Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 193 The Rise of the Guan Family

Chapter 193 The Rise of the Guan Family

Xue Yingying bit her lower lip, and there was no further text.

She understood everything he said.

In order to protect her, the man who had no strength to restrain him was willing to be beaten himself and protect her tightly. She feared that she would never be able to repay this friendship in this lifetime.

"It's getting late, it's time for me to catch up on sleep! I'll contact you later. Ying Er, please live a happier life than me." Dang Zimo yawned several times, looking tired.

"You will also meet your own happiness, goodbye!"

The people Dang Zimo helped find must be famous doctors. The time is ripe, and Xue Yingying doesn't want to waste it.

After hanging up the phone, she rushed to Tan's house in a hurry.


As soon as she entered Tan's house, she was so anxious that she even forgot to change her shoes, so she rushed upstairs.Jiang Yinshi happened to come down from upstairs and stared at her curiously.

"Mom, you're at home! My friend in country M called me just now and said that the famous doctor he found for me is now in the first hospital. I want Yan Yan to try it." Xue Yingying rubbed her palms eagerly, To take a living person out, does she have to be surprised by the consent of the elders?
"Really? Then I'll go with you!" Jiang Yinshi's eyes immediately lit up when she heard this. This is great news!

Her original movement of going downstairs changed, and she followed Xue Yingying upstairs.

Fortunately, Tanyan's condition was relatively stable this time, and she seemed to be a normal person along the way. The only thing that could be seen was her mental problem.

"Mom, the flowers outside are so beautiful!" Tan Yan was very curious, and she lay on the car window to look at the beautiful scenery outside, and she sighed similarly when she saw a corner of the beautiful scenery.

Although Xue Yingying said that she was driving, she heard those words in her ears, and her heart was full of discomfort.

On the day before leaving, if she hadn't encouraged Tan Yan to go to the appointment, would things have turned into what they are today?

Mistake, big mistake, she is also an indirect accomplice!
Xue Yingying remained silent throughout, and she turned all her resentment into motivation for driving.

After getting out of the carriage, several famous doctors took the initiative to wait at the gate of the first hospital.

Probably Dang Zimo's order, right?It's rare for him to have this kind of intention.

Tan Yan was a little scared when she saw strangers, she hid behind Jiang Yinshi.

So, Xue Yingying took the initiative to step forward, her lips curved into a beautiful arc, and shook hands one by one: "Teachers, you have come all the way for my sister-in-law's illness, it is really hard work, please come inside!"

She moved sideways to make way for a path.

The famous doctors accepted the results of Tan Yan's previous inspection reports. After reading them for a few minutes, they asked her to do various inspections, so that the results would be more accurate.

In the CT room, the cold wind is blowing inside, and the chill will penetrate into the body.

Xue Yingying was about to step in, but Jiang Yinshi stretched out her hand to stop her. Xue Yingying looked at her in surprise. Could it be that she was still blaming herself for instigation?

For a while, Xue Yingying fell into self-blame and couldn't extricate herself.

Seeing the sadness in her eyes spread, Jiang Yinshi hurriedly added: "Ninny, don't get me wrong, mom doesn't mean that! It's cold inside, you wait outside, Yanyan and I will come out soon .Your body has always been weak, so don't come in, don't think too much."

"Okay, then I'll wait outside." When it came to this point, Xue Yingying had no reason to refute, so she had to accept it gladly.

The door of the CT machine room closed slowly, just like the humming of the big clock placed in her chest, the dull and thick sound made people feel headache.

Xue Yingying chose to sit at the main entrance. She stared at the door eagerly, not knowing when it would open.

Suddenly, a familiar figure flashed in front of her eyes.To be precise, the other party deliberately shook her eyes.

"Huh, Xue Yingying? What a coincidence! You also came to see the gynecology department?"

The whole point is contained in the last sentence.

Squinting her eyes slightly, Xue Yingying raised her head, and her eyes deliberately rested on the pair of hats that the other party was stepping on.

She couldn't help but make a big fuss: "Pu Xinyu, how high are those shoes under your feet? 'You also come to see the gynecology department'? Tsk tsk tsk, I haven't seen you in five years, how many children have you lost?"

As soon as these words came out, Pu Xinyu's face turned pale and bloodless.

She is not easy to mess with whose mouth is poisonous.

Pu Xinyu didn't come alone today, there was also her mother-in-law who was the most difficult to deal with.

After hearing Xue Yingying's last sentence, Mrs. Guan's face also became as pale as a pig's liver, not to mention how ugly it was.

Regardless of other things, it is true that Pu Xin has said nothing in recent years.

"It's time to go, go to the obstetrics and gynecology department." Mrs. Guan's eyes flashed a trace of sadness, and she walked in the front, swaying gracefully.

On the other hand, Pu Xinyu, who looks like a somewhat distressed little daughter-in-law following behind, this difference... Tsk tsk tsk!

From the beginning to the end, Xue Yingying didn't get up because they didn't bother to let her get up.

"Why don't you hurry up? What if your mother-in-law is not happy and asks Guan Hong to divorce you? Pu Xinyu, do you say yes or no?" mentality.

"Xue Yingying, don't be too happy too early! Brother Hong's current company is on par with Junhao from the Tan family. Don't you wonder why it suddenly became like this?" Pu Xinyu didn't follow her mother-in-law's lead. Instead of footsteps, he chose to chat with her here.

If you say you are not curious, then you are lying.

Raising her eyebrows, Xue Yingying followed her words: "Oh?"

Perhaps because of the tight time, Pu Xinyu hurriedly said a few simple words: "The scandal of Tanyan caused Junhao's stock to fall all the way, which gave Brother Hong an opportunity to take advantage of it. As for the specific reason, you should learn from my father-in-law. Get started."

"But I just want to start with Guan Hong, what can you do to me?"

Going around in a big circle, the point is not just for this.

——Xue Yingying, please stay away from my man!
At this moment, Mrs. Guan didn't see that her skill of hearing her voice first had improved, and her voice like a lion's roar came from the east of the river: "Pu Xinyu, where did you go when you died?"

"Oh, here it is!"

Xue Yingying couldn't help shaking her head, she was sympathizing with her past few years!
The door of the CT computer room opened, and Jiang Yinshi helped Tan Yan with a pale face come out.

Xue Yingying quickly got up and walked forward to help the other side.

"Mom, you and Yanyan wait here for a while, I'll go check on the situation first."

She drilled into the office at a flying speed.

Putting the lock on the door neatly, Xue Yingying walked towards the famous doctors.

Her nervous eyes glanced around, but she didn't find a serious look on their faces. It seemed that there was hope for the treatment, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"A few of us analyzed the results of the specific report and found that the patient has no major problems. If you come to the hospital for treatment on time, the patient will return to normal within half a month." One of them could see her thoughts , simply put it bluntly.

"Really?" Xue Yingying still couldn't believe it.

Going around in a big circle, I didn't expect it to be cured easily.

"Don't believe how many of us are at the level?" Another age looked at the slightly older face, which quickly elongated.

Xue Yingying realized that she had said the wrong thing, but she didn't know how to get it back, so she froze in place.

The one who spoke first grabbed him and whispered, "Hey, don't be impulsive! Don't forget that she is Dang Zimo's woman, be careful!"

She thought she needed to clarify a fact.

Xue Yingying waved at them, "Hey, teachers! There is something I have to explain clearly. I and Dang Zimo are just friends, and the relationship in Tie is only based on this level. If there are other relationships, He is my uncle's adopted son. That's it, you have no mistake, I don't want rumors to spread to my husband's ears and put a red light on our marriage."

Nodding slightly, she turned and left.

The clear will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid. She believes that justice will always be returned to her.

"Honey, what do the doctors say?"

As soon as she went out, Jiang Yinshi followed her with worried eyes.

Xue Yingying understood her mood, and smiled at her: "As long as Yanyan is obedient, she will recover in half a month. Don't doubt their abilities! I was just scolded by them."

Xue Yingying stuck out the tip of her tongue, looking quite ghostly.

"Mom, I think Yanyan's spirit is not very good, let's go back first!" Xue Yingying suggested, but in fact, she didn't want to see those two annoying guys.

Xue Yingying was wrapped in a silk nightgown, standing alone in front of the French window.

The evening breeze is blowing, and it is still a bit cool to blow on people.

The man who just came out of the bathroom felt a bit chilly. Why is this woman acting like nothing happened?
Tan Junzhan frowned and walked over. As soon as she approached, she put her whole body in front of her chest, "You, you really look like a child who can't grow up! A mouthful of milk marks..."

Just as Xue Yingying was about to wipe it off, his warm and thin lips quickly caught it, leaving her no preparations.

By the time he finished the kiss, Xue Yingying had already limply fell into his arms, her naughty fingertips sliding on his cheeks.

"Ah Zhan, tell me the truth! Did the rise of the Guan family come after what happened to Yanyan?" His nimble fingertips kept twitching at his sensitive Adam's apple, with no security.

Tan Junzhan took her hand and threw her onto the big bed with a horizontal hug. He pressed his whole body on it: "There is indeed such a statement! But there is no evidence, so don't talk nonsense. Why did you suddenly think of this?"

"Hee hee, I'm just curious! In half a month, Yan Yan will recover. Ah Zhan..." She didn't want him to guess her plans, so she had no choice but to resort to the so-called beauty trap.

Her soft and cool lips pressed against his.

Like a superficial touch, she was ready to leave.However, after finally waiting for her initiative, how could he let her escape?

Hold the back of her head with a big hand, let her stick to his side, get closer and a little bit closer.

(End of this chapter)

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