Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 185 Overseas Electric Chapter

Chapter 185 Overseas Calls
"I'm just a baby girl. She wants the stars and the moon in the sky, and I will satisfy her. What is this little money?" Xue Yingying didn't take her teasing words seriously, and said indifferently.

She was swapped out not long after she was born, and Xue Yingying has to continue to investigate the reason behind it.It's just that she wants to vomit bitterness about Yiyi, the precious daughter who has been missing her for nearly two thousand days and nights.

He does not mean that.

Tan Yi listened to the conversation between the two, feeling all kinds of anxiety.

Her legs were clamped together, and Xiaoli tugged on Xia Xuanfu's clothes: "Aunt Xia, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Yiyi, I'll accompany you!" Xue Yingying said, and was about to come over and hold her hand.

For some reason, Yiyi flashed behind Xia Xuanfu, and said timidly, "Aunt Xia, I want you to accompany me."

"Sisters, this girl is sticky to me! Let me enjoy having a daughter again!" Xia Xuanfu didn't understand the problem between her and the little girl, so he took Yi Yi's hand and went to the bathroom.

Xue Yingying froze in place when she raised her foot, how could she have the nerve to keep up.

Little Benny looked at her complicatedly, and then said, "Mummy, she did it on purpose."

"No nonsense!" Xue Yingying wholeheartedly defended her side, her tone could not help being a bit fierce.

Benny simply kept silent, he remained silent and stared straight ahead.

Xue Yingying knew that what she said was a bit serious, she sighed, and began to explain: "Benny, I'm sorry, what happened just now—"

"Mummy, she has a conspiracy." Little Benny stopped talking, he stood up abruptly, and started to walk towards a corner, pressing every step of the way.

Look at his cautious attitude, Xue Yingying never treated him as a child.He witnessed the changes in his family at a young age, how can he still maintain a childlike innocence?
But he is still relatively small, and he can't compete with adults in all aspects. Xue Yingying hurriedly chased after him and called him: "Benny, come back!"

Hearing her voice, little Benny turned around when his eyes suddenly went dark, and he fell to the ground with a bang.


Seeing him fall to the ground, Xue Yingying immediately panicked, and her heart was quickly lifted to her throat.She even forgot to think about how it all happened, only one thought.

She quickly approached Benny, and before she even opened her mouth, there seemed to be an unknown gas blowing from her surroundings.

Only then did Xue Yingying realize the abnormality. She wanted to hold her breath, but it was too late, and she passed out in a coma.

Before the consciousness disappeared completely, a voice seemed to come from her ear: "You can't escape."

An overly familiar sentence, but how does this voice sound so much like the one who bumped into her before?

Having a pair of children is the dream of every woman in life.

According to Xia Xuanfu's incompatible situation with the Han family, it is completely impossible to have another daughter.

She had no choice but to gain some happiness of having a daughter from Yiyi.

Helping her dry her little hands, Xia Xuanfu led her out.But before she got close to the place, she clung to the spot, refusing to move.

What happened?
Xia Xuanfu's alarm bell sounded immediately, her bright eyes widened, she quickly shook off that hand, and hurriedly ran towards that place.

But as soon as he got close, where is there any figure over there?

There is a large piece of powdery white flowers on the ground!
"A girl and a girl who were here just now, where are they?" Xia Xuanfu couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, he grabbed one of the clerks tightly, and asked incessantly.

"I, I really don't know!"

How could Xia Xuanfu accept such a perfunctory answer?The cannibalistic eyes continued to stare.

Unable to bear such gazes, the clerk had no choice but to shake off her control and tell what he had seen with his own eyes: "The little boy seemed to see something, so he walked towards that corner. Before reaching the position, he fainted. Then The lady passed by soon, and the same thing happened to her. A few of us were about to pass, but there was still a distance of more than one meter, and white powder was sprinkled in front of our eyes. We have now called the police and fell out of the surveillance head. I didn't find out how they disappeared!"

When she said these words, her whole body trembled unceasingly.

Xia Xuanfu had doubts in his heart, but at present he could only hand it over to the police.

She had no choice but to take out her mobile phone, and said in a hurry: "Han Shaoting, inform the prince that my daughter and Benny disappeared out of thin air."

I don't know what was said on the other end, and the call was cut off soon.

No matter how blind Xia Xuanfu is, he should know the reason behind each abnormal behavior.

Her eyes were filled with a murderous look, as if she had seen through Yi Yi's soul: "No matter who instigated you, I don't care! But she is your own mother, here is the paternity test result. Also, you The jade pendant around her neck was worn by her since she was a child. If you still don't believe it, you can get out now. Having a daughter like you is simply a disgrace to the Crown Prince!"

The backpack that Xue Yingying was carrying was left on the scene. As soon as Xia Xuanfu picked it up, the result sheet floated out of the bag.She reacted immediately, and quickly threw the thing in Yiyi's hand.

prickly prickly.

Tan Junzhan immersed himself in reviewing the piles of documents, and suddenly it seemed that several dense arrays were buried in his head at the same time, and the pain suddenly swelled.

There was no way out, so he had to suspend the work at hand and take a break.

Pressing his fingers on his temples a few times, the phone on the table would ring loudly.

Tan Junzhan gritted his teeth in resentment, had no choice but to endure the headache, got up and connected: "Who?"

The cold and bone-chilling voice failed to resist the irritable roar of the other party: "Tan Junzhan, where is Yinger now?"

There was fire in the voice, who do you think he is?
Benny looks young, but his brain can always play a role at critical moments.In this regard, Tan Junzhan has enough confidence.

The other party's provocation suppressed his migraine all of a sudden: "Dang Zimo, this is none of your business."

The crown prince is quite angry, what kind of worldly way is it that he is still in charge of someone who is far away on the other side of the ocean?
The turbidity in his heart could not be eliminated, so Tan Junzhan was about to cut off the phone and ask about Nizi's whereabouts.

At this time, Dang Zimo on the other end yelled directly: "Oh, the dignified prince is not capable of protecting Yinger! I shouldn't acquiesce when I return to China this time. I should have intercepted her at the airport if I knew it. You still I don’t know where she is? Well, let me tell you, she is now kidnapped by Benson’s gang. It’s in country M, so I don’t need to trouble you to make a special trip.”

After a sharp accusation, Dang Zimo hung up the phone in anger.

"Han Shaoting, prepare a plane ticket for me and fly to country M. The sooner the better, the sooner the better." He gave this order directly without confirming it.

With how caring Dang Zimo is for his daughter, would he make fun of it?

(End of this chapter)

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