Chapter 176 Self-liberation
The two embraced each other and slept, and Tan Junzhan slept more comfortably than usual.

Since she left, he could hardly sleep at night.In the first few days, even his iron body couldn't bear it.

Seeing him getting haggard day by day, Jiang Yinshi was a mother, she secretly looked around and felt distressed.In the end, she had no choice but to let Han Shaoting add some sleeping pill powder to his meal every night, so as to ensure his rest and sleep every night.

After a long time, Tan Junzhan probably guessed what was going on, and he went directly to Han Shaoting to ask for sleeping pills.With this, he can escape the condemnation in his heart.

Once night fell, she would always appear in his dreams.Every time, the same dream is repeated.

As dusk approached, he and Xue Yinuo had a specific habit of going to the grove to practice basic skills after dinner.Before he got there, the voice of a child crying out of breath came over.

The two searched separately, but in the end he found it first.

The soft little guy, I don't know how long she stayed in the grove, her fair face was blue from the cold.

With his personality, he doesn't like such troublesome little creatures the most, and he also avoids the pair of twin brothers and sisters who were born not long ago.

Thinking of this level, Xue Yinuo stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the child!"

But he made an unusual move, holding the little baby tightly to his chest.He couldn't bear to let go, so he hurried to the living room.

Xue Yinuo couldn't figure out what was going on in his mind, but he followed behind without thinking too much.

As soon as the two of them entered the living room, Jiang Yinshi was still teasing the twins who were not a few months old.

Before he was about to speak, the little baby in his arms looked at his chin and giggled.

is she really laughing?
Different from the crying and making noise before, he was dumbfounded and stood there blankly without any movement.

Only then did Jiang Yinshi realize what kind of creature he was holding in his arms. She put the twins back into the stroller, and walked towards him as soon as she took a step.

She stretched her head to take a look, the little guy's cheeks were blue and purple from the cold, and the little fleshy hands that were constantly throbbing with red color.

As the mother of three children, she was instantly dumbfounded.

This baby is clearly a newborn baby, with a reddish complexion that hasn't even bloomed yet, where on earth did he get this little guy?
At the age of four, he has already learned to observe words and expressions.

Glancing at his mother's probing eyes, he replied flatly: "She's too noisy, Yinuo and I couldn't concentrate on practicing, so we had to pick her up."

"Really?" Jiang Yinshi didn't believe it, because he had such a character that he wouldn't even pay attention to a cat or a dog.Even his own brothers and sisters, he doesn't bother to tease them, and now he is holding a baby and refuses to let go, it's really wicked!

"En." He quickly agreed, and then continued to stare at her in his arms curiously.

The little guy didn't seem to recognize him, he looked at him cheerfully and laughed.

Jiang Yinshi looked at the past, and couldn't help but secretly laugh in her heart.

He was a cool guy at a young age, and finally a little boy came out who could cure him, but I don't know which family's daughter it is?
At this time, Tan Jianguo happened to be off work, followed by Xue Ke and Lin Qiao.

Xue Yinuo ran over quickly: "Hi, Chief! Parents!"

At that time, Tan Jianguo was only talking about the chief, and his posture was exactly the same as that of Tan Junzhan.

He breathed out through his nose, which was a squeak.

The whole family circled around the center, and he also went over to take a look.But at this look, his face darkened.

He had a dark face, and his rough fingers poked towards her, whose bones hadn't grown strong yet.

Tan Junzhan found out his purpose and immediately dodged to the side.

It's a pity that at only four years old, he possesses abilities that can't even compare to Jianguo.

He carried the little guy in his hands lightly and delicately, and Jianguo didn't have many opportunities to hold children in his life.As a result, as soon as the little guy came into his hands, he immediately cried loudly, and the crying almost broke the two women who were mothers.

"Jianguo, he is just a child, don't hurt him." Jiang Yinshi stepped forward first, intending to take the child from him.

Tan Jianguo didn't intend to let go, he switched hands and continued to hug.He frowned tightly, and pulled the little doll's front skirt all at once.

It may be that a large piece of skin on her chest came into contact with the air, and when she got cold, she cried more vigorously, and her voice seemed to become a little hoarse.

Lin Qiao couldn't bear it any longer, she stepped forward to persuade her, "Chief Tan, she's just a child. If you don't like her, then adopt her for me!"

If it wasn't for her physical problems, she would also like to give Yinuo a little sister.

"Xue Ke, do you still remember this jade pendant?" Tan Jianguo lifted up the child who was almost out of breath, just to show Xue Ke the jade pendant.

As soon as that action appeared, Xue Ke was also shifted the focus: "Chief, I remember, but this child is innocent, we can't hurt innocent people because of the grievances of the previous generation."

His tight eyes always changed according to Tan Jianguo's moving position.

Tan Jianguo saw some signs, rolled his eyes, and pondered the psychology of everyone present.

He first asked, "Jun Zhan, do you want to keep this child?"

Tan Junzhan had the potential to be sullen since he was a child, and his eyes were still domineering on Naiwazi, but he said lightly indifferently: "It's more noisy than those two, who cares!"

Tan Jianguo only listened to what was on the surface and did not delve into it.Then, he turned his head and looked at the Xue couple meaningfully: "I know that you two have wanted a girl for a long time. Now that the opportunity comes, it depends on how you grasp it?"

Lin Qiao was the first to express her thanks for such an unprecedented good deed, her eyes were full of gratitude: "Thank you, Chief, Xue Ke and I will never forget your great kindness even if we are fools around. "

"Don't be too happy!" Tan Jianguo finally gave a proviso.

Lin Qiao's outstretched hand froze in mid-air.

"Actually, it's not a difficult task for you. I just want you to promise that you must not let her know your background."

Xue Ke and Lin Qiao finally settled down, and he let out a sigh of relief: "Report to the chief, please rest assured, I will never disgrace my mission."

In the twinkling of an eye, the little girl who was in the swaddling clothes grew up into an adult all at once.

She has a delicate face, but her good figure is usually blocked by loose clothes.

However, what fascinated him the most was her natural voice with a soft and waxy tone. When she said "Junjun", he felt numb all over.Especially the not-so-obedient brother at the bottom, there seemed to be an old shadow of being happy together in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help being liberated suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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