Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 202 One second is not bad

Chapter 202

Xue Yingying seemed to have found a trash can to confide in. She cried and cried for a long time before falling asleep.

But after Tan Junzhan settled the big one, he had to take care of the two little ones later.

After finishing the dinner, Benny took her hand and left without waiting for new questions to pop up in the lively "One Hundred Thousand Whys".

Tan Junzhan took care of all the trivial matters, and planned to take a battle bath and go to bed to accompany her.

With a bathrobe in his hand, he was about to take a step towards the bathroom when a noisy cell phone rang.

It was hard for Nizi to fall asleep, how dare he let her wake up again?

Reaching out with his long arm, he quickly slid to unlock it, and walked around to the balcony to answer the phone.

"Ah Zhan, Lian Yinyun came to plead guilty, and she came to admit that she was responsible for the poisoning case." Xue Yinuo's voice sounded tepid, but those who are familiar with his character should know that he is usually not This tone?
There is definitely something tricky in it!
The two brothers who grew up wearing a pair of trousers, Tan Junzhan sniffed out some signs, and he pointed it out directly: "If you have something to say, just say it, and don't hesitate to me. My daughter just fell asleep!"

"Naughty girl—is she okay?" Xue Yinuo is really good at changing the subject.

Given that the two of them are not biological brothers and sisters, but Xue Yinuo's affection for her is far more than that of siblings, so she just refuses to believe his ulterior motives.

To put it bluntly, the prince is very concerned about this matter.

"She's fine, now you can continue to the topic! I don't have enough time, I only give you 3 minutes, talk quickly!" Through a glass door, Tan Junzhan's nervous gaze fell on her No matter how you look at her beautiful sleeping face, you will never get tired of it.

What a rarity!

"Tan Junzhan, Nannan and I can only be brothers and sisters for the rest of our lives, don't think too much! Lian Yinyun's sentence has been handed down and she will be imprisoned for life. She asked to see you by name and said it was something important. You will regret it if you don't come! "

Xue Yinuo said truthfully, he didn't want to see Xue Yingying in the future, the prince's jealousy is not small!

"not see!"

Tan Junzhan didn't even think about it, so he uttered this sentence directly.

If he really went, if the narrow-minded woman finds out, why not make a scene?
The topic of the two of them today is over, and they are ready to hang up when talking about Jun Zhan.

However, Xue Yinuo uttered the shocking news, which made him change his mind in an instant: "Aren't you curious about her relationship with the Guan family? Back then, Lian Yinyun left without a sound, and the Guan family was there Times started to go smoothly, don't you think it's strange?"

"Okay, I'll go! I only have one condition, and I must not let my daughter know." It was about the matter of the year, Tan Junzhan had to change his mind temporarily, but she was the only bottom line he could not touch.

"Isn't this all nonsense! I'll wait for you for half an hour, see you soon!"

The goal was achieved, Xue Yinuo hung up neatly.

Even though Xue Yingying looks like a Sleeping Beauty, she doesn't seem to know anything about her surroundings.But if she found out, would she be furious and take the two children back to her mother's house?
Tan Junzhan dare not imagine.

All the things that happened five years ago were so strange that he could only go to the appointment recklessly.

A light kiss fell on her forehead, and then he looked at her obsessively, talking to himself, "Ninny, forgive me this time."

Years of military career have allowed Tan Junzhan to develop a good habit of being punctual.

A beautiful drifting action, the prince finally made his debut.

The corners of Xue Yinuo's mouth curled up, and he raised his wristwatch with a half-smile. He pointed at it, and couldn't help jokingly said, "Ah Zhan, you really don't miss a second!"

This tone——

Tan Junzhan's face darkened instantly, "Where is he? Stop talking nonsense and take me there!"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet!"

Xue Yinuo hugged Tuan'er in his arms, and he approached suddenly, walked around Tan Junzhan several times, and finally said: "According to your usual speed, this time can be shortened by at least half! Or, do you keep flowing?" Falling in love with Nannan's sleeping appearance, looking fascinated, almost missed the time?"

"Xue Yinuo—"

Tan Junzhan's voice has almost dropped to zero.

Fortunately, someone still knows how to accept this word when they see each other.

"Okay, I won't make fun of you either!" Xue Yinuo patted him lightly on the shoulder, then took out a bunch of keys and put them in his palm, "Ninny is my most precious sister, and you are My iron brother. You will never want to try a second time to find the taste of lost. Lian Yinyun is the second room on the left, and I believe you will not do anything to disappoint your daughter."

"Xue Yingying is my bottom line. As long as someone touches her, I will meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha, and I will never say anything." Tan Junzhan's eyes flashed a bright gleam, and there was absolutely no trace of deceit in it.

"That's good! Time waits for no one, you go first!"

Xue Yinuo yawned, put his hands on the back of his head and left.

Tan Junzhan had no way out, so he could only move towards his goal.

The keys collided together, and before he lifted his foot to go in, Miss Lian Yinyun's temper began to flare up inside.

"Get out, I just want to talk about Jun Zhan!"

Arrived here, still don't know how to repent?How uneducated!

Tan Junzhan thought unhappily. Due to the ultimate goal, he had no choice but to lean against the door: "I'm not welcome? Then I'll go back!"

"No, Jun Zhan, don't leave me, now you are the only one left for me."

When Lian Yinyun heard this voice and these words, she couldn't care about anything else, she immediately jumped off the bed, rushed to the door, and hugged him tightly from behind.

Tan Junzhan couldn't help being stunned, because someone had done the same action five years ago.It's a pity that this person is not that her, so I'm sorry!

"Lian Yinyun, let go, don't force me to do it!" He yelled at her irritably and coldly.

"do not--"

In front of him, she has always been a vulnerable group.

She had no choice but to let go of her hand obediently. Thinking of the reason why he came here today, she couldn't help feeling sad: "Jun Zhan, if Xue Yingying wasn't there, would you be with me?"

Women love to ask such questions. There are so many "ifs" in this world.

The crown prince snorted coldly: "On the day when I was entangled with her fate, you didn't know where you were staying. You have no right to say such things!"

"Lian Yinyun, if you have something to say, hurry up, I don't want to waste my time on you!"

Keeping silent, she just looked at him so affectionately, which made him feel goosebumps all over his body, not to mention how uncomfortable it was!
"What about Xue Yingying? Do you want to hear a story about her?" Lian Yinyun had a good brain and used her as bait.

Sensitive keywords invaded the brain, Tan Junzhan naturally turned his body around, and he looked at her suspiciously: "Finally planning to speak the truth?"

"Don't look at my face!"

Under the bright light, Lian Yinyun tightly covered her face.

It was only at this time that Tan Junzhan recalled how she did it.If she hadn't killed herself, why would Benny ruin her face so cruelly.

To put it simply, it is self-inflicted evil!

"Too much nonsense, let's talk about serious things!"

The prince's patience is almost gone.

"Okay, okay, I say that's it!"

Lian Yinyun took a deep breath, adjusted her mentality, and opened up the conversation: "As you guessed, my departure was all arranged by Guan Yi. This time I voluntarily surrendered to the police, which was also hinted by Guan Hong."

"Do you have something to fall into their hands?" This point is exactly where his confusion lies.

Speaking of this, Lian Yinyun showed an embarrassed smile: "Isn't it you who are my fault? At the beginning when you plotted against me and Zhao Yaokun, I only hated Xue Yingying. I can't separate you and Xue Yingying, a little talker I still can't handle it?"

"I asked Zhao Yaokun out in the name of agreeing to a divorce. I deliberately spilled coffee on his clothes, and when he went in to wash, I secretly sent a text message to Tan Yan with his mobile phone. All the plans were unexpected In the middle, I used the last meal before the divorce as a cover to drug him successfully! I calculated the time for Tan Yan to arrive, so I left early and ordered aphrodisiac incense in the room in advance."

"Lian Yinyun, you are not as good as a beast!"

Hearing her crimes with his own ears, his only sister, Tan Yan, was persecuted by her and became insane for five years. He wished he could kill her with his own hands!
"Don't worry, I haven't finished my story yet! I took the documents from the Zhao family, and I also leaked the pornographic news, but Guan Yi arranged all of this. What he wants to get is Xue Yingying, so We hit it off right away. When I fled to country M and found out she was pregnant with your child, I deliberately dressed up as a little nurse, stole her child, and replaced it with a dead baby."


For the rest of the words, Tan Junzhan felt that he could no longer restrain his urge to finish her off with his own hands.

His own sister, his wife, which one was not persecuted by her?
Regarding his anger, Lian Yinyun just smiled slightly, and she continued: "The entire Tan family, don't you wonder why the Guan family rose? The two elders kicked their legs, and they were in a hurry to separate. That's not true. Feel suspicious?"


Tan Junzhan's black eyes twitched and twitched, gradually turning into dark eyes.

"The father and son of the Guan family are medical students themselves. Isn't it easy for them to tamper with the elders? If you don't believe me, I can produce evidence, and they are stored in—"

That place was about to break out, but Lian Yinyun had a mouthful of blood gushing from his throat.

Holding her last breath, she spoke intermittently: "Guan Hong...things are here...ahem...meeting for the first time..."

meeting for the first time?
Tan Junzhan was always blind to girls, how could he remember where the two met for the first time?
He still wanted to continue to question, but found that Lian Yinyun had died and died.

(End of this chapter)

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