Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 190 Don't Regret After Getting Off The Car

Chapter 190 Don't Regret After Getting Off The Car
This is what it says-

Dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and the son of a mouse can make holes!

It's no wonder that someone swears all day long, it turns out it's all hereditary!
Xue Yingying smiled mischievously, stroked the back of Benny's head, and pushed him forward: "He's a grandpa, why are you still standing here?"

The implication of this, Benny quickly understood, the radial bone was placed across the table in front of him.

As soon as he got close to Tan Jianguo, he called out childishly: "Grandpa—"

It is rare for him to draw a long tone, which is obviously a coquettish tone.

With the happy family scene in front of him, Jiang Yinshi's eye sockets were instantly clouded with mist.

She let out a long sigh, and couldn't help sighing: "Hey, if Yanyan can return to normal, then this family will be complete."

"Mom—" Tan Junzhan stared coldly, which pot should she not carry?
Jiang Yinshi quickly realized that she wiped away the traces at the corners of her eyes, and hurriedly smoothed things over: "My niece, mom doesn't mean anything. Seeing that you and Jun Zhan are having a good time, we can feel at ease. I'm getting old and I can't stand it." Toss, as long as you juniors are safe, it's nothing funny."

She spoke the truth from the bottom of her heart.

But all of this was not pleasant to Xue Yingying's ears.Why can she and Ah Zhan live a happy life, but Tan Yan can't?

She glanced casually, and saw Xiao Yanyan who was standing with Yiyi, two equally miserable children!
"Mom, don't worry about this matter! Anyway, I'm Yanyan's sister-in-law, and I met several famous doctors in country M. You can backup Yanyan's inspection report to me later, and I will follow that at night." Get in touch with me." She smiled slightly, and could only do her best.

Jiang Yinshi was so moved that she was even more speechless. She held Xue Yingying's hand vigorously, but she couldn't say a word.

But Tan Jun Zhanque, who was standing aside, couldn't help stepping forward to separate the two of them, and said coldly: "Okay! I've also explained Benny's life experience clearly, and it's time for me and my niece to return."

As soon as he pulled her into his arms, he planned to leave with a dark face.

Tan Yi hadn't looked at Yi Yi directly from the beginning to the end, and Tan Yi hurriedly chased after him: "Mom and Dad, don't you want Yi Yi anymore?"

Hey, why did she forget about this baby?
Only then did Xue Yingying realize her mistake, her fingertips twisted on his strong arm.

"Let go! Didn't you see the child in such a hurry?"

She put all her heart on the child, which made someone very unhappy!
He continued to tighten his arms: "The emperor broke the law, and he committed the same crime as the common people!"

Well, the truth becomes fallacies in other places!

Xue Yingying saw that there was no way to escape from other places, so she turned her head and smiled sweetly at the little guy: "Yiyi, you and Brother Benny are waiting here, and my mother will come to pick you up after get off work in the evening...Ah!"

"Too much nonsense, let's go!"

With one hand, he held her in his arms.

After the two walked away, one by one was still thinking about a question: "Will he bully mom?"

She stared at Xiao Yanyan obsessively, but the reaction she got was shaking her head persistently, how would she know?
On the other end, Benny, who was tempted by Tan Jianguo with candies, has excellent hearing. When he heard this topic, he became interested, and finally said: "No! In this world, Daddy is the least likely to bully Mommy!"

Jiang Yinshi's mouth was half-opened, but quickly retracted.

How did Nannan educate him all these years?The logic—

Overbearing seems to be synonymous with him.

He kidnapped her into the car again, just like six years ago.

If it wasn't for his insistence back then, then they wouldn't be where they are today, right?
Thinking of the stakes, Xue Yingying's anger seemed to have weakened a bit.

Then she rested her head on his chest, and she freed her hand to flick it in circles.

"Did you switch sex today?"

He smoothed her hair and let her get closer to him.

"Ah Zhan, tell me the truth, what were you embarrassing just now?" Don't think that she is not smart enough, just because of her walk-away posture just now, she didn't believe his talk about getting a thorn!

In the silent carriage, there was not a sound.

Xue Yingying got angry on the spot, quickly unbuckled her seat belt, and her naughty hands moved towards him.

His fingers meandered in her direction, and then slowly approached his military trousers. The swollen and protruding part explained his physical characteristics?
"Ah Zhan, the highway is still here! It's probably half an hour before the next exit, are you sure you can survive?" She smiled like a little ruffian.

With his little thought, would he not be able to guess her next move?
The two of them cooperated extremely well in that matter, even if she didn't do anything, just leaning her soft and smooth body against him, the natural fragrance of her body would make him stand in awe.

"Nizi, be careful! I'll teach you a lesson tonight!" He frowned and said softly.

As she said, the time is not allowed, and the location is not a good location.Even with that thought, he had no choice but to postpone it.

"Why at night? Didn't you learn a lesson yesterday? Ah Zhan, you're not interested, how about I help you?"

Interesting tone, which just shows that she has a bad idea.

Is he silent again?

Which just gave her a valid reason to take the next step!

"Ah Zhan, I'm coming!" A silly smile bloomed on her face.

If the time and venue were changed, maybe he could still accept it calmly.However, here...

Damn goblin, oh--

"Let go!" The area she grabbed was really not a good place, if she squeezed and pulled, her welfare for the rest of her life would be lost.

"No!" Her attitude was firm, her bony eyeballs continued to wander, and then she said, "Unless you tell me the truth!"


So far, what other objections can he have?
Based on the safety of the two of them, he was forced to agree: "Okay! I'll tell you later! I'll take you to a place later... Well, don't stop, keep going!"

If the goal is fulfilled, will she continue to sacrifice herself?

Stop dreaming!

Xue Yingying withdrew her hand suddenly, and she couldn't help yawning again and again: "Ah, I'm a little sleepy! Who told you to torture me so much last night?"

So now, it is their own fault!

Xue Yingying looked at his dark face with great satisfaction.

This is the legendary karma!
"Xue Yingying, don't regret it after getting out of the car!" He forced these words out between his teeth.


Before the autumn wind was blowing, she felt the cold wind blowing in the carriage.

Hey, forget it, for the sake of her own safety, she had no choice but to wrong herself.

She reached out again, and she continued to fall in the original position.

Accompanied by his heavy breathing, she couldn't help complaining: "Hey, are you alright? My hands are sore!"

"Well—Smelly girl, I will never spare you tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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