Chapter 200 Old things
In terms of their personalities alone, they are a natural match.

The big man and the little woman complement each other, although occasionally the two of them have fierce conflicts.But for husband and wife, they often quarrel at the head of the bed and make peace at the end of the bed, and rarely have overnight feuds.

He didn't pay much attention to Xue Yingying's growling question.

Therefore, she pouted and looked out the window along the way, not wanting to answer.

After getting out of the car, Xue Yingying took the initiative to unbuckle her seat belt. She opened the door and was about to walk in, as if he was not in her eyes at all.

This made the prince feel very sad.

He locked the car door with a few moves, and taking advantage of his long legs, he blocked her within a few steps.

With such a tug of the big hand, she fell into his arms.

This man is too jerk, didn't you see that she was still angry?

Xue Yingying's big bronze-like eyes stared straight at him.

But in Tan Junzhan's eyes, there was a different kind of allure.

Moist red lips that were slightly parted, and a charming look that hesitated to speak, isn't this considered to be seducing him?

The two of them turned around in one direction, and he pressed her directly against the off-road vehicle, making her entire back tightly fit on it.Temporarily emotional, he couldn't control the hot feeling in his heart and the natural reaction that rose up in his body.

A brutal movement suppressed her, and then his hand did not stop, moving up all the way, and finally came to his favorite plump area.

Maybe it's because the narrow-minded man is still holding grudges. She was attacked by Tan Junyan when she was young and ignorant.The joy of the boudoir, the two of them stayed in the room, she didn't care what he wanted to do.

But is this empty place a good place to make out?

When Xue Yingying thought about it, her heart became more and more panicked. .

As soon as she lifted her foot, she was about to kick him where he was most vulnerable, when a sudden sound came to her ears, she had to shrink back and disappear without a trace.


There was a tinge of surprise in the old woman's voice, and she was quite happy to hear it.However, Xue Yingying guessed her next move.

Yes, that's right, that's it—

Picking up the broom that was placed aside, she greeted Tan Junzhan without saying a word.

Please don't ask the specific reason, the old woman can say that title, which shows that her mind is not normal!

He was beaten with a stick for no reason, but Tan Junzhan's reaction was unexpectedly kind.He had no choice but to get off Xue Yingying's body, then let go of his grasp, twisted the broom in the palm of his hand, and threw it in that direction.

"Sister-in-law Zhang, sister-in-law Zhang! How do you take care of people? What if you hurt your daughter and the children?" If she wasn't angry, she was definitely not sure, so Tan Junzhan called people out with a straight face.

Hearing this, Mrs. Zhang came out of it in a flash: "Ah, why are you still hitting on the prince? I've said it several times, don't do anything, why didn't you listen?"

When the old woman was yelled at loudly by her, her original arrogance disappeared in an instant.

She shrank her neck in fear, her voice sounded aggrieved: "I, I, I... Who told him to bully my daughter?"

Looking back on that scene, the old woman was covered with mist, not to mention how pitiful she was.

After all, the reason was her own, and Xue Yingying couldn't avoid being condemned in her heart.She took a few careful glances at the old woman, but the more she looked at her eyes, the more she couldn't say anything back, and she didn't know what was so attractive.

"Ah Zhan, I think this old woman looks strangely familiar. I don't know where I've seen it before?" Xue Yingying took the initiative to approach him and expressed her inner thoughts.

Tan Junzhan also took a few glances, his reaction was similar to hers, his eyeballs were set on the crazy old woman, and he couldn't take them back.

Jiang Yinshi, who was staying in the back room, had just put the three children to bed for a nap, when she heard the bluffing outside, she could only come out and have a look.

As soon as he came out, he saw Tan Junzhan and the others' strange expressions, which was intriguing.

"Jun Zhan, niece, what's the matter with her?" Jiang Yinshi took the initiative to walk over, helped her up when she was shrunk into a ball, and patted the dust off her body.

It has been five years, and Jiang Yinshi has taken care of her, and she has almost lost her affection.Talking and laughing happily, there is an extra taste of pampering.

Xue Yingying bumped into him with her elbow, hinted at him with her eyes, and then Tan Junzhan spoke: "Mom, the special restaurant in Tanyan's hand has a result!"

"Who is the murderer?" Jiang Yinshi was most concerned about this.

No one noticed that he deliberately changed the topic. His dark eyes looked at the confused old woman, so he could only continue to say tentatively: "Guan family! The poisoning drug came from a family under the Guan family. Private hospital. Now it is speculated that Guan Hong did this to rescue Guan Yi."

Xue Yingying and Tan Junzhan have been observing the old lady's reaction from beginning to end, especially after hearing Guan Yi's name, wondering if she will behave differently from usual?
But the result was as expected, she was not very sane, but after the sound of Guan Yi, she became even more insane.

She clutched her neckline tightly with both hands, and buckled it in inch by inch until she was almost out of breath.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Xue Yingying felt an inexplicable sourness in her heart.

She couldn't stand it anymore, she had to save the mother-in-law.

A pair of big hands grabbed her wrist, Xue Yingying didn't understand, her blank eyes fell on his face.

"Wait and see what happens, let's see again!"

That's all, can there be other discoveries?

As soon as this idea appeared in my mind, something really happened over there.

"Guan Yi, please let me go... Ah, don't... I beg you, let my husband go... Guan—"

The words that popped out of the old woman's mouth were fragmentary, and it was difficult to form a complete and smooth sentence.Before she could finish speaking, she fell down and lost consciousness as her complexion gradually turned pale, but she still maintained her original posture unchanged.

It's not a joke to cause people's lives.

Tan Junzhan stepped forward, and he squatted down beside the old woman.She clenched her neckline so tightly that he couldn't pick her up, so he had to be patient and take her hand off.But something unexpected happened. He who has been in the army for a long time is definitely stronger than other men.At this level, he still couldn't catch the hand of a comatose woman.

He couldn't figure it out, and just stood there in a daze, dumbfounded.

What has she experienced in order to have such a fearful behavior?

Tan Junzhan rarely had such an expression, Xue Yingying came forward curiously.

Glancing at the old woman's hand that was still on the spot, she immediately understood that it's just that life is at stake right now!
"Ah Zhan, don't worry about it so much, it's important to save people first!"

Xue Yingying was waiting outside the door of the operating room, pacing back and forth, she was fidgeting, but she couldn't say why.

"Ninny, she'll be fine, don't keep dangling in front of my eyes!" Tan Junzhan threatened in a cold voice, but there was the same worried look in his eyes.

"Ah Zhan, I'm afraid she'll leave just like that! She seems to have something to do with my life experience. This feeling is very strong. Do you believe what I said?"

She was right, this feeling was very strong, because he had never seen her be so anxious for a stranger, her eyes were full of red circles.

"I believe it! I even believe that your life experience has something to do with Guan Yi in all likelihood! Girl, just wait, I will find out the truth about your life experience. Guan Yi really got blood on his hands. I won't let him go!"

The intermittent words of the old woman before she fell into a coma made him more convinced of Guan Yi's evil deeds.

"Ah Zhan, do you think she will just fall asleep like this?"

The operation time was not short, and Jiang Yinshi had to take care of the three young ones when she returned home, and they were the only two waiting outside the operating room.

This bad thought was circling in her mind, and she couldn't stand her wild thoughts, and her skin became cold for a while.

Tan Junzhan hugged her tightly, and kept rubbing her skin with his hands, "She is very lucky, she has met us several times in a row, don't think too much about it! Besides, my third uncle personally performed the surgery, What are you worried about?"

"but I--"

Xue Yingying held hands, and before she could finish the rest of the sentence, someone pushed the door of the operating room, "Jun Zhan, your daughter-in-law is really unreliable! Does she still question my third uncle's medical skills?"

"Third Uncle, I... Is the old lady's surgery a success?" Xue Yingying was most worried about this, and she stared eagerly into his eyes.

The third uncle couldn't help laughing, and a hearty voice came from the opposite side: "I don't have this ability, can I continue to eat this bowl of rice? Little girl, the operation was successful. But correct me, this is not an old woman, at best she is your mother-in-law's age .”

The medical staff inside pushed the old woman out in twos and threes.

One of the little nurses was still joking with her companions: "Don't look at her wrinkled face, but her skin is really smooth. Especially the rose birthmark on her back looks like a tattoo." .I don’t know where I can get tattoos of this level...Ah—”

After hearing the words about the birthmark, Xue Yingying couldn't calm down.

She is about the same age as Jiang Yinshi, which shows that she belongs to her mother's generation.But the rose birthmark on his back made Guan Hong very excited.If I had heard correctly, this is the unique inheritance of the descendants of the Shen family.

Is she her own—

Xue Yingying couldn't control the restlessness in her heart.

She pulled away the little nurse's hand with one hand, quickly lifted the thin quilt, and took the initiative to check.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter with you?" The little nurse approached after cursing.

Tan Junzhan couldn't be more clear about her personality, and he wouldn't give up if he didn't let her succeed.He could only stare, scaring the little nurse.

"I, I'm just going to send the patient back."

"We will be responsible, you guys go!" Tan Junzhan preemptively blocked her from continuing.

Those few seemed to be afraid of this couple, leaving the old woman behind, and they ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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