Chapter 179

Come back home?

Upon hearing these two words, Xue Yingying felt dizzy.As soon as she turned around, she forced herself to turn back again.

She changed her usual sweet and coquettish tone, and directly threw out a few words: "Anyway, I'm not going!"

"Really not going?"

Unexpectedly, he didn't threaten her, and Yaba's personality has rarely changed.

As soon as Xue Yingying breathed a sigh of relief, she heard his voice in her ear.

"It's okay if you don't go, but I won't promise little Benny!"

Isn't this what Chi Guoguo threatened?
Benny is indeed her weakness at this stage.

"You—shameless!" He couldn't match her insistence, so he used the child as a threat. What kind of behavior should a leader have?
Just abominable!
"Special time, special treatment! To deal with you, I can only use this trick. Nizi, I only give you 10 minutes to prepare. Overtime will not wait! With my dad's level of nitpicking, you should be mentally prepared .”

With a bright smile on his face, she didn't see any caring advice at all.

For the safety of little Benny, Xue Yingying once again experienced the experience of taking a battle bath.

Two words mean pain!

It's June now, and this year's summer is coming earlier than usual!
Xue Yingying is very afraid of the heat when playing a child, and Tan Junzhan is well aware of this.

Because of their childhood sweethearts, the two of them had a good understanding. He turned on the air conditioner first, and the chilly temperature swept the entire interior of the car.

However, before her butt was warmed up, she said calmly: "Roll down the window!"

"Aren't you too hot?" Tan Junzhan said casually.

"You care about me? So much talk! Just do it." It seemed that her aunt came to visit, and her temper became very bad.

He casually glanced at the watch on his wrist, and he knew it.

In ten minutes or so, she will arrive at Tanzhai. Could it be that what she is afraid of is still the same as it was five years ago?
He said that when she returns this time, he will do everything to keep her safe, even if he wants to tear himself apart from his father.

"It's been five years, and my dad's attitude will definitely change. Don't worry about that." Tan Junzhan, who was still driving, unexpectedly freed up a hand to wrap her tightly around hers, clenching it tightly, giving her enough courage.

Xue Yingying always felt that things were not that simple, and behind his solemn expression seemed to be hiding something.

She asked, but her eyes wandered and searched on his face: "Be honest! Has something happened at home since I left? Ah Zhan, you know my character, don't hide it from me, the consequences will be serious."

"You will know when you arrive, don't guess."

What happened, let alone her, even a tough guy like him couldn't accept it, how could he start provoking her now.

How happy he can be for a while is a while, her smile is what he cares most about.

What should be faced can never be escaped.

Approaching Tan Zhai, Xue Yingying instinctively defended herself, and she trembled non-stop.

She can still vividly remember what happened five years ago.The other party threw the most unacceptable words at her, how could she accept it calmly at a relatively young age?

Tan Junzhan saw through her protective look at a glance. Her self-defense system was actually a protective look of fear.

As her man, he felt distressed in his eyes.

Grabbing her hand all of a sudden, he intertwined with her fingers, they were like a couple with sweet feelings, and others were envious.

"What are you doing? Let go!"

If Commander Tan sees it, she will only suffer.

At this moment, Tan Junzhan's male chauvinism began to rise, and he sternly yelled at her: "Move again? Be careful, I will punish you on the spot."

Xue Yingying was too frightened to move, because somewhere in his body did feel hot.

He was a typical type of person who would do what he said, and she couldn't believe it.

Fa-rectification on the spot?Where should she put her face in front of Benny?

"Talk about Jun Zhan, do you dare?" Xue Yingying was indeed afraid, she hugged his thin waist, and the tip of her nose couldn't help but feel a little sore.

His haggardness can be seen with the eyes.But at the same time, his body also suffered a lot.

Tan Junzhan felt her strangeness, and the corner of his mouth raised an arc. He said maliciously: "Compared with before, I am indeed a little thinner, but my ability to satisfy you is definitely the same. Why don't you try it at night ?”

"You can be talkative! Get out of the way!" Xue Yingying gave him a slap without hesitation, but the strength was well controlled, it was purely for fun.

Who knows, after walking, they have already reached the door of the living room.

Mrs. Zhang opened the door when she heard the commotion outside, and all the people in the living room all stared straight at her. Among them, the most sharp one was Tan Jianguo!
Xue Yingying's subconscious behavior wanted to get rid of him. You know, this is the result of years of training!
Tan Junzhan smiled frankly, without giving her a chance to break free, he hugged her and walked inside.

On the other hand, she looked like she was caught having an affair with someone, and she felt all kinds of embarrassment.

As soon as her butt was seated, she was seated beside him.

Ever since the two of them entered the room, Jiang Yinshi's gaze has been circling her, her pupils flickering, as if she has a thousand words to complain about.

Although she and Jiang Yinshi are not mother and daughter, their relationship is almost the same.

"Ninny, you have suffered all these years, and you have helped us raise a sensible grandson." Jiang Yinshi's words were referring to Benny.

When Xue Yingying heard this, she was a little surprised. She suddenly turned her head and looked at him, blinking twice—what's the matter?

"Mom, it's been a lot for my daughter these years. We have to make it up to her!" He became more and more good at rambling.

Before Jiang Yinshi could hear the gap between the two of them, she nodded again and again, and the tears in her eyes were spinning at the same time: "Ninny, my poor little heart. You have suffered, and we are the ones who are sorry for you! Benny is sensible Obedient, you are well educated! If only grandpa and grandma were here—”

"Mom—my niece and I got up late in the morning, go and get something to eat! You know your niece's preferences best." Suddenly, Tan Junzhan raised his voice suddenly, even Xue Yingying beside him was startled.

What is he trying to hide?

Things became more and more strange, and Xue Yingying began to fall into deep thought.

Before this sentence, Mom seemed to have mentioned——

"Azhan, are grandparents and grandparents in good health recently?" She asked with her head tilted.

For a moment, she suddenly noticed that the air in the living room seemed to have stopped.No one spoke, and the sound of breathing was also lost.

This is suspicious!

Now, the most suspicious thing is talking about Jianguo's move.On weekdays, he would have been swearing at each other.Could it be that the tranquility today is being covered up by the happiness of having grandchildren?

I'm afraid not necessarily!

She crossed her arms up and down, and suddenly left distantly, with a frosty expression on her face: "Tan Junzhan, last chance, will you say it?"

"Mommy, I like it here." In an unfamiliar environment, little Benny seldom takes the initiative to show affection.

When he said this, Xue Yingying froze there.

She regained her senses and looked carefully, and there seemed to be signs of aging on Tan Jianguo's cheeks.Why did that high-spirited Commander Tan suddenly look ten years older?However, it is rare to see his kind-hearted attitude.

He changed his usual ice face, holding a handful of sweet candies in his hand and seducing him: "Benny, come to grandpa's place to eat candies! How good! Tell grandpa, where do you most want to go to play? "

Not to mention Xue Yingying's jaw dislocated in shock, even Tan Junzhan had never seen her father behave like this.

He sighed for a moment: "There are three of us, and my father doesn't seem to be like this, it's not fair!"

"You bastard, I'm telling you to talk too much!" Tan Jianguo picked up a pillow and threw it away without mercy.

At this moment, a figure flashed out from upstairs. She had a clear purpose and ran directly towards Benny who was beside Tan Jianguo.

not good!

The alarm bell sounded in Xue Yingying's heart, she got up and planned to go to rescue.

But it was good to talk about Jun Zhan, as soon as he pulled, he pulled her into his arms.

Seriously dragging one's feet back, a terribly stinky man!
She turned her head and stared at him viciously. Before she could utter the words of accusation, she heard a very familiar voice, but felt a little strange.

"My child, my child. Mom will never want you again, please forgive mom this time!" There was a faint broken feeling in her voice, how did she do it?

That voice had been heard since she was a child, there was no way Xue Yingying could have misheard it, it was clearly Tan Yan's voice!
She glared fiercely, then got up, and stopped in front of Tanyan decisively.

She held Tan Yan's arm tightly, "Yan Yan, look clearly, that's not your child..."

"Ah——you are a devil! No more, I don't want anything, please let me go! Ah——" Immediately afterwards, she hugged her head tightly, squatting in the corner as if greatly stimulated, He kept repeating these few words in his mouth.


As soon as Zhao Yaokun entered the door, he rushed over from the door and directly embedded her in his arms.With one hand free, he tapped on her back, doing soothing work: "Yanyan, don't be afraid! Look, is there that little girl in the floral dress over there? She is your little Yanyan, don't you? Forgot?"

Zhao Yaokun flirted with Xiao Yanyan, the little guy is also a precocious child.

She shouted timidly: "Mom—"

On the thin and small face, there is also a pair of big obsidian-like eyes. No matter how you look at the whole combination, you think this girl is juicy!
So this is Yan Yan's daughter, but where is the child's father?

Xue Yingying's heart is full of puzzlement, and there is probably a huge mystery behind Tan Yan's madness waiting to be solved.

Tan Yan's situation finally improved a bit, she hugged Xiao Yanyan in her arms, and held her tighter: "My child, my baby, it's my mother's mistake, it's my mother's mistake."

"Ah Zhan, Yan Yan is crazy, grandpa and grandma passed away because of the blow?" Everyone was silent, Xue Yingying could only think of this answer.

"Ninny, Mommy has prepared your favorite food—"

Just as Jiang Yinshi walked out of the kitchen, the dinner plate in her hand immediately fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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