Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 177 Benny's Life Experience

Chapter 177 Benny's Life Experience

The sky was just pale, and Xue Yingying woke up in a daze.

Before my mind was clear, there was a very special smell pouring into my neck.

Her chaotic consciousness immediately became clear, and she quickly opened her eyes wide.Looking around with her eyeballs, she couldn't help gasping.

It's terrible, why did I come back here again?

She punched her forehead with resentment!

Then, she turned her head and glanced at him who was still asleep.

He has lost weight!

The facial features that were originally three-dimensional, but now the traces of knife-cutting are more obvious, which does not conform to the aesthetics of normal people at all!
In the past five years, she suffered a lot, and it also affected him.

Honey, I'm sorry, we are destined not to be together because...

Xue Yingying was suffering from the torture of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China in her heart, so Tan Junzhan opened her eyes.As early as the moment she gazed at him affectionately, he became sober.As for the silence, he just wanted to see her reaction.

"Are you not with Lian Yinyun?" The furnishings in the bedroom are as usual, almost the same as before she left.Even the photo frames on the bedside table of the two of them were replaced with her personal photos.

"Smelly girl, use this kind of words to make up me again, be careful of your ass!" Early in the morning, he was full of anger, and his irritable tone was a little sullen.

"Jun Zhan, it's been five years. I was declared dead at the very beginning. Why didn't you think of finding a woman to take good care of yourself? Look at your current appearance, where are the old shadows from back then?" Xue Yingying The feelings of coquettish anger and self-blame are mixed.

Tan Junzhan didn't like her small appearance, he raised her chin, the situation of the two of them was basically the same, no need to talk about each other.

"Nizi, are you looking for sex? You just want me to find a woman, and then just have sex here?" Tan Junzhan gritted his teeth with hatred, and sharpened his teeth next to her ear.

Xue Yingying couldn't bear that kind of scene.

She slapped his hard chest, but her voice trembled violently: "Shut up! I beg you, don't talk about it, okay? There is not a road between us that can only be together for a year." The Milky Way once, but two families that have had feuds for a long time."

"You don't know, KEN, he is my great uncle, and what you killed is my great aunt, the only relative I know in this world. Ah Zhan, I can't go against my conscience and be with you again Together. In the past few years, if it wasn't for KEN's shelter, I don't know how I would continue to survive. The child of the two of us, she, she..."

Having said that, Xue Yingying suddenly collapsed, and burst into sobs.

She pressed her lips tightly and turned her head aside, but she was not going to meet his eyes.

Tan Junzhan was so frightened that he turned over from her body and hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "Ninny, that incident was my unintentional mistake. You can blame me, blame me, don't say this I will help you deal with your innocence, your reputation, including your life experience. Even if you can't find your relatives, my child and I will be your relatives for the rest of your life."


Xue Yingying stopped crying suddenly, she looked at him with a sneer, the expression on her face was actually a half-smile.

"Back then, Ah Mo and I were rescued by KEN and returned to country M. As soon as I opened my eyes, I was notified of two things. - Pregnancy and death.

How long have we been looking forward to our child, she finally arrived late.But this time is not right, I want to tell you.I just picked up the phone and realized I was dead.

She is an innocent little life, I would rather hide it from all of you and be a single mother.I thought I was going to spend my life like this, but who knew that she would also leave me in the end.

I fought hard for more than two hours, and she cried loudly in my ear with a wow.That voice symbolizes how healthy she is!The nurse also reported the child to me, it was a little girl. "

"Ninny, what happened later, that child—" Tan Junzhan rushed out this sentence, during her most painful period, he was not able to accompany her, damn it!
But if KEN and Dang Zimo were not playing tricks, how could he have no clue at all?
You underestimated his ability too much!

"Later? Huh, as you know now, I only have Benny." Xue Yingying didn't show any emotion, she snorted softly.

There was an invisible and intangible thin thread, which tightly wrapped one of his hearts, and with a slight force, his heart began to hurt unbearably, completely different from his usual self.

Everything she endured was completely beyond his imagination.Compared with her, the burden on his heart is nothing more than a drop in the bucket.

"Sister, don't talk about it! My child, we will have more in the future, I promise! This time, I will create a stable environment for you and the child, no one can hurt you, I promise!" He tightened his arms and pulled She is completely controlled in her arms.

"Aren't you curious about Benny's background?" Xue Yingying said with a light smile.

How could he not be curious?

After disappearing for five years, when she came back, she still brought back a bottle of oil. The focus was not on her own species.With his typical male chauvinism, it was totally unacceptable, but he still had to pretend to be perfunctory: "We are one, and I will treat Benny as my own flesh and blood. Don't worry about that."

"Your father will mistake me for KEN's daughter, I forgive you. Because my cousin and I look like a pair of twin sisters, and we both have the same jade pendant."

At this moment, Xue Yingying's tone became particularly calm.

what happened?

Tan Junzhan was confused.

Xue Yingying breathed a sigh of relief, and she continued: "Your father and my uncle were hostile from the very beginning. I don't know where he got my cousin's birth photo and the prototype of the jade pendant. So the first time I saw me In the face of it, I mistakenly thought. By the way, I have to declare one thing. I will never leave Benny in my life, because he is the only relative I have in the world now!"

Then, she kept her eyes fixed on his.

Tan Junzhan deliberately misunderstood, he pecked her soft lips lightly, and pressed her to his side: "Can't help it, want it?"

"Fuck off!"

As soon as she rolled her eyes, she couldn't help but let out a coquettish moan, what the hell is going on?

"Benny, he is actually your little nephew."

Tan Junzhan's guess was right, Xue Yingying was not surprised at all.

She nodded straight: "Benny is a poor child. Our child was born prematurely, and she died within a few days. I couldn't bear the shock and ran out, and happened to meet little Benny who was a little over one year old. He is still so young, but the indifference in his eyes seems to have seen through everything in life. Maybe it is blood relationship, I fell in love with him just by looking at him, so I took him back for adoption. Fortunately, I have had him by my side these few years , otherwise I don’t know how to get through it?”

"Where's Benny's family?" He wanted to ask this question from the very beginning.Finally, when the opportunity came up, he simply asked.

Speaking of family members, Xue Yingying became very silent.

"If you don't want to answer this question, forget it. Let's first..." He found a step for her.

"Benny's sensitive personality is caused by his growing environment. As soon as he was born, my cousin went crazy. By the way, my cousin was displaced from childhood, but was forced to be the concubine of a famous family in country M. She She is the man's most beloved wife, but his other wives took advantage of his absence to persecute my cousin in various ways. My cousin will go crazy, and she won't even recognize her own child, it's all caused by those women!"

This is the same root, why is it too urgent!
Also being a woman, Xue Yingying felt quite disgusted with this kind of behavior.If it weren't for them, my cousin would have fallen to this level, and Benny would have been shadowed since he was a child?

The hatred deepened again, and she clenched her fists tightly.

"The little guy escaped because he couldn't bear it?" Tan Junzhan held her firmly in his arms and guessed as her emotions fluctuated.

"You only guessed half right! There was that man before, and he could still protect little Benny. Later, when he learned of the harm his cousin had suffered, he dismissed the other wives in a fit of anger. They are a group of women with evil intentions All together, he poisoned his food, and finally died. Only the crazy woman and little Benny were left! Maybe motherhood is innate, and the cousin was insane, but she returned to normal that night, more peacefully than usual Tell Benny, keep running forward, don't care about anything, don't answer!"

Halfway through speaking, she stopped again.

Tan Junzhan clearly felt the changes in her body, and he quietly opened her clenched fists, trying to hold her fingers together, trying to relieve her anger: "You and Benny have suffered, I will Come back for advice one by one!"

"I'm sorry for my cousin. I didn't see KEN before she died. Benny is even more pitiful. At a young age, he watched his biological mother being beaten to death. He hid in the closet, from the small I saw all the atrocities through the cracks! And the mastermind of all this is actually an old friend!"

Benny didn't know that guy, but Xue Yingying knew that after the whole thing came to light, she couldn't help being dumbfounded, why was it this guy again?
"Benson?" Tan Junzhan could only guess this character.

After humming softly, she continued: "His methods are superb. He actually hooked up with that man's eldest daughter and became the eldest son-in-law of that family. Of course, a group of women listened to his instigation. They didn't find him in the house. Benny also left. The cousin held her last breath and forcefully opened the closet. She tore off the jade pendant around her neck, stuffed it in Benny's hand, and broke it without saying anything. Little Benny’s precociousness was completely forced by reality. In order to survive, he had to run wildly until he finally met me. There was a photo of his cousin’s birth stuck on the back of the jade pendant, which KEN recognized. Out of a grandson."

(End of this chapter)

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