Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 180 The Conspiracy of Liaison

Chapter 180 The Conspiracy of Liaison
"Yan Yan—" Jiang Yinshi's voice sounded very abnormal.

Similarly, Xue Yingying couldn't tell which sound she was calling.

Yanyan OR Yanyan?

Xue Yingying winked at Benny, and the little Benny broke away from Tan Jianguo's arms, and he went straight to Tan Yan.

On his clear little face, there was no expression: "I'm sorry!"

When Zhao Yaokun saw the little guy for the first time, his natural reaction was to stop him: "Boy, what are you doing?"

"He's my son!" Tan Junzhan interjected at the right time.

While he turned his head away to confirm his identity with Tan Jun Zhan, Benny made a decisive move.

He carried a small pack of fine needles for acupuncture with him, and then took out one of them. He pointed it in the direction and shot directly.

Tan Yan's originally frenzied movements suddenly calmed down, and fell into Zhao Yaokun's arms.

In the past few years, there is no way to make her calm. This little guy is not bad!

Even if she is mentally disturbed, Tan Yan is still the daughter of the Tan family. Jiang Yinshi flew over as a mother, calling her name all the time, but Tan Yan remained motionless, as if she was asleep.

Xue Yingying could see Jiang Yinshi's excitement, she couldn't bear to see this scene, so she explained: "Benny has studied with an old Chinese doctor, he just injected an injection on Yan Yan's sleeping point .When Yanyan sleeps enough, she will wake up, and it will not hinder her body."

Immediately, Tan Jianguo's face was filled with incomparable relief: "Benny, come here! You are amazing at such a young age, much better than your father."

Benny's dad?

Xue Yingying gasped, thinking about Jun Zhan's previous sentence.

How did he convince the elders to accept Benny's identity? You must know that Benny's green eyes are the most iconic symbol.

"When Benny was just born, my daughter almost fainted when she saw those green eyes. It was obviously my seed, how could she be born like this? As a result, after many tests, it turned out that my daughter had hidden traces of foreign blood. Sex genes. If you don't talk about this matter, it will definitely fall into the limelight in the end. Dad, don't you think so?"

Tan Junzhan clearly said these words jokingly, but in fact he said them on purpose for Tan Jianguo to hear.

Fortunately, since Benny appeared, Tan Jianguo hadn't doubted Benny's identity at all, and felt that he was very popular with him at first sight.Even Jiang Yinshi never saw her wife have such a benevolent expression towards a child one day.

What a rarity!
"Ninny, what happened to Yanyan just now scared you? Don't take it to heart."

Aunt Zhang was in charge of cleaning up the mess, Jiang Yinshi stepped forward and hugged Xiao Yanyan in her arms, she is also a poor child!

"I used to feel the same about Yanyan's situation. Fortunately, I have Benny, the little sun, who illuminates my life. However, I still have to know everything that happened back then. Don't hide anything!"

Jiang Yinshi opened her mouth, but the words that came to her lips were blocked by her last sentence.

Zhao Yaokun saw that he was present, so he had no choice but to act as the only narrator.

Looking back on the past, he was heartbroken!
Five years ago, in a familiar room, Zhao Yaokun woke up with his hands on his temples, his head was swollen and painful.

In the brain, there seems to be faults in memory fragments.As for what happened last night, a vaguely familiar little face appeared, calling out his name from her slightly opened mouth—Yaokun, Yaokun, ah——

With a sound of emotion and fatal temptation, he also went mad.He only had one thought, let her climb the peak bravely with him.

As a result, a gorgeous firework bloomed in front of the two of them, and they felt comfortable.

Unable to bear the exhaustion all over his body, he fell into a deep sleep.Before going to sleep, he squinted his eyes and forgot to glance at the person next to his pillow.That was his favorite, but it was also the little girl whom he always wanted to drive away with duplicity——Tan Yan.

She finally belonged to him, and this slow long-distance race seemed to have come to an end.

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand to touch the pillow, but there was nothing there.

what happened?Is it just a spring dream without trace?

He got up quickly, just to prove the truth of the matter.

The final reality was shocking. The woman who had just submitted the divorce report before him actually appeared on the dressing table.

Zhao Yaokun didn't dare to imagine the scene in front of him, he roared in a rough voice, "Why are you here?"

"It's not me? Who do you think the woman who was with you last night would be? Could it be a talk?" Lian Yinyun smiled sarcastically, and she continued to put on makeup for herself.

Interspersed with reality and dreams, he seemed to have thought of a crucial point.

He lifted off the thin quilt, and he was stunned by the bright red blooming red rose underneath.

"He gave you his innocence, and you still plan to divorce me? Tell you, Zhao Yaokun, you have no way! If you want to be with Tan Yan, you have no chance in this life. The happiness I can't get, you two can't get it." Don't even think about it!"

Lian Yinyun saw his actions from the makeup mirror, and immediately put down the eyebrow pencil.As soon as she turned around, a ferocious look appeared on her face. No matter how many expensive skin care products she had, she couldn't hide her nausea.

At this moment, Zhao Yaokun really believed the poisonous oath she had made.

He didn't bother to talk to her, what a crazy woman.As soon as he picked up the clothes and pants scattered all over the floor, he put them on one by one, and was about to leave.

Fingers twisted on the doorknob, she laughed almost mockingly from behind: "This is retribution! Want to see your lover? Go, I want to see a broken flower, how can you tolerate her? "

"What the hell did you do to her?" Hearing this, he had a clue in his mind that something happened to Yan Bacheng.And she, his nominal wife for many years, can never be separated from the relationship.

At that moment, Zhao Yaokun wished he could cut off her neck with his own hands.

"If you don't leave, your little lover will die, ahem..."

Because of this sentence, Zhao Yaokun let her go and rushed to Tan's house immediately.

It's a pity that he still took a step back.In the following years, she didn't even recognize him.

I remember once, as long as he turned his head, she would definitely appear in his field of vision.

Even if he deliberately dodges, he will still notice, just pretending to be unaware.In fact, no one knew that he was secretly happy in his heart.The affirmation that Lian Yinyun couldn't get was all obtained from Tan Yan.But he didn't know that this secret joy would eventually turn into love.

What Tan Yanyi said was accusations against the devil, but in Zhao Yaokun's ears, it was an invisible condemnation.If he had woken up earlier and severed his relationship with Lianyin, maybe the situation would not have turned into what it is now.

Brother Tan is Tan Yan's twin brother, and he has always shown others with a gentle image.Unexpectedly, this time, when he saw Zhao Yaokun standing at the door, he greeted his face with his firm fist, absolutely unambiguous.

(End of this chapter)

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