Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 192 Protecting You Silently

Chapter 192 Protecting You Silently

The three children are about the same age, so we arranged for the three to attend the same kindergarten when we talked about the family.

Tan Junzhan was busy with business, so he couldn't send the two children there in person, and felt very sorry from the bottom of his heart.

Before going out, at a blind spot where the children could not see, he put his hands around her waist, and said apologetically, "Ninny, next time, I won't let myself owe you two any more. After I've been busy for a while! "

"You are a dignified prince, it's a good thing to be career-minded. I'll take care of you at home, so you can rest assured!" Xue Yingying smiled slightly, and tore off his wandering hands.

However, her movements were once again stopped by the man.

While the two children were still eating breakfast at the dinner table, he blocked her in the kitchen and acted wantonly.

Thick kisses scattered on her cheeks, and before she could avoid it, she was embraced by him.

At this moment, there was a small figure leaning against the door of the room, talking lukewarmly, he walked in: "Let's go!"

Anyone who was bumped into this scene by a child would feel uncomfortable on his face.

Xue Yingying's cheeks turned crimson immediately, and with a twist, she got rid of the man's entanglement.

She went up to meet him, took the rice bowl in her hand, and helped him add another bowl.

But Tan Junzhan didn't respond, and continued to stay where he was, staring at her beautiful side face.

This is the life he wants most, a lovely wife as a companion, a group of children, and a couple of gods and immortals is nothing more than that!
He fell into a beautiful longing for this. In order to save face, Xue Yingying deliberately cursed in a vicious voice: "A day's plan lies in the morning. You are an old man and you don't set an example for your children. Why are you standing here?"

"Little bastard! If time doesn't allow, I will definitely treat you well." He deliberately pecked her moist red lips while the two children were away.

"Still leaving?" Xue Yingying said coquettishly.

"Be good and wait for me at home, don't cause trouble." There was a smile in his eyes, and his fingers moved to her buttocks, groping again.

You bloody stinky man, don't you even look at this area?
Xue Yingying made a gesture to push him, and he left in a hurry.

Because Zhao Yanyan and Tan Yi are similar in age, they get along very well.As for Benny, he has a calm and quiet personality by nature, and he can adapt anywhere, Xue Yingying is not too worried.

Fortunately, these two children were not like other bear children. As soon as the family members were about to leave, they immediately opened their throats and cried loudly.

Putting them in an unfamiliar environment for the first time, Xue Yingying was still worried.

"Yiyi, you have to listen to the teacher at school and don't make trouble, did you hear me?" Xue Yingying was most worried about her, who made her such a character that she could be true to herself?A lively little monkey.

Tan Yi nodded repeatedly, patted her chest and assured, "I'm definitely the most obedient one in the whole garden, so don't worry, Mom!"

Where did you learn this breath?
Xue Yingying turned her eyes to the other side. Little Benny was young and mature, so she had to entrust him with taking care of Yiyi: "Benny, you are older than Yiyi. You have to help Mommy take care of her, so that she doesn't cause trouble outside. The family was beaten."

"Okay! Mommy, I'll go in with you one by one. See you after school."

Benny has always been sensible, and took the initiative to hold Tan Yi's hand and lead her inside.

The teacher in charge of the two of them, seeing this pair of pink and jade-carved little dolls, couldn't help but have pink love bubbles in his eyes: "You are so lucky to have these two good children. Give them to me, and you will be happy." Go at ease!"

"Then Teacher Lao will help take care of it."

Xue Yingying continued to say a few polite words, and then left.

During the five years in country M, Xue Yingying overcame the thorny problem of getting a driver's license.With Tan Jun Zhan, the giant Buddha, she easily converted the M country driver's license successfully.

For the convenience of her usual travel, the prince bought a pink Beetle for her a long time ago, her favorite.

The window was rolled down, and the sound of soothing soft music in the car gradually spread out, which gradually suppressed her original irritability.

If you don't enter a tiger's den, you can't get a tiger's son!

But she is eager to grasp all the inside information about Guan Yi at the first time, including the grievances between him and the old lady, or his hookup with Lian Yinyun.As long as one of the charges is proved, the Guan family will be ruined, and the Tan family's serious troubles will be eliminated.

However, acting rashly will inevitably arouse a certain man's resentment.Maybe a single action would mess up all her plans.

Annoyed and bored——

Just at this time, her cell phone rang.

Smilingly, she turned her head to look, and it turned out that she came from overseas. Could it be that Yanyan's matter has some clues?
She answered without thinking: "Amo—"

The voice from the other end that just opened her mouth was startled back by her, and there was no echo for a long time.

Xue Yingying thought her signal was not good, so she repeated again: "Ah Mo?"

"Ying'er, how long has it been since you called me this name again?" Dang Zimo's voice sounded quite dry, as if complaining.

And she also stood there in a daze, and was startled, she slammed on the gas pedal and stopped by the side of the road.

Indeed, since he regained the identity of Dang Zimo, she has never been able to call him this name again, the reason is only because someone does not allow it.This time, she couldn't help herself, it was exactly what her heart wanted.

Dang Zimo, her Ah Mo has always been in her heart, never left, she just stranded him in a corner.

Xue Yingying took a deep breath, and she quickly changed the subject: "Stop talking about that! Any news about helping Yanyan find a doctor?"

"I haven't heard from you until now, so I have to be reprimanded by you?" Dang Zimo's mellow laughter came from the other end, "I just finished talking with them on the phone, and they are in the first courtyard. Let's go over with Tan Yan."

"Dang Zimo..." Xue Yingying looked more serious than usual, and she called his name word by word.

But she should be clear that what he wants to hear most is not this.

There was a bitter smile on the corner of Dangzimo's mouth, but he wanted to minimize the embarrassment between the two of them, so he replied indifferently: "Huh?"

"Regardless of what you have done for me in the past and now, I have nothing to repay you except two words of thanks." Xue Yingying held the microphone more tightly, and no one could find that her fingernails had sunk into the flesh among.

He understands what she said, but when it comes to feelings, isn't it just a matter of your love and my wish?
"It is my responsibility to treat you well. It is my mission to protect you and prevent you from being harmed. Even if you plan to drive me away, I will secretly take care of you by the side! From the moment you appeared in my life At that moment, I said to myself. Look, that's the girl you have to protect for the rest of your life."

(End of this chapter)

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