Chapter 201 The old beggar
"The result is out?"

The door of the ward was pushed open, and Xue Yingying was the first to greet her with a happy face.

Tan Junzhan's deep and mellow male voice hummed, and walked in without giving her a good time.

Seeing this, Xue Yingying felt anxious from the bottom of her heart.

What's the matter with people's appetite!
In order to get the desired result, she followed up uneasily, clinging tightly to his side.At this time, being soft is not enough, so she has no choice but to be tough.

Her tone was very aggressive, and she said harshly, "I count to three, you must give me the results of the report in your hand!"

"Are you sure you won't regret reading it?"

Facing her tough attitude, his heart turned slightly, and a trace of worry flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

This girl, can't you see that he is worried about her?

"Ah Zhan, you can't tell me about this, we can't get along well anymore!"

Nizi was resolute, and a simple matter was suddenly raised to a fatal crisis.

Forget it, he had no choice but to frown and motion for her to come over: "The things are here with me, don't expect me to deliver them to you."

Xue Yingying was surprised enough that he could change his attitude.

So, she trotted to his side.

Fortunately, he didn't make an illusory trick, and Xue Yingying opened the report paper after pulling it out of his hand, and looked at it at a glance.

However, before he could take a few glances, the piece of paper in his palm fell like this.

But at this moment, Xue Yingying stood there dumbfounded, unable to respond.

Tan Junzhan stretched out a finger and shook it a few times in front of her eyes, her dazed eyes didn't blink.

He was the one who found out about it, and hugged her from behind, "Daughter, you have to accept this fact. The person on the bed, she is your real mother! I have heard a lot in the past few years. Still with you."

"Ah Zhan, I still can't connect these two people together, give me some time to get used to it!"

Xue Yingying buried her head in his arms and remained silent for a long time.

There was no evidence before, a real mother suddenly fell from the sky, and no one would accept it immediately.Since she is still awake, it is better to let the two separate and calm down.

Coincidentally, Jiang Yinshi came to visit her with freshly cooked chicken soup.

When she opened the door and came in, she saw Xue Yingying who was not in good spirits.Putting the thermos on the bedside table, she hurriedly approached Xue Yingying, reached out and touched her forehead: "Ninny, what's wrong with you? You look haggard!"

Xue Yingying twitched her lips a few times, but she just kept silent.

She really didn't know what to say. Could it be that the person lying on the bed was her own mother?

Gently tugging at his shirt, while her fingernails were gesturing lightly on his back.


There was only one thought in her mind, and she wished it would disappear within a few seconds.

Tan Junzhan soon realized that the big hand was on her waist.

He informed Jiang Yinshi: "My daughter is fine, she is just a little tired! Mom, I will leave it to you to take care of her here. My daughter and I will leave first."

"Well, I'm here, so don't worry! I'm your daughter-in-law, don't bully her anymore." Jiang Yinshi deliberately misinterpreted his meaning, mistakenly thinking that Xue Yingying's unnatural attitude was all due to Tan Junzhan bullying.

The truth of the facts cannot be clearly stated yet, so Tan Junzhan has no choice but to take the blame.

He nodded silently, and then took her away.

The two left in a hurry, Jiang Yinshi wanted to help the "grandmother" tuck the corner of the quilt, but happened to catch a glimpse of a white sheet of paper falling on top of the thin quilt.

There was no one else haunting here, so who else could there be besides them?
"Hey, Jun Zhan..."

Jiang Yinshi spoke immediately, trying to stop the two of them.

Who knew, after they heard her call, they walked faster and faster, with no intention of stopping at all.

The strange behavior made Jiang Yinshi curious.

Seeing that she couldn't catch up with her age, she could only turn her attention to the piece of paper in her hand. What was written on it?

Three times, five times and two divisions, but the final result shocked her.

A dull and dazed expression appeared on her face again, but it was a pity that the blank paper was spinning again in mid-air, and then fell to the ground.

It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes.

It turned out that the person they had been looking for in the past few years was always by their side, but they didn't know it!
There seems to be a hint in the dark, otherwise why would this old beggar be taken in?
Nannan's own mother, what kind of experience did she have to make herself like this?

Comparing his heart to his heart, Jiang Yinshi has nothing else but to feel distressed for her.

On the way home, Xue Yingying remained silent without saying a word.

Looking at her like this, Tan Junzhan felt even more uncomfortable in his heart.

He has run out of words to comfort people.At this moment, the only thing he can do for her is to stay by her side and never leave her.

He freed an empty hand and held hers tightly in his palm.With this action, let her feel his firm belief, so as to convey it to the depths of her heart.

It doesn't matter whether the world is full of vicissitudes, or the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten.As long as he lives for a day, he will not abandon her and stay away from her.

She is his responsibility, as well as his mission, and he cannot shirk it.

In the Chinese house.

As soon as the off-road vehicle came to a complete stop, the windy girl, classmate Tan Yi, rushed out of the back room in a hurry.

"Dad, Mom—"

After the car turned off, Tan Junzhan held Xue Yingying out of the passenger seat with a stiff face.

But she was like a puppet, with no expression on her face.

Tan Yi was indeed young, but in the scene before her, she could still feel that the situation was not good.

She moved in small steps, and asked in a timid voice: "Brother Benny, why is Mom ignoring me?"

There was a tinge of grievance in the milky voice, and Xue Yingying immediately responded.

Back then, she was bullied by her peers, and everyone said she was an unwanted abandoned baby.Because of this, she ran home with a sad face, and those few would end up being beaten up by Xue Yinuo with his fist.

Recalling the past made her feel very uncomfortable.

Emotional ups and downs, and the man she loved so much was by her side again, she couldn't think about it for a while, so she cried and fell into his arms: "Ah Zhan, why, why did she abandon me?"

Clutching his shirt tightly, she complained loudly.

"Brother Benny—" She had never seen Xue Yingying like this before, and Tan Yi approached him a little worried.

Tan Junzhan narrowed his deep eyes slightly, as if hinting to Benny, raised his chin, and hit the target position in the bedroom.

After Benny received the message, he took Yi Yi's tender hand and walked towards the bedroom without any haste.He has always turned a deaf ear to Tan Yi's noisy rhetorical question.

(End of this chapter)

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