Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 197 Give me the money first

Chapter 197 Give me the money first

After all, Jiang Yinshi was old, and it was summer vacation, and she couldn't take care of three children of similar ages together.

Ever since she came back, Tan Junzhan had asked her to return to Manthorn for some reason.

She had nothing to do all day, and in order to make up for the mistake she made that day, she took care of the three children together.

It's best for Benny to dismiss it, find a book of medical skills, he can immerse himself in it for a long time, and the whole one is a medical idiot.

As for Yanyan and Yiyi, two lively little girls, jumping around in the mansion, they are full of energy.

The hot weather in the afternoon was unbearable even for her.

So, she is planning to get the two children back.Before approaching the door, Xiao Yanyan, who was crying, came in one by one.

Xue Yingying was curious, what happened to this pair?She is not an ignorant mother, no matter how ignorant Tan Yi is, she will not bully her friends.

"Yiyi, tell mom, what's going on? Are you bullying Yanyan?" With her parents not around, Zhao Yanyan couldn't think of any other good way except to keep crying.

But Xue Yingying felt distressed looking at it. Although she was not her own flesh and blood, she was connected with each other as a mother. She could imagine Tan Yan's uncomfortable feeling when she saw this scene.

She leaned forward with one shoulder, squatted down in front of Yanyan, carefully wiped away the tears on Yanyan's face, and kept caring: "Yanyan, don't cry! Our Yanyan is the most obedient! Tell your aunt, Who is bullying you?"

Yanyan kept twitching her tone: "I...I...he..."

That's it!

Tan Yi became excited all of a sudden, clenched her little hands tightly, she couldn't hide what was on her mind: "Mom, a group of wild boys came in over the wall in the backyard. They laughed at Yanyan's mother as a vixen! How is this possible?" Huh? I want to beat them up, I must beat them all over the ground."

Don't look at the energetic look of the little guy, but what's the matter with the leaves on his head?

Xue Yingying comforted Zhao Yanyan for a while, then walked towards Tan Yi.

Before she even opened her mouth, Tan Yi hugged her little head and surrendered: "Mom, I was wrong! I shouldn't have fought with them, but don't punish me physically, it's murder for money."

What kind of logic is this?
Xue Yingying couldn't help laughing, and continued to walk forward, took the initiative to take the broken leaves scattered on her head, and then the corporal punishment did not continue as she imagined.

After waiting for a long time and still not showing up, Tan Yi carefully moved his hands away, staring at her with bony eyes, "Mom?"

"Think I'm going to beat you up?" Xue Yingying smiled, and grabbed her hands that were still covering her forehead.

She shot it carefully back and forth several times, except for the sporadic reddish tinge on the skin, there were no other injuries.

"Isn't it?" Those big eyes blinked several times.

"Auntie, I'm sorry! Don't blame Yiyi, it's all because of me." Yanyan thought with Yiyi, fearing that she would suffer, Zhao Yanyan took the initiative to take the blame.

It is a good thing for sisters to love each other deeply.

Xue Yingying spread Tan Yi's white and tender little hands in front of her eyes, and now they are a little bit peeled off, it makes her feel distressed to see it!

"Do you know where you are wrong?"

Tan Yi grimaced, and said aggrievedly: "I shouldn't fight with people..."


Who knew, Xue Yingying gave this answer.

Yiyi and Yanyan looked at her with astonished expressions, unbelievable.

Under such eyes, Xue Yingying spoke again, but what she said was quite surprising: "They are some wild boys who want to fight! But, in the future, you should use your brain first before making a move. There is a huge difference in strength between the two sides. Aren't people asking for their own death when they fight? Yiyi, Mommy loves you so much, look at those hands, how red are they?"

"Mom, I'm sorry, it's bad one by one."

Everyone says that a daughter is a mother's caring little padded jacket.Xue Yingying had a deep understanding this time, being rubbed by Yi Yi's soft body, her anger seemed to be weakened by most.

It's just that those bastards must be taught a lesson, her territory dares to bully her baby like this, it's just looking for death!
"When you came back, were they still there?"

"They're so arrogant, they have to say it's their territory!" Yiyi replied unhappily.


The three of them were talking vigorously, and Benny, who was studying hard, responded.

He took the initiative to put down the book in his hand, jumped off the sofa and came to them: "Mommy, I'll be with you."

After saying this, he began to unbutton the wrists, and then rolled up the cuffs one by one.

This appearance really resembles him back then, man!

The backyard of the Huazhai is similar to the facilities of the Tanjia.only.Tan Junzhan is more humane, he gave birth to a cute little girl, and he also installed other equipment that he likes one by one in the backyard.

However, now all of them are occupied by those bastards one by one.

Looking at all this in front of me, I really feel a bit like a dove occupying a magpie's nest.

Xue Yingying couldn't help but sigh!
In the arena, she could be regarded as an elder, but little Benny just likes to steal her limelight.

After a few quick steps, Benny appeared in front of them all at once.

"You guys beat my sister just now."

Benny's smooth Chinese is all thanks to Xue Yingying's careful cultivation in the past few years.

However, with his green eyes, he soon became the focus of everyone's ridicule.

One of the leading little boys looked at his eyeballs carefully, and couldn't help laughing happily: "Green eyeballs? Are you the brother of a slug? Your mother is a vixen, so you are a wild child!"

Several others also followed suit.

Benny usually has a decent personality, but the word "wild species" is clearly the poison lurking in his body.Hearing the key words, he seemed to have changed all of a sudden.

"If you have the ability, say it again!"

The area around the whites of Benny's eyes turned red instantly.

Seeing that those few haven't noticed yet, let's continue to sprinkle salt on his wound: "Bastard, you are a little bastard that no one wants."


Benny was furious in his heart, raised his arms, and greeted the leader's face.

"Shut up, you are not allowed to mention those two words, shut up!"

Benny warned loudly, and at the same time his hands were not idle, continuing to sway around.

However, two fists are no match for four hands.

As soon as they rushed forward, they suppressed Benny's whole body, and he became the one who was abused instead.

Anyway, she is also Benny's aunt, how can she see him being bullied like this?

She whispered to them one by one: "Go to the front yard and get Uncle Xiao Chai, the sooner the better."

"it is good!"

The two girls ran away.

With amazing skill, when Xue Yingying turned around, several bruises were left on Benny's face.

Damn, the destructive power is so strong at this age, you can still do it when you grow up?

However, should this be the question that should be considered now?
Xue Yingying wanted to slap herself very much!


She ran over quickly, grabbed one with one hand and threw it aside, how could she care about their safety?Benny was the only one on his mind.

"What kind of ability is it to bully the small by the big?" The leader said secretly, his teeth itching with hatred.

She helped Benny up carefully, and there were bruises and bruises on her white and tender cheeks, which made her very unhappy.If time goes back more than ten years, she will really beat them all up, it's really hateful!
"You bully the few with the more, so what? Also, this is my home! You wild boys came in over the wall, how did the teacher and the family educate you?"

Seeing that Benny could still stand still, she let go of her hands and walked forward, hands on hips, to teach those few a lesson.

They are really a bunch of mothers and no upbringing!
"Finally found you guys!"

From the back yard, a head poked in through the fence.

She is not as good as them, she can climb over the wall and enter, but can only stand outside the door.

Xue Yingying also looked over when she heard the sound, "Pu Xinyu?"

"Xiaoying, they are orphans. They are stubborn by nature, and I don't know how they came here. If there is something I'm sorry for, I hope you can understand!"

How high-sounding these words are!

Xue Yingying snorted coldly, and she pushed Benny, whose face was full of injuries, to the front: "Who is in charge now?"

"I usually do volunteer work when I have free time! But today, the dean went out temporarily, and we have to wait for him to come back to discuss this matter."

She had the illusion that Pu Xinyu was smiling on the surface, but in fact there were other intentions behind it.

Xue Yingying couldn't bear it and shivered on her back.

"Mommy, I'm fine, let's go!"

Benny has always been sensible, felt her uneasiness, and chose to die down.

"By the way, I guess you don't know yet! Zhao Yaokun held a press conference and publicly clarified the grievances between him, Lian Yinyun and Tan Yan. Now Tan Yan is really fair, but , Zhao Yaokun's bright future is ruined like this, what a pity!"

Xue Yingying had no choice but to turn around and leave when Benny grabbed her wrist desperately.

As soon as she turned around, when she heard this, she was startled in place.

With Zhao Yaokun's appearance, is the whole boat overwhelmed?

It's amazing!

However, for the sake of Yanyan, is it really worth it for him to block his own future?
Xue Yingying paused in place, but did not turn around.

But Pu Xinyu accepted it as soon as it was good, and waved to the perpetrators: "You little devils, why don't you come out quickly, and you don't think you have caused enough trouble?"

"What kind of hard work did you find for us? You never said before that this kid can use a needle, and it made us sore all over!"

The one headed by Xue Yingying mentioned this before the two of them left.

Xue Yingying seemed to find something wrong, she turned around quickly, but her bright eyes were fixed on this side.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Why don't you come out quickly?" Seeing her like that, Pu Xinyu became a little anxious.

"Give us the money first!" The young boy in the lead showed all his social evils.

All the dramas are debunked, no matter how round it is, it won't help.

Xue Yingying raised the corners of her lips and smiled coldly: "Pu Xinyu, don't think that I will let you go in this lifetime, just wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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