Chapter 175 High IQ Kid

The off-road vehicle was driving on the high speed, and as dusk fell, the scene outside the window gradually became a little depressed.

This is the direction to Hua Zhai, Xue Yingying knows it well.

As soon as they reunited, he took her to the mansion, not afraid that he would admit the wrong person?

Xue Yingying glanced over with resentful small eyes, feeling a little annoyed in her heart.

"Smelly girl, do you know where I'm showing my secrets?" Tan Junzhan tried his best, and he turned her head towards him.

Too lazy to talk to him, Xue Yingying said stubbornly: "Mr. Tan, let me reiterate for the last time, I am Tong En... um..."

She has such a temperament, what he doesn't like to hear, just pick up those things with a small mouth!
A big hand directly grabbed the back of her head. His aggressive behavior was the same as before, and he would not become unfamiliar with the passage of a few years.

Xue Yingying whimpered, trying to think of ways to bite the tip of his tongue.But now that he has been promoted to major general, he has already been fully prepared for her little trick.

He controlled her lower jaw with a tiger's mouth, forcing it to open slightly, and penetrated further, sweeping around the corners.

This action was done in one go, without any retrogression!

On the other hand, she hasn't acted like this for many years.

With her looks and figure, there are not many admirers around her to express their feelings, which is completely impossible.However, a him has occupied her heart for many years, and the others want to ban him, I am afraid it is just a delusion.Even the man she once thought was very important - Dang Zimo, he can't take Tan Junzhan's place.

"Sister, who are you thinking about? The little guy's biological parents?" Tan Junzhan let go of his five fingers. It was the first time he used his hand with a gun to defend against the enemy, and used it as a comb to comb her black and beautiful hair.

"Benny is my son." Xue Yingying bit by bit, her eyes were full of displeasure, and she wished he could take back those words.

Her past is an unsolved mystery, and the story between her and Benny makes him more curious.

She looks like her own mother?What logic?

He was a little angry in his heart, and tightly clamped her small waist with his hands. He dragged her into his arms: "He can't be the child of both of us. Daughter, our child back then...she——"

"No, I will not have children with you, and it is impossible to have children. Mr. Tan, please respect yourself! I will find a lawyer to appeal for me for your frivolous behavior towards me just now. I should leave!" En's identity is firmly in mind, and no flaws are missed.

However, there was a small movement that she didn't even notice.

She was panting heavily, even though the sound of her breathing was not unusual, but there was a lot of movement in her chest.

If she doesn't do anything wrong, and isn't afraid of ghosts knocking at the door, what is she afraid of?
"This is the high speed, you don't want to die?"

She was going to open the window in the next moment, and she wanted to get out of the car no matter where it was.Tan Junzhan's eyes suddenly shrank, his hand quickly clasped her wrist, and pulled her back.

She was completely trapped in his arms, and Xue Yingying struggled with all her might.Smelling the familiar body odor from the tip of her nose, her cheeks couldn't help but turn red: "Let go!"

As if coquettish, Tan Junzhan took advantage of the opportunity to wrap his arms around her waist, and kissed her delicately on the face: "A 'stinky bastard' is exclusive to your daughter. I have been waiting, waiting for a certain day Someone rushed over and threw this sentence. I waited and waited, and after five years, I finally got you back."

"Ninny, let's go home now! If I let you leave again, I'd rather go with you."

After hearing his words, Xue Yingying's eye sockets felt hot, and the tears that were already on the verge of bursting at the gate of the city were about to burst.

Does he want to be so provocative?

With a touch of blame mixed in, Xue Yingying knew that her trick of pretending had failed, so she simply faced it honestly.

"I..." She just started with a crying voice, but she couldn't continue.

Tan Junzhan motioned her to continue, there were some things they should have to say, "Huh?"

"I am not KEN's biological daughter." She was hit hard before leaving that year, and she is still struggling with this issue.

He was not surprised when he learned the truth not long ago.

He rubbed her soft hair, "I know, they made a mistake, I will let them return your innocence."

"When did you know?" Xue Yingying choked up her voice, she didn't expect things to develop like this.

"It should be the beginning," Tan Junzhan paused, his gaze softened, and he looked at her affectionately: "You can't be KEN's daughter."

Xue Yingying was speechless, "Why are you so sure? Do you know where my biological parents are? Ah Zhan, tell me quickly!"

Regarding her own life experience, she has always been the question she most wants to answer.

During these years in country M, Dang Zimo has been carrying out this task as if it were a mission, but his ability is limited, and there is no news of it until now.

Xue Yingying was almost terribly disappointed, who knew that this man would bring it up again today.

"The little diced meat, which is not as long as my arm, was picked up by me. At that time, when you were a baby, you had the jade pendant you gave me hanging around your neck."

Tan Junzhan hooked his hands and motioned for her to stick her ear to her. Xue Yingying did as she did, but she heard the news by accident.

Was she picked up by him?

Does the truth need to be so explosive?
Xue Yingying's mouth was half open, she was too scared to close it.

Tan Junzhan couldn't help being happy watching, and helped her lift her chin, and finally closed it.

He smirked and continued to talk: "A baby who hasn't been weaned yet, still spitting milk bubbles from the side of his mouth. In the middle of the night, the crying is quite loud. If I don't bring you back, it will scare people !"

"Talk about Jun Zhan—" Was she really that scary when she was a child?Let him slander his innocence again!
"Okay, okay!" He had said enough jokes, it was time to be serious.

He adjusted her sitting posture and made her face him: "Your birth time and place, as well as the jade pendant around your neck, are strikingly similar to KEN's daughter who was taken away. So, my dad and the others preconceived The concept has been misunderstood for so many years. In the end, the Xue family will adopt you, partly because of my father's order, but partly because your mother can't have another child. She has always wanted to have a little girl. So, you are God-given Their lucky star."

Because of this, her family has always loved her very much.It turned out that she understood everything!
Recalling her ignorance in the past, she felt very uncomfortable.If time could start over again, she would definitely be a good girl and never get into trouble again by being mischievous.

Seeing her motionless, not even breathing, Tan Junzhan became a little anxious.

Coincidentally, Xiaochai, the correspondent, interrupted and said, "Boss, sister-in-law, we're here!"

He doesn't want to be a light bulb full of power, his sister-in-law finally came back, and the boss wants to express his heart, hehehe!
"I want you to talk more!"

Tan Junzhan reproached, the difference is that there is finally a living creature in his arms, the faint fragrance remains the same as before, and a certain brother of his stood upright again, extremely restless.

The first thing he did when he entered the bedroom was to rush into the bathroom to wash up.

What would Nizi think if the first scene when he reunited and returned home was to satisfy his selfish desires?A bad guy with a human face and a beast heart!
He quickly took a battle bath, and he was going to chat with Nizi to create an atmosphere for easy work, but who knew she was already tired and lay down!
Her peaceful sleeping face is the same as usual, and the years have also given her preferential treatment, leaving no trace of aging on her face.It's just that when she is awake, every frown and smile always carries a feminine charm that was not there before.

If all these changes are brought about by the little guy, he can try to be grateful.

She rejected all the glare of the glare, and Tan Junzhan quickly closed the curtains when she was whispering softly, leaving only a faint yellow bedside lamp for her.

All his habits are the same as before, as if she never left.

Tan Junzhan carefully looked at every inch of her face, trying to find out what was different about her, when the cell phone on the bedside table rang.

He walked over quickly, walked quietly to the balcony to connect: "Yinuo?"

Calling at this time, don't worry about it?

To his surprise, there was a baby voice on the other side: "My mommy, is she asleep?"

"Well, I slept very deeply. If you want to talk to her, call back tomorrow morning." Tan Junzhan was about to cut it off. He always felt that he was a little bit jealous, and what he was eating was the jealousy of this little guy.

It's really disturbing enough!
"Wait—" Benny seemed to read his mind, and spoke first.

Tan Junzhan looked at him differently: "Is there anything else?"

"I know you don't like me, and I also know that you are Mommy's husband. These days, she often wipes tears at night, sleeps lightly, and seems to be a different person during the day." Like an adult, he fed back Xue Yingying's reactions to him one by one.

Tan Junzhan's heart twitched. Through the transparent glass, he looked in, feeling a little melancholy.

"Go on!" For the first time, he didn't treat Benny as a child, but as an ordinary person.

Benny seemed to have made an extremely difficult decision: "Mommy, she is a good woman. Without her, I would not be who I am now. Treat her well, I will not cause conflicts between you, I will Leave by yourself."

"Stinky boy, your hair hasn't even grown yet. Where do you want to go? Stay in the capital! I love Wujiwu, so I'll take you along with me by the way. In the future, I'll be tighter, so I won't cause trouble for me. Do you hear me?" ?”

To be honest, Tan Junzhan was also surprised how he could accept this fuzzy boy of unknown origin in an instant. Could it be true that he is Aiwujiwu?

Benny on the other end seemed to be startled too, he asked in a daze, "Can I really stay with Mommy?"

"Okay, let's call 'Daddy' to listen first?" He talked about his son for no reason, and Tan Junzhan enjoyed his success, taking advantage of him.

Benny was naturally unhappy, and he didn't cooperate: "Wait until Mommy admits your identity, hang up first!"

After the phone call, Tan Junzhan went back to the back room, lifted the quilt and lay beside her.

Looking at Benny's age, he was only five years old at best. Where did she find such a child with high IQ?
(End of this chapter)

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