Chapter 178 Nirvana Rebirth
"Benson? Murder for life, this time he can't run away! I want to settle the old and new grudges with him, just wait and see!" Tan Junzhan's face gradually climbed into a cold look.

Back then, Ding Keke was in charge of guarding him.But they didn't want to, they let her fall into his crooked way through their negligence for a while, and finally ran away, and they couldn't find any clues in the past few years.

Now the explanation is clear, he has found a big backer, and has changed his face since then.I can't find any news about him, and it's the same!

If it wasn't for him, how could my daughter have suffered these crimes?

As he thought about it, his breath became heavier and heavier, and he wished he could fly to country M immediately to bring that villain to justice.

"Amo, he is considered innocent. He was in a car accident and was seriously injured. If he hadn't held my photo in his hand, KEN would not have kindly shot him. I am somewhat similar to my aunt, and they mistakenly thought I was This is the daughter they were looking for. However, when Ah Mo woke up, he forgot all his memories, and he didn’t even have a document to prove his identity. KEN and Auntie couldn’t help thinking about what my cousin might suffer, so they took Ah Mo in After a long period of nurturing, he finally developed his current character."

Thinking back to the beginning, Dang Zimo would always only protect those who hurt her, how could he take the initiative to attack?Now, the sense of contrast is too strong!
Xue Yingying was inexplicably sad, her voice sounded a little choked, recalling what had happened in the past few years, she was even more grateful: "I know you will taste good, but I still have to say it. Since I was young, the only thing I am sorry Ah Mo is the only one. Whether it was 12 years ago or five years ago, the sacrifice he made for me was too heavy. As you said on the cliff, the destruction of the party family was all planned by the Guan family Yes, but Guan Hong is not the only one involved."

"His father and mother also participated?" Tan Junzhan's investigation was not detailed enough. Instead, she heard the explosive news from her mouth. He couldn't help becoming nervous, and his arms tightened suddenly.

"The two families of Tan Guan and Guan Hong have always been at odds. You were born in the same year as Guan Hong, but because you were born a few months earlier, you became the grandson of Tan's parents, and their Guan family couldn't even get a fart. So I hated deeply, I stop making plans all the time. And I was foolishly used by others at that time, and I have made you all sad for so many years for no reason? Ah Zhan, I'm sorry!"

Once everything was honest and open, Xue Yingying finally let go of the stubborn stone in her heart.

"Silly girl!"

Where is the source of all evil that she can control at that age?The Tan family would not blame her for this at all.

Tan Junzhan caressed her forehead, remembering that she liked to show her full forehead before, but this time she returned with flat bangs.

He was thoughtful, and he felt something was wrong with anxiety.He reached out to lift the hair on her forehead, but she waved it away.

What's going on?He raised his eyebrows, as if asking.

Xue Yingying knew that she couldn't hide it from him, so she sighed and said, "Five years ago, that cliff was dangerous. Ah Mo jumped to save me, but he lost a leg because of it. And I just left a permanent scar on my forehead." It’s okay to keep the small scars, let me always remember how I got through these few years.”

"Sister, my little girl. The you from five years ago, come back! This small scar can't affect your appearance, and you will always be the most beautiful in my heart. If you really mind, the plastic surgery skills are superb now. You have this If necessary, I will find the most authoritative..."

He placed a light kiss on her injured forehead, and then looked at her deeply, without any fake affection in it.

"No, I will pay them back a hundred times and a thousand times for the pain I have suffered!" In an instant, Xue Yingying's eyes showed a bit of cruelty.

Ferocious, dark, totally different from her usual.

Tan Junzhan froze for a few seconds with the hand stroking her eyebrows, staring at her blankly, not knowing what to say.

On the other hand, she just gently pushed away his motionless hand.

To love her is to tolerate everything about her, including her rebirth from Nirvana.

From a bystander's point of view, she could indeed accept his reaction.But as her man, this is a big taboo.

She chuckled coquettishly, and her tone gradually became alienated: "Don't say that I have changed. Sometimes it is not me that changes, but the environment I am in. I have nothing, I only have myself. I If you can't strengthen yourself, how can you protect the young Benny."

"Talking about Jun Zhan, that's it for the two of us. When I return to China this time, I mainly want to visit my family and understand my wishes. Now it seems that I have to give you back your freedom. It's better to hit another day, so we simply The formalities have been completed." She took a deep breath, pretending to be unimportant, but in fact it was raining inside, and it was still pouring down on her head and face.

"Let you be free outside for a few years, and you forgot what I said?"

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, just treat it as a sick cat?
The more she talked, the more she went too far, and Tan Junzhan couldn't bear it.

As soon as the long legs took a step, he went straight to the ground, grabbed her slender waist, and said angrily: "Xue Yingying, military marriages cannot be divorced, unless one of the parties has major negligence. What kind of reason do you want to sue me?"

There were sporadic flashes of fire in his eyes, and because of this, he couldn't control the strength in his hands, and accidentally grabbed her wrist and it hurt.

Xue Yingying's overly sensitive physique has not changed in recent years.

She turned her head and saw that her wrist must be red and swollen, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt wronged, "I know you guys like the scheming little white rabbit the most, I'm sorry, I can't go back, I can't do it again Go back to the me I was five years ago."

Now everything is not what it used to be.Looking back at the beginning, she was an innocent girl, and because of him, two children died in succession.Her fate is rough, how can she be asked to return to her original innocence?

My own life experience is a mystery, and the closest person next to my pillow is the only relative I know with my own hands.

"Ninny, baby, you are crying so hard that my heart is about to break!" Tan Junzhan held her tightly in his arms, saying "Ninny" on the left and "baby" on the right, and each sentence picked the most Intimate words are calling.

Xue Yingying listened, and soon stopped sobbing.

She couldn't understand, when did the man in the past who couldn't say such a thing change like this?

With perplexed eyes, she stared blankly.

Tan Junzhan didn't want to take advantage of others at such a moment, he coughed and coughed a few times, "My mom misses you a lot. Go clean up first, and come home with me later."

(End of this chapter)

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