Chapter 182
The DNA results came out on the same day, there was no doubt that Xiao Yanyan was Zhao Yaokun's precious daughter.

He is deeply sorry for letting the little guy bear the bad name of his father for many years for no reason.

As for the Zhao family, it was because of this that they opened their hearts and accepted Tan Yan and Xiao Yanyan.

Although the status of the Zhao family in the capital is not as good as that of the Tan family, they must not let their descendants be displaced outside, they must be given their status.

So, Tan Zhao and his family joined hands to hold a banquet for Xiao Yanyan to recognize her ancestors.

On weekdays, Xia Xuanfu didn't bother to pay attention to it, besides, she and Tan Yan were not close to each other.

When Han Shaoting leaned forward, Xia Xuanfu stretched out his leg and gave him a kick: "Where it's cooler, stay there!"

"Son, your mother is playing with me! You go into the house to play, the latest Transformers, your favorite!" Han Shaoting deliberately lured the little guy.

Children of this age still eat this way more or less.

Who knows, Han Huaihuai has a heart.

Han Shaoting spotted him jumping off the sofa and rushed in. He hugged a certain girl in his arms with one hook, and just wanted to get down with one breath.

At this time, a childish voice ordered next to his ear: "Don't bully my mother!"

Sure enough, it is his seed, and he has the demeanor of a father at a young age.only--

Han Shaoting raised his eyebrows, his hands still resting on her waist: "Bad, I bullied your mother, will your mother not respond? Go inside and play, be careful and the toys will be gone."


The little guy's inquiring eyes were still wandering between the two of them.

It doesn't bother him to do this every time, and she doesn't like it anymore!
Xia Xuanfu said coldly, "Let go! Don't force me to do it, one or two—"

After several years of living as a Lianjiazi, Xia Xuanfu will not go backwards.Against him, the two of them are probably on par.

She glanced at him with disdainful eyes, and then retracted with disdain.

"Are you not interested in the matter of sister-in-law?" Han Shaoting, who was just about to recruit Sunflower acupressure practitioners, took this opportunity to get closer again and deliberately lure him with bait.


Saying this right now, Xia Xuanfu's angrily eyes almost wanted to swear.Due to the education of the next generation, she had no choice but to endure, "Xiao Huai, go into the house."

The little guy went into the room after getting his mother's order.

Where should he put his face as a father?

Han Shaoting chuckled softly.

His smile was undoubtedly the trigger, Xia Xuanfu strangled his neckline with one hand, and dragged him to his side: "Han Shaoting, what happened to her? Tell me clearly!"

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Xue Yingying's status is still more important than him.

"At Zhao's house in the afternoon, Xiao Yanyan recognizes her ancestors and returns to her family. The boss and sister-in-law are also going to attend. Aren't you going to join us?" Han Shaoting shook the invitation letter in his hand, and there was only one, and the invitation letter said— —Captain Han and his wife and children as a family of three.

damn it!
"Go or not, it's up to you! It's just that, if you pass this village, you will lose this shop. Think about it for yourself." He said it lightly, but in fact, she was not clear about the wishful thinking he had in his heart?
In order to protect Xue Yingying, the Tan family avoided her very tightly.As he said, this is indeed a good opportunity.

Putting on the appearance of a strong man sacrificed, she resolutely agreed: "I will go!"

"Girl, this is the first time for the three of us to attend together, we must dress up well." Han Shaoting was obviously more excited than her.

But she frowned uncomfortably and said, "Who is with your family of three... eh!"

A sentence was incomplete, and his fiery lips stuck to her.

"You, me, and bad. We are a family of three, and no one can be separated."

What about his mother, then his family.He can ignore it, but what about her?

Xia Xuanfu bit his lip and did not speak.

In country M, Xue Yingying is almost a house girl who doesn't leave her home, but Benny is always by her side and rarely goes out.

But now, it might be difficult for these two people to get used to it all at once.

Xue Yingying always has a sweet smile on her face. As a mother, she has a different style from five years ago.However, the chuckle that curled up at the corner of his mouth always felt a little alienated.

Little Benny was wearing a black and white tuxedo, with a delicate appearance, but he showed an aristocratic temperament at such a young age.

When the three of them appeared on the stage, they immediately became the focus of the audience.

Tan Junzhan is cold, Xue Yingying is charming, and little Benny cannot be ignored.

"Nervous? As soon as the ceremony is over, I'll take you home." The tacit understanding between the two, without her opening his mouth, he could feel the tension under her skin.

Little Benny is commonplace, with a standard serious expression, it is difficult to associate him with this immature face, he does not express any opinions.

"Xue Yingying, long time no see!"

It was Pu Xinyu who came to say hello, and she stretched her arm to Xue Yingying, wanting to shake hands and make peace.

If it weren't for her push back then, would I have ended up in this situation?

Therefore, Xue Yingying didn't say a word, with a faint smile on her face, but she appeared distant.

The situation seemed a bit awkward, and little Benny answered like an adult, "Auntie, what's that under your feet?"

Affected by his words, Pu Xinyu lowered her head to check. As soon as she saw the thing, she was dumbfounded and hurriedly explained: "It's really not me, really!"

"Have a needle hidden in your hand? No wonder my mommy ignores you." Little Benny quickly returned to his parents, and his expression returned to normal immediately.

Knowing how to protect his mother at a young age, he immediately won the favor of everyone.The same question arises, who is this little guy?

Thinking back to Pu Xinyu's sentence just now, a voice came out of nowhere, unable to conceal his excitement: "She, she, she passed away five years ago?"

come back to life?
In broad daylight, it sounds weird.

Xue Yingying heard it, but her expression did not change.

Tan Junzhan was the first to express his opinion: "Whoever is talking nonsense, get out!"

"Jun Zhan—"

A soft female voice sounded from the entrance.

The voice sounded strangely familiar, Xue Yingying looked up.

The lights in the hall were bright, and the dazzling light made her eyes narrow slightly.

She narrowed her eyes unconsciously, and a cold murmur sounded in her ears: "Ah, why does that child look so similar to her?"

At the same time as the words came out, Xue Yingying felt several intense gazes circling her.

The hands of the man resting on her waist seemed to be doing some kind of painful struggle, secretly exerting force, regardless of her sensitive skin.

All these are connected, and Xue Yingying has a bottom line in her heart.

Facing Baimang's position, she raised the corner of her mouth and smiled lightly: "Old friend, I won't come out to meet you."

"Xue Yingying, I'm here to let my daughter recognize her ancestors."

Recognize ancestors?

Do you know which father it is?

(End of this chapter)

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