Chapter 199
The famous doctors that Dang Zimo helped her find were definitely the best in the medical field.

After a few days of treatment, Tan Yan's sanity returned to normal.

Zhao Yaokun's reputation has been damaged, and he is still being held in the army at this time, waiting for the final interrogation results.And Tan Junzhan was busy with business, so Xue Yingying and Jiang Yinshi stayed at the house together.

The eyelids trembled a few times, and Tan Yan slowly opened them.

She was at a loss to understand the excited expressions of the two on the left and the right.

The experience of the past few years is like a dream, even if she is there, she just refuses to believe it.

With her fingertips resting on her temples, she raised her head and looked at the two people beside the bed: "Mom, why are you and sister-in-law staying in my room? I'm not sick!"

"Aren't you sick yet? Can you still recall all the experiences that happened in the past few years?" Xue Yingying's eyes darkened, fearing that she would forget all the things in the past few years. This is not a good thing.

If she forgets, Zhao Yaokun's five years of hard work will be in vain, and how can she accept Yanyan's existence?

"These few years?"

Tan Yan repeated these three words, her brows furrowed even more.When she turned her eyes away, the surroundings were bleak and pale. Where is this her room?

In a blink of an eye, her face became pale and bloodless.

Under the influence of Xue Yingying, she began to think about all the things that happened recently.

Within a few minutes, she curled up into a ball, trembling, looking very scared.

How could Xue Yingying, a sister-in-law, not understand her thoughts at the moment?
Sitting directly beside her bed, Xue Yingying tried her best to break away her clenched fingers, and then held them tightly: "Yanyan, compared to other people, you are lucky. Because the man who took possession of you that night, he It's Zhao Yaokun."

"Impossible! He wasn't there at all the next day, sister-in-law, don't comfort me." No matter how careless you are usually, when this happens, most people still can't accept it, even if you talk about it.

She buried her head between her legs and never wanted to come out again. What's the point of living in this world if this happened?It's better to be dead.

"Speaking of this matter, I'm still sorry for you! If it wasn't for me that day..."

The memory gradually came back, and Xue Yingying was also miserable.

But Tanyan looked at her sad appearance, and comforted her instead: "Sister-in-law, that's none of your business, I'm too stubborn. If you can't hold the sand, you might as well shake it!"

"Zhao Yaokun, he is your dish! Yan Yan, your daughter——Zhao Yanyan, she is Zhao Yaokun's own flesh and blood, and there is a paternity test report to prove it. What happened back then was all planned by Lian Yinyun , Her purpose is to retaliate against all of us. The cause of the incident is still on me and A Zhan. Sorry for the belated, I hope you can accept it!"

"Okay! Between aunts and sisters, where is there such a thing as forgiveness or not? Don't forget, we are a family! Yanyan, you just woke up, and you haven't figured out many things. In this matter, Nannie is also a victim , she has had a hard time in the past few years!"

Jiang Yinshi held the two children's hands tightly, feeling a lot of emotion for a while.

Not long after the tender moment, Xue Yingying's cell phone rang.

Quickly withdrew her hand, she made a sorry expression, and then stepped aside to answer the phone.

"Sisters, I have some unfortunate news for you, something happened to Junhao!"

Tan Yan returned to normal, and then Xia Xuanfu came to announce the bad news, was it on purpose?
"Xuanzi, tell me more clearly? What's wrong with Junhao?" Tan's family members kept their mouths shut. They just had a reunion dinner together yesterday, and she didn't notice any sign of a sense of crisis.

How can this be?

Xue Yingying took the time to raise her chin and forgot to look at the mother and daughter not far away.

The appearance of deep feelings does not seem to be pretending.

"Talking about Yan's little three doors is actually a cover-up, sacrificing a Zhao Yaokun, so that everyone thinks that this matter is over. Unexpectedly, a specialty restaurant under Sovereign Hao was recently revealed to have been poisoned. If this matter is dealt with Not good, Junhao may go down from here on out."

Xia Xuanfu's tone sounded particularly dignified, and Xue Yingying's psychological pressure continued to intensify: "Xuanzi, thank you for telling me this, I will figure out a solution myself."

"Yingzi, I don't have clear evidence yet, so I can't help you. But, I have to remind you that this matter has nothing to do with Guan Hong, so you should pay attention! All I can say is this Too many, hang up first!" After two or three seconds, she quickly cut off.

This was considered an internal secret, but Xia Xuanfu would rather tell her secretly, despite the risk of being banned from above.It's pretty good for the sisters to do this.

Junhao is facing an unprecedented crisis, as a member of the Tan family, Xue Yingying cannot just sit idly by.

Adjust her mentality, she doesn't want the two of them to see her weird appearance.

Xue Yingying approached with a smile in her eyes: "Mom, I have some urgent matters to attend to, so I will trouble you to take care of Yanyan here!"

"Go! Girl, be careful on the road." Jiang Yinshi did not forget to tell her.

Yes, yes, she promised again and again, and Xue Yingying left soon.

She rushed to the specialty restaurant that Xia Xuanfu mentioned as soon as possible.

In terms of appearance alone, it looks really unique and pleasing to the eye.

However, she didn't come here today to enjoy the scenery, she had other important matters.

When she came here for the first time, she just stepped into the hall, and her eyes were fixed on the person in the center.

The more you look at it, the more familiar it looks!
Xue Yingying couldn't hold back anymore, so she stepped forward and walked over.

"you are?"

When the man heard her voice, he immediately raised his head, put down his work, and nodded and smiled at her: "Sister-in-law? Then you look much better in real life than in photos!"

"Thank you! It's just, who are you?" Xue Yingying looked embarrassed, she hadn't recognized him yet, how embarrassing is this situation?

"I'm here, go get busy!"

The man looked at her with great interest, and as soon as he was about to speak, he poured a head of biting cold water from his forehead, not to mention how many frustrations he had.

"Oh, good!" But she just likes men.

Which winking guy interrupted her good business?
Xue Yingying turned around angrily, and met Tan Junyan's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"That woman just now was your wife?" She only realized this relationship suddenly, no wonder she felt familiar, she looked almost like her.

"Why, can't I? I'm not allowed to marry a wife? Sister-in-law, you really control me a lot. Be careful that my brother will get bored one day, and I will divorce you home." Talking to him is always not serious.

Xue Yingying didn't want to continue entangled in this issue, so she waved her hand and changed the topic elsewhere: "I heard that someone poisoned this place, what's going on?"

"It's a small matter, I'll take care of it, you should go back?" Tan Junyan waved his hand, signaling her to get out!
But Xue Yingying seems like the kind of person who is easy to dismiss?
She was caught and trained by Xue Ke since she was a child, but she didn't master martial arts, but her horse stance was solid.

Tan Junyan pushed her forcefully, but she just stayed where she was.

"Tell me the truth, what's going on? You have grown up together since you were a child, and you still don't know my personality. I'm just a bull." Seeing that he didn't move any more, she patted her palms and stood up straight.

"Jun Yan, my sister-in-law is also talking about family members, so I have to know sooner or later! Sister-in-law, Jun Yan and I only got the news a few days ago. I heard that someone was poisoning here, so I hurried over to investigate. It's been a few days and there is no news. If this continues, Junhao's future cannot be guaranteed!"

Hearing the conversation between the two of them, especially the phrase "grow up together since childhood", she seemed to enjoy it, so she came over to explain the details clearly.

"I want you to talk too much! Go home!" Tan Junyan changed his usual gentle image, and reprimanded him in a cold voice with a straight face.

In fact, Tan Junzhan and Tan Junyan looked quite alike, especially at this time, they were even more alike, Xue Yingying was almost dumbfounded.

After she succumbed to the word "yes", Xue Yingying finally came back to her senses: "As far as common sense is concerned, only chefs have the opportunity to do things like poisoning."

"Xue Yingying, you have an elm head. Knowing that we will suspect it at the first time, he will poison you?" Tan Junyan held the opposite idea to her.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place! Maybe he just guessed what you were thinking and deliberately did the opposite?" Xue Yingying said indifferently, losing a few hygienic eyes.

What she said made sense.

Tan Junyan stretched out his hand like this, intending to wrap his arms around her shoulders just like when he was a child.

However, at this moment, a gust of wind came from behind him and quickly took ownership of him.

Falling into a warm embrace, sniffing at the tip of the nose, it was the familiar body odor again.Who else but him?

Xue Yingying immediately put her cat in his arms, and said with a sweet smile: "Ah Zhan, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you. But, how do you know I'm here?"

She had to admit that her behavior did have elements of acting.

"It's a tacit understanding!" He was really shameless, she said that casually, he really dared to go down the steps.

"Big brother!"

The interaction between the two of them could be seen in Tan Junyan's eyes, the corners of his eyes obviously twitched.

How could Tan Junzhan not find out?

He deliberately chose to ignore it, "Tanyan is sober, and I will leave the affairs here to her in the future, and you don't have to come here again."

"But this matter is related to Junhao." Tan Junyan seems to be doing it on purpose, especially after Tan Junzhan issued the order to evict the guest.

His eyes flickered, it was obvious that the crown prince was in a very upset mood.

"The police's intervention has yielded results. This matter is related to the private hospital under the Guan Group, and cannot threaten Jun Hao. Now you can get out!"

They are obviously brothers, but Xue Yingying feels that the two seem to be incompatible.

Tan Junyan remained silent, the crown prince finally couldn't hold back anymore!
If the enemy does not move, we will move. Tan Junzhan will implement this policy.

(End of this chapter)

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