Chapter 181 The Jealous Man
"Uncle, isn't this little sister your daughter?" Benny had been acting as a quiet listener, and for some reason, he unexpectedly came up with this sentence.

After learning about Benny's abilities, Tan Junzhan didn't treat him like a child.

His education policy is very open, and he continued to follow the words decisively: "Benny, say what you want to say boldly, and I will support you!"

Isn't he afraid of spoiling the child?

When Xue Yingying got angry, she exerted some strength on his waist and squeezed it hard.

But Tan Junzhan just embraced her dotingly: "We can't kill a child's imagination."

"Uncle, look carefully, you two look very similar. It's hard not to be regarded as a father and daughter, just like me and Mommy walking on the street!" Benny hardly had the habit of frowning, but once , he seemed to be in trouble.

After he said this, the whole family began to compare the looks of the two.


In just a few seconds, the result of this game of finding faults was revealed.

I didn't pay much attention to it on weekdays, and there were indeed some similarities between the eyebrows and eyes of the two.

As the head of the family, Tan Jianguo decisively issued an order: "Zhao Yaokun, you and Yanyan go for a paternity test, the sooner the better!"

"Uncle Zhao, are you really my father?" Xiao Yanyan's eyes were particularly watery. When she looked at him like that, all the lies couldn't continue.

Zhao Yaokun choked his voice, he couldn't give her an accurate answer.

"Then do you like Uncle Zhao to be your father?" He could only use this tone to probe her thoughts.

I can't say why, maybe it's because of Aiwujiwu, Zhao Yaokun loves her very much, it seems that there is a mentality of compensation at work.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Yanyan immediately nodded and said, "I like Uncle Zhao the most. Can you be my father? Other children in the kindergarten have them, but I don't."

"No matter what the result is, you are my daughter——Zhao Yanyan." Zhao Yaokun made up his mind.

He bent down and held the little girl in his arms.Before leaving, he didn't forget to inform his elders: "Mom and Dad, whether Yan Yan admits it or not, I have decided that she is my future responsibility. And Xiao Yanyan is my little lover in my previous life. It will be good for both of them."

"Yaokun, where are your parents?" Jiang Yinshi was moved to tears by his promise.But in a blink of an eye, who can accept children of unknown origin!

"They'll understand! Besides, I'm confident—" He looked up at the little guy in his arms, his gaze becoming heavy.

If Benny's words hadn't awakened him, he might not have realized that he might be Xiao Yanyan's biological father.

That spring dream back then had no trace, maybe it was a reality, but all of them fell into the track of the rhyme.

Damn legato!

Zhao Yaokun gritted his teeth with hatred, he must make the other party pay for the pain he suffered for so many years.

Just like that, he left with Xiao Yanyan, he was more eager than anyone else to know the final result.

In the living room, there was a sudden silence, and Xue Yingying was a little bit at a loss.

"Zhao Yaokun divorced Lian Yinyun? Didn't she continue to entangle with Ah Zhan?" This doubt was always in her heart, and she couldn't complain.

Molecules in motion in the air, they agree, all stand still.

Looking at the silent faces, Xue Yingying wanted to bite the tip of her tongue.

Hearing this, Tan Junzhan's expression darkened in an instant: "Damn woman, you are really ruthless!"

"Ah Zhan—" Jiang Yinshi couldn't see the two getting along like this.

"Xue... Nannan, I have a clear conscience about what Jianguo has done in my life. But for you, I can't stand up straight. All that happened before, I have only one sentence—sorry!"

Just like this sentence said, half his life as a soldier, he talked about Jianguo, but he couldn't straighten his back to her.

His hands were empty, and Benny didn't come close to him. It seemed that everyone's words and deeds were accusing him.

Tan Jianguo stood up together, faced Xue Yingying, and bowed at a standard ninety degrees.

You know, in Japan, this level of bowing is the best way to show sincerity.

However, after he did this kind of behavior, Xue Yingying stepped forward to support him: "Dad, don't do this, your waist is not good. Everything is caused by someone, and I won't blame you."


My parents were so mad at me, my precious daughter became a madwoman, and the eldest son I was most proud of simply never appeared at home again.

It is impossible to talk about Jianguo without feeling all the pain.

"Grandpa, eat candy." There was no expression on Benny's calm face, and his open palm was the candy Tan Jianguo gave him earlier, and he borrowed flowers to offer Buddha.

He was wrong!

It wasn't his stubbornness back then, this kind of family happiness should have come long ago.

Tan Junzhan didn't move, he watched the situation quietly, watching the regretful look in Tan Jianguo's eyes fade away bit by bit.

"Master, that old lady is looking for her daughter again!" Mrs. Zhang hurried into the living room.

"Old woman?" Xue Yingying raised her voice and shouted, could it be that Commander Tan has changed his temper and wanted to accumulate blessings for his family?

Tan Junzhan clamped her waist tightly: "Oh, that one! A few years ago, my mother found it in the grove in the backyard. The old woman had scars on her face, which were scary. She yelled to find her daughter Seeing that she was pitiful, my mother took her in out of kindness. She also found many famous doctors to treat her, but in the end there was still no improvement."

Granny?Scars on your face?Scary?

All three points have been hit, so who should it be?
An old friend whom I haven't seen for many years, Xue Yingying gets excited just thinking about it.

In her full expectation, the old lady appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as she saw Xue Yingying's appearance in the crowd, she rushed over immediately: "My child, my poor child, I shouldn't have left you in the grove."

This line fits her background very well, Xue Yingying froze for a moment and became silent.

Instead, Jiang Yinshi stepped forward to stop her, shaking her head and explaining: "Ninny, you don't follow her way. It's been a few years, and this is the same sentence that comes and goes. I don't know where she heard it?"

"Grandma, do you remember me? Back then, you picked up the stick and helped me drive away the bad guys? You called me my daughter back then, do you still remember me?"

Perhaps it was Xue Yingying who had been in contact with her a few times, and the old lady came to her senses unexpectedly. She said in a daze, "Hey, girl, why are you here?"

Jiang Yinshi stared at her for a moment: "Nannan, do you know her?"

"Outside the restaurant, a few gangsters tried to bully me, but this old woman saved me."

"Forgot about Lao Tzu?" Tan Junzhan couldn't see his achievements being replaced by others.

Xue Yingying laughed in a muffled voice: "You're still angry with an old man, don't you?"

Instead, seeing that the old lady was clear-headed, Xue Yingying planned to help her, "Grandma, you miss your daughter, let me help you find it together! Tell me what you still remember."

"On the man's waist, there is a blue eagle. Ahhh——woman—scratches your face——ahhh——" The situation didn't last long, and the old woman went crazy again.

Xue Yingying pondered over these two clues, and even Benny forgot to bring them back.

While Tan Junzhan was washing up, she quietly dialed Dang Zimo.

On the other side, far away on the other side of the ocean, he was refreshed: "The guy with the opposite sex and no humanity, finally think of someone like me?"

"Don't be like someone else's complaining woman! I have an errand for you. I have sent a photo and a text message to your mobile phone. With your ability, it can be done in minutes. I am optimistic about you!" Said that Xue Yingying and Dang Zimo have always been the most compatible couple, except for love.

"So it was just to send me off? You are so cruel." Dang Zimo made a painful gesture of tearing his heart.

Xue Yingying has keen ears, and she always pays attention to what's going on in the bathroom.

As soon as the sound of the water stopped, she immediately lowered her voice, ready to cut off the phone: "I won't tell you anymore, I'll contact you later! My best friend——Mo."

She always keeps him there, whether he agrees or not.

Dang Zimo's voice sounded a little dry: "Good friend, he dared to let you down, remember to turn around and join me!"

"Got it—hang up."

"Who are you on the phone with?"

Walking without making a sound, Xue Yingying's shoulders trembled in fright, why should she be so scary!

Subconsciously hiding the phone, she hung upside down on him: "I'm just looking for a private detective to find out about the old lady's relatives."

"Really?" He clearly didn't believe it.

Nodding vigorously, she was very firm.

"Come here and wipe my head." Unexpectedly, this time he was easy to fool.

Xue Yingying was stunned for a few seconds, and then quickly passed by, turning into a little slave girl.

She was still wiping like a dogleg, and the phone was on the other side of the bedside table.

A brisk bell rang, and the two of them looked at each other for a few moments, and a fierce fire burst out in the air immediately, sparks splashed everywhere.

At the same time, the two shot together.But I don't want to, long hands have this advantage, so I snatched it first.

Under the glare of her resentful eyes, Tan Junzhan clicked to take a look, and his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys almost exploded: "Xue Yingying, are you still in contact with Dang Zimo?"

"For the first time after returning to China, if you don't believe me, go check my call records."

"'It is recommended to start with Guan Yi'? What are you planning with him?" As her man, she actually extended her assistance to the outside. Is he still in her eyes?
"This is called... yes, this is called a two-pronged approach. In addition, I have a very strong hunch that my life experience may be behind this incident. So, I have to intervene!"

Put her hand on his neck, just like the usual behavior five years ago.

His tender eyes rested on her face, and he couldn't help sighing: "Do you not believe in my ability, or my strength? Do you have to keep in touch with Dang Zimo? Ten years ago, I pushed you to Dang Zimo’s behavior is still regretting now. Girl, I’ll be responsible for the sky falling, so don’t associate with him in the future, I’ll be jealous!”

He kissed her white and tender fingers gently, as if it was true.

Xue Yingying laughed out loud.

"Still laughing? Looks like I'll have to do a lot of hard work to get my husband back."


(End of this chapter)

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