Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 186 The Friendship of Men

Chapter 186 The Friendship of Men

The ins and outs of Xue Yingying's kidnapping, Han Shaoting relayed Xia Xuanfu's original words one by one.Of course, when Xia Xuanfu offered help one by one, Xia Xuanfu insisted on it and must pass it on.

After Tan Junzhan heard this, he froze there, his headache disappeared out of thin air.Instead, there was a chill that penetrated the heart, the coolness seeping from the cracks in the bones.

Dear daughter, do you treat your mother like this?

"Boss, one by one is still in the mall, you think she should be—" Based on morality, one by one's behavior is really wrong, but she is still a child after all.

Han Shaoting, as the child's father, is mostly pitiful for the little one.

How could Tan Junzhan be willing to discard the lost and found precious daughter?
Immediately got up, he rushed out as soon as he scooped up his coat, and left a message at the same time: "I will prepare a few tickets for you, and I will give you two hours!"

Such a big event happened, and the family still had to be appeased. This was the fastest time to get there.

Tan Junzhan drove very fast along the way, it seemed that he drove the off-road vehicle as a traffic jam.

In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the mall.As soon as he took a step with his long legs, he glanced inward a few times, and quickly found the place where one by one stayed.

At the place where Xue Yingying and Benny disappeared, a slender figure crouched there, looking extremely lonely from a distance.

Tan Junzhan understood what she was thinking, and approached her with a step forward.

His appearance caused another uproar.

"Ah, the crown prince!"

Even after five years have passed, the charm of his prince is still the same as before.

Facing his approaching step by step, the little girls still had peach blossoms on their faces, their heartbeats accelerated, and their nervousness could not be described in words.However, in the end, he passed them and walked towards Xiaoyi.

He lifted the weak girl and placed her in his arms as she wished.

Tan Junzhan glanced at her coldly, seeing that she didn't want to speak, it was inconvenient for him to speak.Holding her tightly in his arms, he strode away with a gloomy expression on his face.

At this time, the Tan family had already become a mess, and the Xue family also got the news immediately, and the three of them appeared in the Tan family together.

Tan Junzhan came out with one by one, Xue Yinuo was going to come up and shake him, so he had to stop.The accomplices in this matter are all right, but how could they have the heart to scold her?
"I'll leave them here, and you will take turns taking care of them. It's getting late, I should set off." Tan Junzhan raised his head, glanced at the wall clock on the white wall, and said calmly.

The anger was indeed strong at the beginning, and it gradually calmed down as the waiting time progressed.

Impulsivity is the devil!
Xue Yinuo managed to breathe calmly: "Are you going to fight alone?"

"This is my private matter. I can't let my brothers follow me to sacrifice." Tan Junzhan's mind was exceptionally clear, and he was very clear about public and private affairs.

After hearing this, Xue Yinuo opened his mouth, intending to speak.But Tan Junzhan just glanced at him casually, and took his lines lightly: "Want to recommend you? Let's get it! Yinuo, the Xue family still depends on you to carry on the family. But I'm different, my niece is my whole life The woman I care about the most. I have a younger brother, and my daughter and I already have offspring."

"If I can't bring my daughter back safely, my parents still have Yanyan and Yiyi, please take care of me." This kind of provocative clip is obviously not what a tough guy like him should say.But at this juncture, he couldn't bear not to arrange for the worst outcome.


"If you're a man, don't say such things! I don't have to go, but you and your daughter must return safely. Yiyi is still young, she can't lose you two again. Did you hear that?" Xue Yinuo was stimulated by his words Yes, the eye circles are obviously red.

Friendship between men is always expressed in this way.

Having been friends for many years, Tan Junzhan understands his kindness.It's okay for parents to explain, and Yan Yan has to take care of them.But Tan Yi's side is different, this child is sensitive at heart, how could he withstand such a blow?
Tan Junzhan had never thought about dealing with this kind of creature, he looked at it solemnly for a few times, he didn't know where to start.

Tan Yi suddenly raised his head, stared at him with big watery eyes, and said, "Dad, can you take me with you?"

"No, it's very dangerous there." Without even thinking about it, Tan Junzhan opened his mouth to object.

Yiyi's head drooped immediately: "I was wrong. If it wasn't for me, Mom and Brother Benny wouldn't have been taken away. It's all my fault!"

She has not yet reached the age of kindergarten, but Tan Yi knows how many words and is more sensitive to numbers.The bottom 99% of that report, she understood immediately after reading it.

Regret in the heart, who knows?

"Tan Yi—" This was the first time Tan Junzhan called the little guy by his name.

Yi Yi quickly raised her head, looking at him with her hazy eyes: "Will Mom forgive me?"

"Your mother treasures you very much. Even if there are stars in the sky, she will pick them up for you. She just wanted to make up for you when you were swapped and taken away. The big bag of skirts left at the scene is the best proof!"

The little guy's appearance is almost exactly the same as Nannan's aggrieved appearance when she was a child.

Tan Junzhan stroked her head, "You wait at home obediently, Dad will bring Mom and Brother Benny back. Don't you believe in Dad's ability?"

"No, Dad is always the best!" Tan Yan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her sleeve, sucked her sore nose forcefully, and said pretending to be brave: "Go, Dad!"

"it is good!"

Tan Junzhan said goodbye to his family one by one, and then embarked on a journey to country M.


Hmph, this time, our old and new grudges will be settled together!
It was damp, dark, and there seemed to be a musty smell in the air.

This is Xue Yingying's only feeling after waking up, but where is it?
She moved her hands and feet, but fortunately there was no restraint.It's just that her whole body was sore, especially her back. She was sleepwalking at night and had a fight with someone?

Xue Yingying's memory began to lose her legs, and she suddenly remembered the little guy.

What about Benny?
There was no light in the room, and she could only use her sense of touch to find the location of the switch in a room where she could not see her fingers.After walking in the dark for a long time, I couldn't find it.

She immediately felt a sense of panic in her heart, and shouted to the surroundings: "Benny, where are you?"

In the past five years, the mother and son have rarely been separated, and Xue Yingying is deeply afraid that his enemies will come to him.

Could it be this time——

Thinking of this, she couldn't control the burning anger in her heart, and slammed a heavy hammer on the wall: "Damn it!"

"Who deserves to die?"

While Xue Yingying was talking to herself, this sound came from beside her, she was almost frightened to death.

When he spoke, the lights in the room were turned on.

Xue Yingying had a hard time adapting, she squinted slightly and was overdoing it.

"Where's Benny? Where did you get him? He's still a kid. Let him go!"

She was in an unfamiliar environment, and she wasn't even used to the strong lighting, yet she was able to talk to him calmly?If he didn't get it wrong, the last sentence should be an affirmative sentence. Where did she have the courage?
The man in front of him smiled, "Aren't you curious about my identity?"

"There is a saying in my country—curiosity killed the cat, so why should I seek my own death?" Xue Yingying ignored his hygienic eyes and was too lazy to talk nonsense.

As early as the first time she saw him, she realized that he was the one who bumped into her, so it turned out to be a serial trick!

"Ken, do you like her?" During the conversation between the two, another voice came out, and it was too familiar to her.

Xue Yingying quickly shifted her gaze, and then she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

This is not only a chain trick, but also a clever trick to kill two birds with one stone!Solved little Benny, and at the same time got rid of her big worry, what a trick!

"It turns out that people in country M like this? Lian Yinyun, are you this new stepmother? Congratulations, you finally found your happy home!" Nizi was unforgiving when she opened her mouth.If you want to take advantage of her, ask her if she is right before you speak!
"You—Xue Yingying, you wait for me! If something happens to Benny, I'll see what happens to you?" For now, Benny is her master, and Lian Yun is fully confident.

All of a sudden, it turned into a confrontation between two women. The young boy frowned and said, "Why do you, an outsider, interfere with the private affairs of my Hall family? Get out!"

Originally, the two of them talked well, but after Lianyin appeared, the domineering spirit of the young man was revealed.

Adding insult to injury, this can be regarded as Xue Yingying's best quality at present.

"Abandoned by Ah Zhan, and then divorced from Zhao Yaokun, now even the Hall family refuses to take her in. Lian sister, if I were you, I would quickly find a place where no one is around to learn about Yu Sheng."

"You—" Lian Yinyun was trembling with anger, but she quickly changed her attitude and smiled sarcastically: "Xue Yingying, don't get complacent too early. Do you know that the success of this plan is all thanks to you?" With the help of your precious daughter Tan Yi!"

The muscles on Xue Yingying's face froze, which was unexpected to her.

The young man realized that the situation was not good, so he lowered his face again, and drove away in a cold voice: "One last time, get out—"

Xue Yingying couldn't figure out the young man's identity, the only thing she knew was that Lian Yinyun was afraid of his status.After driving away twice in succession, Lian Yinyun finally had to leave.

After Lian Yinyun left, the boy's expression softened.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but there was deep fatigue in the smile: "Benny is my youngest brother, but I can't protect him. I'm sorry!"

"It's enough for you to have this kind of heart!"

The contact between people is like this, without saying a word, Xue Yingying naturally believed what he said.

"By the way, can you take me to the place where Benny is being held?" Her bright eyes blinked, looking very urgent.

Although the boy was still smiling, there was obviously a bit of embarrassment in his smile, as if it was beyond his ability.

Xue Yingying just wanted to say that she was not going to make things difficult, but she agreed straight away: "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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