Chapter 184
Hearing this complaint, little Benny immediately dropped the book in his hand.

On his little face with little expression, a look of anger gradually began to appear: "Take this sentence back!"

With a serious look, he really has his demeanor!

Xue Yingying laughed out loud as she listened. She glanced at the man beside her.

"Stand up, rest and stand at attention!"

When one by one came into his hands, it seemed that they became soldiers under his hands and were used by him for training.

Seeing her wrinkled face, Xue Yingying stepped forward to persuade her, "Yiyi is still young, and she still has time to educate her. It's not too early, you should go! Come back sooner."

Xue Yingying didn't dare to forget the hostility that the little guy erupted before, and she expressed the last sentence "I'll wait for you" with silent mouth movements.

When he woke up early in the morning, his heart was restless, and his right eyelid kept beating, which had never happened before.

"Yi Yi, listen to your mother at home, be strict and obedient!" He frowned, and his appearance of stern admonition really gave him the feeling of a strict father.

The little guy immediately clenched her fleshy little hand, and she jumped out angrily: "She's not my mother!"

After these words came out of her mouth, she turned around and walked towards the room, ignoring Tan Junzhan who called her coldly behind her.

This temperament is comparable to what Nannan had when she was a child.

Stubbornness, insisting on what you have seen, the stubbornness of not bumping into the south wall and not looking back, is completely a fusion of the two.

Xue Yingying expressed helplessness: "You go to Mangthorn first, and I will persuade you later."

"Ninny, remember to contact me if there is a situation."

If it wasn't for the backlog of business matters waiting for him to deal with, it would be impossible for him to leave now.

The child is still in the stage of growing up, Xue Yingying can't bear to let her suffer from hunger, let alone the lost baby.

One by one sulked and shut himself up in confinement.

Xue Yingying reheated a breakfast and sent it to her.

As soon as she walked to the door, she heard the voice of a little girl talking in the room.

"Mom—" the little girl burst into excitement.

Then there was silence for a few minutes, and the hands-free call was not turned on. Xue Yingying didn't know what the two of them were negotiating with.

"Oh! Mom, don't worry. Dad belongs to both of us! Mother and daughter are of the same heart, and their profits cut through gold. We must drive that vixen out of power."

The call ended hastily in less than 10 minutes, and Xue Yingying clearly heard the little girl's reluctant tone before hanging up the phone: "Oh, okay, I will be obedient here."

Moving away, Xue Yingying waited outside the door for a few minutes before knocking on the door: "Yiyi, I'm your Aunt Xue, is it convenient to come in?"

Yiyi has an impression in her heart that she absolutely cannot accept her identity for a while, so she has no choice but to enter her heart step by step.

It is probably Lian Yinyun's previous move, even if she is not happy, she is still right: "Oh, come in!"

There was a lot of unhappiness on her face, and in Xue Yingying's eyes, she was undoubtedly heartbroken and very uncomfortable.

Putting the hot breakfast on the bedside table, Xue Yingying deliberately sat down beside her.

Stretching out her warm palm, she stroked the little girl's forehead: "Yiyi, what's your full name?"

"Tan Yi."

Concise and concise?

This is clearly his demeanor, and his speaking style will be passed on to the next generation?
Xue Yingying was puzzled.

In order to get closer to Yi Yi, she moved her body and continued to approach: "That character has a lot of strokes, can you write it?"

The implication is, if you can't, let me teach you.

Immediately awakened, Yiyi immediately jumped out of bed, deliberately avoiding some distance, and looked at Xue Yingying from a long distance: "No need, the kindergarten teacher will teach it later."

Xue Yingying didn't know what to do with her alienation?She pouted and said, "I haven't eaten all night, are you hungry? Eat something to fill your stomach. Later, auntie will take you out shopping with Benny, how about it?"

Children naturally like to go out and play, of course, Benny's precocious child is an exception.

Yiyi's eyes immediately shone brightly, and she looked extremely excited, her eyeballs sparkling: "Is it really possible?"

"Of course! Didn't your mother take you out to play before?" Xue Yingying asked back. In fact, she already knew this question in her heart.It was precisely because she was so clear that she felt more and more wanting to make up for it.

"Mom is not at home all day, only me and Xiaoha." Speaking of this, Yiyi's head drooped, and the whole person became depressed.

Needless to ask, Xue Yingying probably guessed that Xiao Ha is probably a small pet.Can pets be compared with human companionship?
Her poor little baby?
Complicated gazes appeared in Xue Yingying's eyes. She stretched out her hand to pull Yiyi into her arms, but she was afraid of being frightened, so she retracted and stroked her soft hair instead: "From now on, you can stay here with peace of mind, I will be better than you Mom still loves you."

One by one, the movements were neat, and the breakfast was settled in a few mouthfuls.

After putting down her job, she excitedly pulled Xue Yingying's finger, "Aunt Xue, can we go now?"

With a pair of big watery eyes, there was a hint of begging in them, it was absolutely impossible for Xue Yingying to dismiss them.

She raised the corner of her mouth and smiled slightly: "Go to the living room and play with Brother Benny first, and I can go after I pack up."

Xia Xuanfu sacrificed her reputation, but in the end she was still one step late, which resulted in her not being able to meet Xue Yingying.At that time, Han Shaoting was almost shot several holes by her eyes.

As compensation, he had no choice but to give Xue Yingying's mobile phone number with a smile on his face after returning home: "My sister-in-law came back this time to meet her family, but she was caught by the boss! This is her current mobile phone number. Dear wife My lord, should you forgive me now?"


Xia Xuanfu's Queen Fan Chuan, after issuing a powerful order to drive away the guest, she took advantage of the opportunity and rewarded him with a Buddha's trace without a shadow leg.

After all, Han Huaihuai is the flesh and blood of the Han family. Although Han's mother doesn't want to see her relationship with Han Shaoting, she will take her grandson over from time to time, so that she can be a good treasure for a while.

Xia Xuanfu is a house girl, she has nothing to do recently.She was free, so she took the initiative to contact Xue Yingying.

There was no one answering the phone, Xia Xuanfu was at a loss, and she was sweating even as she squeezed her palms tightly.

Are the sisters still angry at her concealment back then?

The result of the counterattack often always happens at the last moment.

At the last second, Xue Yingying's hearty voice sounded from the other end: "Hello?"

"Sisters, it's me, Xuanzi, do you remember?"

I haven't talked on the phone for several years, Xia Xuanfu's tongue is almost in a mess and needs some lubricant to comb.

She has known friends for so many years, turned into ashes.

Xue Yingying burst out laughing: "Xuanzi, you have to suppress the phone calls with me, are you good enough? You have been suppressed by Han Shaoting all year round? Where is the former queen?"

"Hey, sisters, are you talking the wrong way? I put him down, remember it!" Xia Xuanfu had to protect his reputation wherever he went.


"Hey, Xuanzi, the more you live, the more you go back? You two have to report to me about the boudoir? By the way, are you free now? Let's get together! I just took the two children out shopping, as companions ?" Listening to Xue Yingying's voice, it seems that the old shadow of the year no longer exists.

Xia Xuanfu was so excited in his heart, but he still had to confirm it again: "Sisters, you really don't blame me?"

"Which one of us is with whom? Do you still remember the angry words from back then? It's done, old stubborn! Bring your bad guy over here, and the three children will get together and have a lot of fun." The child of their family , Xue Yingying heard Jun Zhan mention it several times.

"Unfortunately, he was borrowed by his grandma a while ago. The old place, see you soon."

The old place that Xia Xuanfu talked about was actually the shopping mall that they lived together five years ago.

Xue Yingying had already arrived at the destination, but she waited and waited, she stretched her neck, but she didn't see Xia Xuanfu's shadow.

Waiting is not an option, especially with those hopeful eyes, Xue Yingying is even more unable to reject her request.

There was no way out, so she had no choice but to take out her mobile phone and prepare to communicate on the phone.

She just took out her mobile phone from her bag, but she didn't notice the side.There was a man who bumped into her recklessly and accidentally dropped her cell phone.

"what happened?"

Xue Yingying complained naturally, then stooped to pick it up.

Unexpectedly, the other party was one step faster than her, picking up the phone first.

He felt very sorry: "I'm so sorry! Because the plane is about to be delayed, so—"

"Okay, okay, be more careful next time!" Anyway, it's okay, Xue Yingying doesn't want to fuss with a stranger.

Dust off the dust, she was about to call Xia Xuanfu when the target person yelled from a long distance: "Sisters, I'm right here!"

With no more room for the phone, it ends up slipping into the bag.

Little Xue Yingying, left and right, walked towards Xia Xuanfu.

Two little dolls who are also carved in pink and jade, they are a cool couple wherever they go.

Moreover, the appearance of the two of them is strikingly similar to that of Xue Yingying, anyone can tell that both of them are her offspring!
"The crown prince is so talented, two of them came at once? It's just that these two children don't seem to be the same age!" Anyone with a discerning eye could see this, but Xia Xuanfu couldn't figure it out.

There are too many people talking here, it is not a good place to talk.

There was a smile in Xue Yingying's eyes: "I'll explain to you later, let's start shopping first! One by one, she can't wait."

Benny has always had a paralyzed face, a handsome appearance, and any style of upper body is not bad, so it was resolved smoothly.

As for Yiyi, the little girl at this age especially likes colorful floral skirts.As long as what she likes suits her, Xue Yingying will buy it together with a generous amount.

Xia Xuanfu winked at her: "Sisters, you are so precious to Yiyi! You are so generous, aren't you afraid that the Crown Prince will be jealous?"

(End of this chapter)

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