bloody hands. You should get lost The farther the better, I just want my Ah Mo, Dang Zimo."

Tears were falling down, she was more mournful than heartbroken, and all her words were thoughtless.

She didn't notice the strange eyes of the man next to her. Bessie's eyes lit up suddenly, and she opened her mouth, but was robbed by Tan Junzhan.

"Bessiemo is the Dangzimo you've been looking for..."


In order to prevent him from approaching, Xue Yingying had to bear the pain and make up her mind.The muzzle of the gun was aimed at the direction where he was coming straight, and she almost shot with her eyes closed.

Who knew that Tan Junzhan would choose this moment to tell the shocking truth.

How can it be?

With one attack after another, Xue Yingying was so frightened that the gun in her hand fell to the ground.

"Impossible, impossible!"

She is totally indigestible.

Bessimer's state of mind at this time was no less than hers.

He opened his mouth, wanting to explain something, but finally closed his mouth without saying a word.

"Niuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuufu I will kill you to direct this one."

Facing her endless tears, even though his heart ached terribly, he couldn't hide the truth any longer.

"Azhan, have you loved me for more than 20 years?"

This question was indeed a cliché, and she raised her eyes to ask the question with a mixture of tears and laughter.

The gun she shot before happened to land between his legs.As soon as he moved, bright blood drops would emerge from the wound, and he couldn't move.

His tall body remained motionless, and his silent eyes fell on her cheek from beginning to end, "You are the only woman who moved me and wanted to grow old hand in hand."

The disguised confession made Xue Yingying even more uncomfortable.

Sorry, Cham!

She was feeling overwhelmed at the bottom of her heart, and according to Benson, a perverted scumbag, she could imagine the final outcome, so—

"Tan Junzhan, you don't have to feel guilty. You lied to me, used me, and killed my biological mother. I will never blame you again. No matter what you do in the future to make up, I will never forgive you! Tan Junzhan , why don't you get out? Do you have to die by my hands?" Xue Yingying's voice was nearing the end, and the whole tone had been fragmented, as if she had reached the verge of collapse.

"I said, I will protect you, so I'm here." There was something deep in his eyes, and he moved forward stubbornly again.

"Ah Zhan, I'm sorry, I can't spend the rest of my life with you. can take care of them there! Ah——" Xue Yingying's eyes burst into tears, like a faucet that couldn't be turned off.

At this moment, she couldn't deceive her heart.

At critical moments, she always remembers her relatives who have been with her for many years.Even if they don't have the same blood flowing, they are still the closest family, aren't they?

"Xue Yingying, be careful—"

After she blurted out, Xia Xuanfu was the first to react, subconsciously ran over, but was still a step behind.

As an investigator herself, Xia Xuanfu's eyes were too sharp, and she could clearly see the other party's false behavior.

"Pu Xinyu, you did it on purpose. What blood feud does Yingzi have with you? Get out!"

Being hit hard by Pu Xinyu who came out of nowhere, Xue Yingying couldn't stand firm, and was pushed off the cliff by her, and there was no point of application of force on the side.

The inescapable condemnation in his heart deepened, and Xia Xuanfu uttered those words.

It was too late to say it, but at the moment when she fell, Bessimer, like a cheetah with a healthy posture, flew out at the first time, and followed her in free fall.

"Haha, killing three birds with one stone is all thanks to your cooperation. I have already attached a time bomb to Xue Yingying. As long as I press it, the bomb bag will detonate immediately."

Benson was still rejoicing that the plan would be fully realized, but Xia Xuanfu was one step ahead of him.

With a beautiful side kick, Benson fell to the ground due to the inertia of her legs flying up.

Xia Xuanfu quickly snatched the controller from his hand and quickly pressed the stop button, only then was he able to be quiet.

However, where Xuanzi was standing just now, how could there be a small puddle of blood?

"Prince, hurry up and order the search? Xuanzi, she, she is very likely to have a child!" Xia Xuanfu's sense of panic in his heart was undeniable.

I no longer expect her to forgive me, if another little life is lost, it is even more impossible for Xia Xuanfu to let me go!
What Xia Xuanfu said was undoubtedly a thunderclap.

Tan Junzhan's throat was hot, and he couldn't restrain it.Similar to his current state of mind, a mouthful of fiery bright red sprayed out.And he completely lost the movement of support, his legs were weak and he knelt on the ground.

He loses consciousness.

"Tan Jianguo, the results of the soil sampling have come out, proving that my daughter is pregnant. My daughter's life and death are unknown now, and there are still the flesh and blood of our Tan family in her belly. Why are you so cruel that you don't send someone to look for it?" Jiang Yinshi was in an irritable mood and made a fuss. voices of protest.

But Commander Tan kept suppressing it all the time, and said in a deep voice: "Yan Yan was taken over by someone, and now she has a mental breakdown and is about to go crazy! In your eyes, your own daughter is not as good as a little bastard of unknown background?"

In the end, the two began to fight against each other and quarrel endlessly.

"Shut up both of you! Cough, cough, cough—" This incident was too noisy, and finally attracted the visit of the two ancestors.

Their physical condition is deteriorating, but at this juncture, they have to come out to preside over the overall situation.

"The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. One is my eldest granddaughter-in-law, and the other is my own granddaughter. Jianguo, split into two teams, and a pair of people will go to the bottom of the cliff to search and rescue, no objection!"

Tan Jianguo didn't take Lao Tzu seriously, and he refused to compromise: "KEN's little wild species, she doesn't deserve to have Jun Zhan's child. It's best if they don't, lest I force them to divorce."

"You, you, you... Nizi, Nizi!"

Grandma Tan was so angry that she had nothing to say, she couldn't catch her breath, she couldn't breathe well and fell to the side.

The family was in a hurry and sent her to the emergency room at prime time.

At exactly [-]:[-] that night, Grandma Tan passed away due to a rush of fire and rescue efforts were ineffective.

Grandpa Tan was reluctant to let his wife lie here alone, he told the juniors to go back and prepare for the funeral, and he kept watch at night.

Life is the same quilt, death is the same acupuncture point.

The two elders were affectionate and affectionate during their lifetime, and Grandpa Tan was reluctant to let his wife endure hardships there. On the same night, he passed away in the early morning of the same night.

(End of this chapter)

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