Chapter 173 She's Back
"Honey, how are you doing?"

Tan Junzhan let go of his tightly clenched palms, lying on it was the token of love she forced for him - a jade pendant that was not very eye-catching.

Five years ago, the two elders passed away, which caught Tan's family by surprise.This incident also dealt a big blow to Tan Jianguo.

He couldn't escape the blame, it was his obsession that made his mother angry to death.

There is no such thing as a medicine for regret in the world, even if regret can't change this fact, he still tries his best to make up for it.

While preparing for the funeral, he set about arranging two small teams to investigate separately.

Due to the dangerous terrain, the golden period for the best rescue was already past when the rescuers arrived.After searching for nearly a week, not even a piece of rag was found.

When Tan Junzhan woke up, even Jiang Yinshi told him the news of her daughter's death with tears in her eyes.

However, in life one must see people, in death one must see corpses.

Tan Junzhan didn't believe it at all, he dragged his weak body and walked under the bed: "Go away! She is still waiting for me."

"Jun Zhan..."

The pain erupted overnight, and Jiang Yinshi couldn't stand the cruel reality. She clutched her lips tightly and fell into Tan Jianguo's arms.

"Jun Zhan—"

With a deep and hoarse call, Tan Junzhan suddenly came back to his senses and turned around abruptly.

The man in front of me hasn't had a good life these past few years.

That kind of thing happened back then, and Tanyan had a mental breakdown ever since.In the past five years, there was no trace of recovery, but he chose to guard her side wholeheartedly, never leaving her.

He——Zhao Yaokun, the man Tan Yan cares about most, not one of them.

"How is Tan Yan doing recently?" Tan Junzhan saw a tinge of blue in his eyes, he probably didn't have a good rest last night!
The experience of the past few years can be regarded as karma. At the beginning, his attitude towards her was all kinds of bad, but now his position is just reversed.

He smiled lightly: "Yanyan has recovered well recently, but Xiao Yanyan is quite noisy."

Xiao Yanyan was the product of that night's nightmare.As a delirious biological mother, Tanyan and her have never been able to get along well.Seeing that she suffered at such a young age, Zhao Yaokun felt distressed, so he took her under his wings to protect her.

"Zhao Yaokun, you have worked hard these past few years. Yanyan's situation may be like that for the rest of her life." Tan Junzhan tightened his palms.

His movements were quite obvious. Zhao Yaokun looked him over and smiled lightly: "Aren't you the same? It's been five years, and my daughter will come back, Yanyan will wake up, and wake up every morning. This is the scene we wish to see."

Zhao Yaokun glanced at his watch suddenly, "It's getting late, I should go to the kindergarten to pick up Xiao Yanyan. Remember to go home often when you have time in the future, Aunt Jiang misses you very much."

"Xiao Yanyan is not your own flesh and blood, can you promise to treat her as your own? If you can't, leave it to me!" Tan Junzhan held back for a long time, but he didn't hold back this suggestion.

That cute little guy, with a white and tender face, and a pair of big black grape-like eyes, rivals girls of that age.

Zhao Yaokun couldn't see his thoughts?
With a muffled laugh: "Regardless of blood relationship, Xiao Yanyan is my daughter, and no one can take her away. Don't talk about it, the little guy will be angry again if she is late!"

He waved away, and Tan Junzhan still breathed out the stale breath in his chest.

terribly upset.

A piercing cell phone rang, and Tan Junzhan connected without even looking at it, and a piercing voice popped out: "Say—"

"Boss, sister-in-law has been gone for several years, and you plan to stay single forever? A bachelor for thousands of years?"

This title once again brought his memory back to the first time the two reunited. She had given this nickname to her at the beginning.

Tan Junzhan's voice became cold: "The matter I asked you to investigate has come to fruition? So free, huh? Han Shaoting——"

At this moment, Han Shaoting's life is bubbling with bliss. If there is a shortcoming, it is that the woman refuses to go to get a marriage certificate with him.Seeing that the child is three years old, he can still be regarded as a black household, unable to go to kindergarten, and has a headache!

"Boss, don't you worry about my work? Just got the result, guess what?" There was joy in his voice, and the ending turned up.


Han Shaoting felt a cold wave coming, and couldn't help shrinking his neck.The little boy nestled in his arms opened his eyes curiously, and asked in a childish voice, "Daddy, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." He reassured softly.

Since Xue Yingying disappeared, Tan Junzhan has almost completely cut off contact with the Tan family.Even during the holidays, I can't see him coming home to visit.Except for the occasional concern about talking about Yan, at other times he looks like a walking dead robot, without any warmth that a human should have.

"I put the report on your table. Sister-in-law and KEN are not related by blood. However, according to the news from my colleagues lurking in country M, there is a younger woman next to KEN, who looks exactly like sister-in-law."

Han Shaoting truthfully said that he didn't want the boss to be impulsive and single-handedly attack Huanglong and go to country M.

He continued to persuade: "Boss, my sister-in-law is no longer here. Even if she looks exactly the same, that is not her at all. As a human being, you have to look forward, don't you? If you are like this, sister-in-law will not feel good looking over there. Listen Brother, find another woman and start over!"

"A lobbyist invited by my mother? Humph!"

Tan Junzhan has a stubborn temper, and no one can persuade him.

Finally, I can return my daughter's innocence!
For five years, Tan Junzhan has been paying attention to this matter all the time, but today he finally has a letter.

After hanging up the phone, he made a decisive trip to Manthorn.

After taking the crucial documents, he made up his mind to step into the Tan family that he hadn't entered in five years.

His mount has not changed, it is still the off-road vehicle that was popular back then.All the furnishings in the carriage were the same as they were back then, and he kept all her original masterpieces, as if she had never left.

As soon as he got out of the off-road vehicle, Jiang Yinshi approached with tears in his eyes.

With her gaze firmly fixed on his thin face, Jiang Yinshi kept saying a few words back and forth: "Jun Zhan, it's fine if you're willing to come back, that's enough if you're willing to go home."

The commander made a wrong decision for a while, which led to the break between the father and son.

"Mom, I—" I saw Jiang Yinshi for the first time in five years, and she has aged for more than five years!Tan Junzhan choked up, he was speechless.

"Bastard, you finally know you're home!"

Tan Junzhan didn't step forward, he stared blankly at Tan Jianguo's approaching arm, and couldn't help feeling a little sore in his nose.If it weren't for his stubbornness, Nannan would not have disappeared.

"Nunnan is not KEN's daughter, this is the blood test report." Tan Junzhan reached forward and handed over the things.

Tan Jianguo was furious. After waiting for so long, he didn't make a special trip home?
It's rare for the child to go home, and he still shows this attitude?

Jiang Yinshi rolled her eyes, stepped forward and took the report, and she opened it to take a closer look.

Within a few seconds, she clutched her mouth tightly, crying uncontrollably: "My poor little baby! It's all your fault, you stubborn old man."

With the bright characters at the end of the report paper, all kinds of things that happened five years ago immediately popped up in her mind, and she was furious.

Tan Jianguo was slightly stunned, his expression was rigid, and he didn't take it seriously.He took a look, and soon cracks appeared on his expressionless face.

What happened?
Tan Junzhan tugged his mouth a few times, isn't it obvious?

"I came back today, just want to return my daughter's innocence. That's it, I'll go first."

In Tanzhai, there are too many memory fragments about Nannan, too numerous to enumerate.He glanced casually, as if she was standing in a corner somewhere.As soon as she heard his voice, she immediately put down the busy work at hand, grabbed the hem of her skirt and flew towards him, a soft voice came over one step faster than her: "Junjun—"

The one who survives will always bear the most pain!
At this moment, Tan Junzhan had a deep understanding.

At the beginning, he was just able to get out of bed, and he didn't even make it to the elder's funeral, so he started to search with the small team in the deep valley.After working hard for several days, he dragged his weak and sick body, but in the end he couldn't find even a trace.

This clue was broken. He pinned his hope on Benson, who was controlled by Xia Xuanfu at that time. Who knew that he was rescued by unknown accomplices that night, and he has never been heard from since.

It's gone, Commander Tan couldn't hold back Jiang Yinshi's begging, so he entrusted detectives and intelligence agents from several other surrounding countries to help pay attention.

They almost turned the whole earth upside down, and the whereabouts of Xue Yingying has always been an insoluble mystery.

Returning disappointed again and again, Tan Junzhan completely lost confidence, so he had no choice but to convince himself.

No, she is really dead.

Even so, he still had to give her a clean reputation, so he came.

"Jun Zhan, you're leaving without eating?" I didn't speak, how could Jiang Yinshi, a mother, not stay?
The child, look at this thin face.

He's lost weight, and he doesn't know how many rounds he's lost. How can he look like a chief in his withered hands?Oh no, she forgot, he is no longer the chief.

The existence of Nannan is his spiritual sustenance.After losing her, he devoted all his attention to his work, and he was much stricter than before, causing all the soldiers below to call him a cold-blooded animal and unreasonable.

But the pain he suppressed in his heart, who knows?
Thinking of this level, Jiang Yinshi began to cry again.

"Mom and Dad, take good care of yourselves. I'll come back to visit you next time. Let's go first!" Before leaving, he urged one by one.

Tan Junzhan is not heartless, he has Tan Jianguo's blood on his body.No matter how much he hated him, that person was still his father, he could only choose not to see each other again, and felt a little less guilty.

Turning around, he was walking towards the door and leaving when the phone rang.

Jiang Yinshi wiped away the wet tears from the corners of her eyes, she picked up the phone and said, "Jun Zhan? Yes, he's still there, I'll ask him to listen."

"Jun Zhan, it's Ke Ke, he's looking for you urgently."


Tan Junzhan responded very coldly, put the microphone next to his ear, and Ding Keke's voice came from a giggle.

Do you feel good about yourself when you make a phone call?
Someone was undoubtedly furious: "You better have something important!"

"Boss, I met my sister-in-law, do you think it's an important matter?" Ding Keke deliberately pretended to be stupid, and his tone sounded very frivolous.

"Speak clearly to me!" The sudden good news made his heart suffocate.

"Sister-in-law is back, but boss, you'd better..." Ding Keke said halfway, the signal was cut off first.

She shook her head amusingly, the boss's life of abstinence and asceticism has finally come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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