Chapter 189


Tan Yi screamed timidly, she stared at the woman sitting on the bedside who had never moved, and stopped approaching.

After all, Jiang Yinshi still loves these two mothers and daughters, especially the younger one.

She walked into the room, put the things down, stroked her little head, and explained: "Yiyi, your mother is sick, so she didn't ignore you on purpose."

At the same time, Zhao Yanyan also came in from outside the house. She held Tan Yi's hand tightly, and said in a childlike voice, "Yiyi, don't be sad! My mother is also like this. In fact, she loves me the most. Your mother It's the same! Let's go out and play together, maybe your mother will be cured when you come back!"

Similar words were all used by Jiang Yinshi to trick Yanyan before.Unexpectedly, she learned and applied it flexibly, and applied it here.

After Tan Yi heard this, she shook off her hand without making a sound, and didn't listen at all.She bit her lower lip and continued to approach Xue Yingying who was sitting on the bed.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that..."

She took all the sins on herself, how could she feel relieved at such a young age?

Tears were streaming down.

Suddenly, Xue Yingying finally had a reaction.

She moved her head, saw Yiyi's behavior, and finally couldn't help pulling Tan Yi closer to her arms: "It's all mother's fault! Yiyi, I'm sorry!"

It wasn't that she didn't fulfill her duties as a mother back then, how could she make mistakes one by one?
"No, it's all me..."

The mother and daughter took the blame on themselves, and Jiang Yinshi felt more and more uncomfortable in her heart. She stepped forward to persuade: "Hey, it's our Tan family who is sorry for you!"

"Mom, you take the two children out first! I have something to tell my daughter." Tan Junzhan came from outside and winked at Jiang Yinshi.

After returning from M country, Nannan is not normal, the two should communicate well.

"Yiyi, grandma will take you out to play!"

Tan Yi always looked behind reluctantly.

Jiang Yinshi loves her hard-earned granddaughter, and she is even more reluctant to be fierce!
"Tan Yi—"

In the end, there was nothing left to do, Tan Junzhan could only use his roaring skills.

- There was a factor of fear of him in her bones, and when he was fierce, her rebellious psychology had to die down, and she followed out with her head drooping.

However, as soon as they stepped out of the room, Xue Yingying went into a rage on the spot.

"Don't touch me!" She raised her hands, and she had to open his approaching arm with a single wave.

Cheng, now even want to deprive him of his benefits?
Tan Junzhan grabbed her wrist with a backhand, and dragged her to his side forcibly: "Say it again!"

"Go away!"

Her boldness was actually all out of his habit.

Tan Junzhan's thinking was the opposite of that of normal people, his first thought was not to reprimand, but instead he showed a gratified smile.

He kissed and pecked her face, adding several ambiguous red marks, and then he let go in satisfaction.

"A person cannot be resurrected after death, but a fallen leaf must return to its roots. Henry is from country M. Do you want him to still be in a foreign country after death?"

His words made sense, as if she couldn't find any other suitable reason to refute, Xue Yingying felt even more angry, and her puffy cheeks still haven't retreated.

"Are you still angry? How about I let you vent your anger?" It was rare for Tan Junzhan to suggest this kindly.

She didn't speak, but stared at him with bright eyes, waiting for the next article.

Her expression shows that there is something going on!
Tan Junzhan's smile on the corner of his mouth became even more weird. Under her gaze, he actually solved himself completely with three strokes.

After the reunion, she still disliked him for being thin, who knew that this narrow-minded man would remember everything in her heart.

Knowing that her eyes did not dare to stay on his exposed skin deliberately, he still desperately grabbed her wrist and pressed it against his chest.

"Ninny, touch here, can you feel the heartbeat?"

Xue Yingying curled her mouth: "Nonsense! If you don't have a heartbeat, you are dead."

After speaking, she wanted to withdraw her hand.If it continues, she will almost cry.

It turns out that her sixth sense is quite effective.

He tightened his grip on her wrist again, grabbing and moving down.

Sliding down along the flat texture, gradually moving down, until at last it came to the dense forest.


"Asshole! Enough is enough!" Xue Yingying cursed in a low voice. It was a bright day, and the old and the young hadn't gone far outside. She didn't want them to be turned back by her exclamation.

Naturally, his muffled laughter replied to her.

He smiled and replied: "Did you forget about "Pu Dao Talking about the Jun Zhan Project"?"

ah ah ah-

Xue Yingying was about to be driven crazy by him!

She stared, almost worth two black grapes.

Her face froze, she was obviously unhappy, and she jumped out word by word: "Are you peeking at my diary?"

"Niu'er, I'm yours now, why don't you start your chance to knock me down?"

My head hurts!
And Xue Yingying turned her eyes to think, her beautiful eyes rolled on his face, and then she said with a sweet smile, "Ah Zhan, do I have the right to choose?"

Preconceived notion, he thought she was talking about a choice of posture, "Of course!"

"That's good! You close your eyes first, hurry up!"

Jiao Didi's whining sound made Xue Yingying almost vomit, but it had to be said that it was the most beneficial weapon against him.

As soon as she uttered the sound just now, there was a big swelling under him, and a small tent was quickly set up.

If she doesn't act, can she still have a way out?
"Talk about Jun Zhan—"

It's not good to be soft, so she had no choice but to be tough, calling his name by name.

"Okay, okay!" For the sake of good welfare, he still showed weakness for a while.

While his eyes were slightly closed, Xue Yingying quietly planned to sneak away from the bed.

"You say ten silently in your heart, and you can't open your eyes before the time."

As for why she wasn't counting, she had to run for her life first!In Country M, she was too close to Henry, but he personally caught her. Can he let him go?
Go dream!

"Want to escape? The more you live, the more you go back!"


The powerful palm grabbed her beautiful calf, and he pulled vigorously, and she finally fell into his wolf's claws.

Before she could protest, his kisses came overwhelmingly.

Kissing and kissing, he still didn't think he had enough fun.

"Ninny, Sun Wukong can't escape the Tathagata Buddha's palm, and you can't escape me either. What's the matter with you and Henry? Take good care of me, and I can let the past go. Don't get close to other men in the future!"


To put it bluntly, isn't this man a taste?
After he appeared, would there be room for other men in her eyes?Oh no, there is little Benny, but can he still care about the brat who smells like milk?
However, the prince expressed his firm position with his usual tough attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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