Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 191 Into the Tiger's Den

Chapter 191 Into the Tiger's Den
Who won in the end?This is yet to be investigated!

Coming to this familiar place again, Xue Yingying felt a lot of emotion for a while.She sat upright on the passenger seat, as if her butt was sticky, and she didn't move for a long time.

After Nizi finished messing with him, she still had a conscience and helped him clean up the embarrassing scenes one by one.

After Tan Junzhan got off the car, he didn't hear any movement. The memories of five years ago also flooded into his mind, so he hurriedly turned his head.

Seeing this, he also stopped breathing.

After a long while, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "You said in your diary that you just want to watch a movie with me. Now I don't want to, or do you miss last night more?"

Afterwards, he became more and more dishonest!

Xue Yingying was about to explode!
The stinking man actually memorized her diary backwards, how could she live?
With a squeak, she quickly got out of the car.When one stepped forward, she stood on tiptoe and blocked his mouth with her hands, glaring fiercely: "Don't say any more!"

But he laughed muffledly, took her into his arms, hugged her small waist with his big palms, and walked away slowly.

The way the two get along is completely opposite to that of ordinary couples.

After having a child, they started going to the movies together, fun, right?

"What kind of movies do you like?" He was asking for her opinion.

Xue Yingying reacted greatly and let out a wow: "Tsk tsk tsk, are you still the Ah Zhan I know?"

For the first time, her needs will be considered, which is rare!
"Damn, little bastard, you really don't know how to understand!" He swears in a low voice, but there is no trace of blame in his eyes.

But her soft and greasy body hung upside down on him, rubbed against him several times, and said in a coquettish tone: "Hehe, I'm just kidding you! Don't take it seriously, I don't choose, you can choose whatever you like." I'm happy with that. It's all a matter of old sesame seeds and rotten millet, and I should be satisfied if you have this kind of thought."

"Later, make a list of those things. As long as you have time, I will satisfy you! I'll go buy the ticket first, stay where you are, and wait for me." He really treated her like a child, and stroked her The top of her soft hair.

She nodded several times, "Go!"

However, before he took a few strides away, he quickly turned back.

Grabbing her wrist, his strong arms wrapped around her waist, and he dragged her to walk together. The relationship between the two is so good!
"What's the matter? You don't even want to part for a few minutes?" His mind was hard to grasp, and she was able to speak with her hands on his resolute jaw, but she couldn't help secretly delighting in her heart.

"Five years ago, right here, you were kidnapped! Girl, don't leave me again, I won't be able to take it anymore!" Suddenly, he stopped walking, and in front of a crowded public place, he hugged her tightly, Fits tightly.

How could she forget the shared memories?It's just suitable, there are more and more people watching, she can't afford to lose face.After a slight push, her cheeks were slightly red: "Oh, I understand! Now we can go buy tickets?"

There was a lot of excitement around him, Tan Jun Zhan only needed to shoot a powerful laser gun, and a large group of people dispersed in an instant.

"Wife, should you be satisfied now?"

Xue Yingying didn't speak any more.

With her in his arms, Tan Junzhan seemed to be in a good mood.


"What movie?" the conductor said straight to the point.

The prince has never come to the cinema before, so he ran out of ideas for a while.He lowered his head and asked the little guy in his arms: "Say, which one do you like?"

How can this questioning mode look like a young couple?

The conductor couldn't stand it anymore, and glanced at the couple: "Young man, I think you two are quite right, don't get dirty because of the votes! Just this movie, take the tickets."

Xue Yingying was also dumbfounded, she and Xia Xuanfu would occasionally come to the movie theater for a cool time, but this was the first time they met.

Tan Junzhan took a look and couldn't help laughing out loud.

This aunt is so awesome that she actually chose a horror movie for the two of them.

Xue Yingying became curious, she had to know what the title of the movie was.

Let her see it, is that okay?
With her timid personality, how could she love horror movies?With the possibility that she wouldn't be scared away, he deliberately stuffed the ticket into his pocket, so as not to let her know.

If he knew what would happen, he probably wouldn't have chosen this one.

When she came to the ticket gate, Xue Yingying took a look at the content of the poster, read it repeatedly for several seconds, but still did not find any clues.

"What movie? Tell me quickly!" Xue Yingying wrapped his arms around him, looking at him eagerly.

If you don't say it, you don't say it. He has made up his mind to lure her into it first.


She snorted unhappily.

However, as soon as the two sat down, there was a familiar greeting not far away.

"Hey, ladies, what a coincidence!"

The lights in the cinema hall were blacked out, and you could only use your ears where you couldn't see your fingers.But Xue Yingying immediately recognized that it was Xia Xuanfu's voice.

As soon as she got excited, she was ready to go, "Spin..."

Before the remaining word came out of my mouth, I was pulled by the man beside me.

"Talking about Jun Zhan—" she called out his name in a low voice, full of anger.

Xia Xuanfu will be here, but what about the other dog-legged man?Isn't the result predictable?
"Meet someone you know? Let's go there!"

It didn't take long for what he worried about in his heart to happen.

It was a good two-person movie, but it was spoiled by the two of them.

In the pitch-black space, there were chilling voices from the front and rear seats one after another, and some even used their own tweeters to scream.

On the other hand, the little woman in her arms was staring at the big video screen with great interest, watching it with great interest.

Dare he miscalculate?

Tan Junzhan couldn't understand it.

Fortunately, those two people finally got close to them, Xia Xuanfu finally answered the question: "My sisters like to watch this type of movies the most. My courage is trained by her."

"Brother and sister-in-law are connected, and the types of movies they like are all together." Even in the dark, Han Shaoting can feel Tan Junzhan's anger at the moment.

But isn't he the same?After finally getting this woman out of the house, who would have expected to see the two of them here?

The two hard-pressed men looked at each other, while the other two little women, as soon as they got together, they started to chase people away.

"Ah Zhan, you and Captain Han are competing for a seat. I have something to say to Xuanzi." Xue Yingying spoke coquettishly, her voice was soft.

"Depend on--"

Tan Junzhan let out a low curse, the two of them chose the couple seat, and the two elders fight for the couple seat, what's the matter?

Are you gay?
He first heard this new term from her mouth.

"Okay? I feel wronged, and I'll make it up to you in the evening, how about that?" She exchanged the good sleep time at night.

Han Shaoting and Xia Xuanfu on the other end were also biting their ears: "Look at sister-in-law, how are you going to compensate me?"

"Fists or whirlwind legs, which one do you like?" Xia Xuanfu almost said the word "roll", how dare this man offer compensation?

Just dreaming!
As a man, why is there such a big gap?
While Han Shaoting was lamenting, Tan Junzhan had been successfully bribed.

"Nizi, remember the promise you made yourself. At night, it's time for you to repay. Hmph!" The prince walked to the other side righteously.

As soon as Xia Xuanfu heard the wind, Xia Xuanfu quickly shifted, and when the two met on a narrow road, she still did not forget to say hello: "I'm sorry, Prince."

"Be careful! There is another time, and I will never let it go."

Xia Xuanfu's breath stagnated, she knew what he was talking about.

How many years have passed, more than five full years, and he is still engraved in his heart.It can be seen from this that sisters hold a lot of weight in his heart!

"Don't listen to his nonsense! Xuanzi, come here." She was the only one who didn't pay attention to his threat, and she grabbed Xia Xuanfu's wrist, and the two sat together.

Since the reunion, she has almost no time to say a few words of affection to her sisters. This is an opportunity, how could she let it go?
"Xuanzi, how have you been all these years?" There are so many old-fashioned opening lines, but they last for a long time.

Xia Xuanfu's face turned down, but fortunately it was still in the screening time, so she couldn't see the expression on her face clearly.

"That's it!"

"Perfunctory! Is he treating you well?" Xue Yingying actually cared about this.

Xia Xuanfu opened his mouth, wanting to answer, but didn't know where to start.

"Forget it! If you don't say it, I won't make it difficult. In a word, if he dares to apologize to you, sisters will cover you." As a good friend, Xue Yingying can only do this.

They both have a child, she can't break up a couple, can she?

"Don't talk about me! I've been secretly investigating Tan Yan's matter these years. What happened back then was indeed done by Lian Yinyun. It's just that she disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye, which is very suspicious. So, I secretly watched every move of the Guan family." Xia Xuanfu suddenly lowered his voice and said.

Xue Yingying was obviously stunned, and it took a long time before she turned around and asked quietly: "What is the result of your investigation?"

"Guan Yi, Guan Hong's father is the most suspect! Sisters, you probably don't know? Five years ago, Guan Hong set up his own company, and his current company is evenly matched with Tan's. But Pu Xin said to her, The Pu family was ruined by the crown prince, but she still stayed by Guan Hong's side, and there was no news of the divorce."

Guan Hong, a long-standing name, can't help but remind her of that unbearable memory.

Hey, let's not talk about him!

But wait—

Xue Yingying compared the information she got from Xia Xuanfu with Dang Zimo's, and there seemed to be one thing in common - Guan Yi.

Whether it's the matter of Tan Yan or the matter of the old lady, it seems that he can't get rid of it.However, the party's misfortune was caused by Guan Hong alone. Could it be that there was a potential crisis in this family and no one noticed it?

"Sisters, your news is really surprising."

Xue Yingying felt that it was necessary, and she had to go deep into the tiger's den to find information.

(End of this chapter)

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