Chapter 183 Little Devil

her daughter?Have a half-money relationship with Ah Zhan?

Xue Yingying chuckled calmly.

However, when the other party came closer, Tan Junzhan clasped her arm even harder.

Xue Yingying couldn't figure out the mystery, and looked up at him, as if he was deliberately hiding something.

"Azhan, give me an explanation."

The tone was soft as usual, but only Tan Junzhan knew about her current change.The little white rabbit has long been blackened, and its sharp little claws are also hidden.

As always, she still abides by the rule that if people don't attack me, I won't attack; if people attack me, I will attack.

"Ninny, I'll give you an explanation when I go back." Tan Junzhan's fiery lips pressed against her ear, discussing.

There was no room for negotiation in her place, so she categorically threw the man away.

Xue Yingying held Benny's little hand, and she stood opposite to the woman walking towards her.

In just a few seconds, her whole world was spinning without pause.

That girl was almost carved out of the same mold as she was when she was a child.If it is not her own flesh and blood, no one will believe it.

It was difficult for Xue Yingying to digest this fact. Little Benny was indeed young, but he had a unique vision and recognized the face of the little girl opposite him at a glance.

"Sister? Where have you been? Mommy has been looking for you so hard!"

As soon as Benny opened his mouth, the embarrassing situation was instantly resolved.

As soon as he approached, the little girl had a stern face and refused to recognize him at all, with a disgusted expression on her face: "Where did you come from? A pair of wolf eyes, who is your sister?"


After a moment of effort, the mouth of the little girl's machine gun was finally closed.

A small face is quite delicate, but who knows that the mouth is so vicious.

After all, Benny was her little nephew.No matter how lovely that little girl is, Xue Yingying is still on his side.

"Lian Yinyun, I don't care about the conflicts between children, I hope you can discipline them well in the future. When you come here today, which invitation card did you receive? If not, please get out now!"

The elders didn't speak, and expressed their position very clearly, they just acquiesced in her opportunity.

None of the onlookers dared to interrupt. After waiting for several years, this good show finally took place.

"Invitation card? How funny! The face of my Yiyi is the best admission ticket, don't you think?" Lian Yinyun pointed at the little girl's displeased face, implying something.

"Stealing my face? Miss Lian, thanks to you being a scholar, this should be called a product. You can't get the admission ticket, please go out now!"

Xue Yingying only maintains a strategic policy for the enemy troops invading her country's territory, and drives them away directly, without giving them a chance to make trouble.

However, the little girl opened her throat and started to cry loudly with a wow: "Dad, don't you want me and mom? One by one, what is not doing well, Dad, tell me, everything has changed one by one. But , you, you, can you not leave behind and follow mom!"

The little girl has a flexible figure, and in the blink of an eye, she tightly grasped Tan Junzhan's knee, hugging her tightly, and the sad expression on her face seemed to be true.

Tears and children are completely talking about Jun Zhan's weakness.

He had no choice but to stare at Lian Yinyun desperately, hoping that she could take this pestering little guy back.

Lian Yinyun smiled apologetically: "Actually, you are Yiyi's biological father. If you don't believe me, you can sit down and do a DNA comparison."

"Xue Yingying, I'm so sorry! After you left, Tan's family was seriously injured, and Jun Zhan was also depressed because of it. At that time, I felt sorry for him, so I took the responsibility of taking care of him. Unexpectedly, once he put I mistook you for you, so we just..."

At the end, Lian Yinyun lowered her head shyly, embarrassed to continue.

To prove, this step must be carried out.

Xue Yingying's eyes were bright, she looked at Tan Junzhan, "Your answer is—"

"Ninny, I'll explain to you when I get back." Tan Junzhan insisted on this sentence all the time.

His eyes sparkled, and his tone sounded like he was avoiding it deliberately, Xue Yingying knew it in her heart.

With a wave of her hand, she stopped him from continuing to speak with difficulty.

"No need, I already understand."

What did she understand?

Tan Junzhan became anxious all of a sudden, he didn't care about any image, and yelled directly: "Nizi, don't put all the shit on my head. That thing is true, but she didn't say anything further on purpose .Because I am impotent, I only react to you. The person in my arms is not you, and my second brother knows it best. Don't listen to her nonsense!"

"You really have the nerve to say it!" Xue Yingying raised her eyebrows and said.

Isn't he doing it just for her?
Sweat dripped down Tan Junzhan's forehead, he lost all his face because of her.But this time, he didn't regret it.For innocence and face, he resolutely chose the former.

"DNA still has to be done."

He spoke dryly, but in the end she was still like this, Tan Junzhan yelled embarrassingly: "Xue Yingying—"

"Don't worry!" She smiled slightly, and continued to add: "Back then, Ah Zhan and I had a daughter, who died of congenital problems not long after she was born."

"That's none of my business?" Lian Yinyun said firmly.

Clueless guy!

Xue Yingying shook her head helplessly: "You have made a fatal mistake! Even if you and A Zhan have a child, why does the child look like me nine times? I have no blood relationship with A Zhan, which is completely logical. No way."

Lian Yinyun choked up in an instant, speechless.

Now it was Zhao Yaokun's turn to lead Xiao Yanyan.

It's a shame when old people meet again.

But Zhao Yaokun's eyes had nothing but hatred.

"Ex-wife, long time no see!"

The word "ex-wife" brought the two of them closer.

Zhao Yaokun still remembered the so-called big gift from his ex-wife before he left.She reported to his superiors that he forcibly occupied women from good families.Regardless of whether it is true or not, Zhao Yaokun's dossier has also recorded an indelible and heavy stroke.After he was released from Xiaoheiwu, the Zhao family also encountered misfortune in the mall, faced a crisis of integrity, and almost went bankrupt.

After investigation, it turned out that she stole the Zhao family's business secrets and secretly sold them to her opponents.

If it wasn't for the Tan family's help back then, I'm afraid the Zhao family would not know where in the world it exists.

"This is your daughter? But she doesn't look as good as my baby Shui Ling! Zhao Yaokun, I remember that this girl in your hands seems to be born when the Tan family was raped that year. Could it be that you were the one who raped that night?"

Even when Yinyun said this, she tightly covered her mouth in disbelief, she couldn't believe it.

It's clearly what she said, but she still pretends to be ignorant, it's really hateful!

"Yinuo, go to—"

After Tan Junzhan gave an order, Xue Yinuo rushed out from nowhere.

As a police officer, he carried handcuffs with him.Before Lian Yinyun could notice, something cold had already handcuffed her hands.

Even Yin Yun refused to cooperate, and her young lady's temper came up again: "Bastard, let me go!"

"Let go of my mother, or I'll bite you to death!"

The little girl fled quickly from Tan Junzhan's side, and arrived at Xue Yinuo's place in the blink of an eye.

I don't know how Lian Yinyun usually educates children, the little girl does what she says.

As soon as the words fell, she met Xue Yinuo's hanging hand and bit it hard.

"Yiyi, thank you for what you did for me. However, the relationship between our mother and daughter ends here, because I am not your real mother."

Before everyone could digest her words, a thick white mist rose in the hall.

At the moment it happened, there was an instinctive natural reaction in Xue Yingying's body.In the white mist, she unexpectedly found where the little girl was, and hugged her tightly in her arms.

She kept repeating: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

At a young age like her, she was abandoned by Lian Yinyun, who had raised her for several years, Xue Yingying could imagine the panic in her heart.

However, when the white mist subsided, disdain was written on that little face: "Who wants your concern? Get out!"

Crystal clear teardrops swirled in the eye sockets, one by one trying hard not to let them gush out.

Xue Yingying staggered, but fortunately Tan Junzhan supported her smoothly.

"Mom, I'm sorry! I'll take my daughter and the two children back first."

The current situation is not suitable for them to stay here.

"You need to put more thought into it! If you're too busy, remember to call me anytime." Jiang Yinshi was actually worried about them, but she couldn't feel at ease on Xiao Yanyan's end, so she could only take care of one end.

"Yiyi, let's go home." Xue Yingying's sixth sense has always been very strong, and she has a similar face, which makes her unconsciously want to meet the little guy.

Her fingertips trembled and stretched forward, but she didn't want to be hit back halfway.


Hey, stubborn little girl!

Xue Yingying looked at her thin figure and felt so lonely!

She hastily bumped Tan Jun Zhan's elbow, and the little girl was extremely clingy to him, maybe it will be the same this time.

Looking at him with pitiful eyes, the appearance of Xue Yingying biting her lower lip was actually quite charming.


There is always a conspiracy hidden behind the sweet and greasy voice.

Tan Junzhan couldn't stand her, and snapped his fingers on her forehead: "It's the mother of two children, they're not old or young! Benny is still watching from the sidelines."

After returning to the Huazhai, Yiyi's enthusiasm was only developed to Tan Junzhan.

As long as she lives happily and at ease, Xue Yingying will not feel awkward in her heart.

Tan Junzhan finally comforted the little guy. He climbed onto the bed and held the little girl in his arms.After a day of tossing around, it's time for him to enjoy some benefits.

Who knew, what they recruited was a little disaster star, she would follow wherever she went.

It's not-

"Fox, let go of my father!"

The little girl's body looks thin, but her strength is really strong enough.

After beating several times, Xue Yingying's exposed shoulders turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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