Chapter 196

After the two came out of the room, Benny, who looked a little tall, was leaning against the opposite wall.

His eyes raised slightly, Xue Yingying didn't understand what was hidden in his eyes.

She twisted his arm lightly, suggesting that he let go, but he didn't let her get what she wanted, and continued to hold it tightly.

Benny could see all the interaction between the two of them. He glanced at him with deep eyes that didn't match his age, and finally said, "A hour ago, my grandparents called, and someone falsely accused my aunt of being a mistress."

How did you do it?

Xue Yingying's heart was hanging in her throat, and she was about to rush to Tan's house in a hurry.

Clutching her slender waist with his big hands, Tan Junzhan said: "You two also get ready to go there together!"

"Are you crazy? The two of them are still young..."

The rest of Xue Yingying couldn't go on talking, how could they let the young people accept the cruel truth?

Benny nodded and went to inform Tan Yi as soon as he turned around.

Leaving the quiet environment behind, Tan Junzhan finally told her the truth: "Do you think it's safe to leave the child here?"

That's right!
The usually quiet environment of Tanjiajia was replaced by lively and noisy environment at this moment.

The two children walked in front, Tan Junzhan pushed the door, and a family of four made their debut.

As soon as he approached the living room, the heavy oppressive feeling in the air directly hit his face.

Tan Yi and Zhao Yanyan, sisters, fell in love within a few days of getting along.Seeing her drooping head, she shook off Benny's hand one by one, ran up to her, and asked with concern, "Yanyan, what's wrong with you? Don't do this."

Yanyan always had a bitter face, asked her something, refused to say anything, and became more anxious one by one.

Xue Yingying nudged him lightly with her elbow, implying him to speak quickly.

His daughter-in-law and precious daughter are both like this, how can he not express anything?
"Mom and Dad, how is Tan Yan doing recently?" Maybe Tan Junzhan doesn't care about his own sister?ridiculous!

But Jiang Yinshi kept shaking her head and sighed: "During this critical period, didn't this happen on purpose to target Yanyan?"

"Mom, don't worry. Tell us about the matter, and Ah Zhan and I can help and figure out a solution together." Xue Yingying only treats the Tan family as her own family, and the matter of Yanyan is her responsibility.

She stepped forward and took Jiang Yinshi's hand, secretly exerting her strength, as if cheering her on.

"Hey! Your dad read the news in the newspaper this morning, and he is still angry. It is said that Yanyan became Yaokun's mistress. This incident has caused a lot of impact on Junhao, and the stock has fallen all the way. We're about to hit the bottom."

Junhao, this is the painstaking effort of several generations of their Tan family, how could it be ruined overnight?

According to the current situation, even if Yan Yan returned to normal, it would not be able to make people believe her innocence.

Then, the only feasible only this!

Xue Yingying's hand touched her pocket unconsciously.

"Ninny, I won't allow it, so don't you either!"

Before she even touched the case of the phone, a man's voice of reprimand sounded in her ears.

The raised eight tones are really scary!

"Yanyan is your own sister, seeing her fall into the third class, can you remain indifferent?" Raising her head, her eyes burst out with anger, and she shot straight at him.

The prince opened his mouth, and just about to speak, the mobile phone that had already fallen into his palm rang lively.

The gazes of everyone present were all turned to this side.

Tan Jianguo swallowed hard, and he gave orders: "Take it!"

The concise and concise style seems to belong to the descendants of the Tan family.

Tan Junzhan glanced at her, and it seemed that her eagerness was also conveying this message.

Helpless, he had no choice but to press the hands-free button to let everyone hear clearly.

"Guan Hong."

He opened his mouth first, and Tan Jianguo, who was not far away, couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly, and the deep feeling in it was unpredictable.

"Prince? I heard that Junhao is in trouble recently and needs my help?" Guan Hong was as gentle as he was five years ago, and he couldn't figure out his intentions just from the surface.

Couldn't help but snorted, Tan Junzhan replied unceremoniously: "Weigh your identity carefully!"

"I haven't seen each other for five years, and the crown prince is still the same as before. However, don't you worry about talking about Yan? Guan Hong's voice reveals an ulterior motive.

Even Yiyi could sense the signs, as soon as her clear voice lit up, Benny hurried over to cover her mouth and nose.

"News, are you the one who broke the news?" Tan Junzhan frowned tightly, the two families of Tanguan were originally at odds with each other.

Guan Hong's chuckle soon sounded from the other end: "It was done by an old friend, we all know each other. I only have one request in this call, to let my dad go."

"If Yinuo and I hadn't arrived in time, my daughter would be smashed to pieces by now." Tan Junzhan said the truth with a serious look.

The other party paused briefly, and his bitter voice drifted from the other end: "I know! No one knows Xue Yingying's affairs better than me, including her life experience."

"Okay, Guan Hong, please tell me if my biological parents were killed by Guan Yi..."

Having said this, Xue Yingying choked up her voice, it was hard for her to accept this cruel truth.

Hearing her speechless tone, the man on the other side couldn't sit still, he couldn't see her feeling a little bit uncomfortable.

"Xiaoying, I have been paying attention to it for the past few years. Only my dad knows the truth about this matter!"

After all, isn't that the only goal in the end?
Xue Yingying understood what she heard, and she couldn't help laughing: "Guan Hong, if your purpose is just like this! Well, I can make a decision on behalf of Ah Zhan and let Guan Yi go. This matter will definitely be useless, and you will die. Take this heart!"

Old and new grudges, all in one's mind.

Xue Yingying didn't think carefully, and after she said harsh words, she directly cut off the phone.

However, the moment she hung up, she realized it was presumptuous.It's about Yanyan's reputation, and Junhao's life and death, will they be angry because of it?

Xue Yingying immediately choked her breath, and glanced over nervously.

Tan Junzhan had already discovered this little move of hers.

As a subconscious behavior, he casually stroked her head, his expression was not as calm as she imagined, but he smiled comfortably: "Ninny, good job!"

"Keep Yanyan—"

Xue Yingying was still most worried about this, so she pointed it out.

This time, Tan Jianguo was rarely on her side.

He snorted coldly: "Hmph! If you are a man, you should take care of this matter. Yanyan will be here today, isn't it because of you?"

Everyone present was silent, and Xue Yingying also understood that the person he accused was clearly Zhao Yaokun.

She then glanced over, and happened to see Zhao Yaokun staring at the back of Yanyan's head with complicated eyes, his eyes filled with a lot of guilt.

"This incident happened because of me. I will not let Junhao and Yanyan get hurt. You just wait for my good news!"

Zhao Yaokun took Yanyan's hand and handed her over to Jiang Yinshi, "Mom, during this time, Xiao Yanyan will be taken care of by you. When this matter is settled, I will take Yanyan to register for marriage. That's it, I take my leave."

(End of this chapter)

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