Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 203 The deceased is like Suffolk

Chapter 203 The deceased is like Suffolk
The next morning, the genius was dim, and a phone call from Jiang Yinshi woke them up.

Jiang Yinshi's voice sounded a little anxious: "Ninny, Ah Zhan, she has woken up and is clamoring for the two of you, hurry up and get ready to come over!"

After Xue Yingying was awakened by the alarm, she remained silent, only to see that she was entangled in the corner of the quilt, and she kept circling around.

Tan Junzhan saw this small movement in his eyes, he sighed silently, and could only say: "I will do ideological work over there, so I will hang up first!"

"I don't want to go there!"

Knowing what he wanted to say next, Xue Yingying twisted her body and covered her ears on purpose.

He didn't want to force her wishes, so he said in a clear tone: "In the future, I will never force you to do anything, but you have to be clear, she is your only relative in this world right now. Follow one by one."

"Let me think about it again!"

Where was that person when she needed maternal love the most?How can she readily accept it when she jumps out all of a sudden?
Xue Yingying was so irritable in her heart, she grabbed her clean clothes and ran into the bathroom to take a shower, trying to wash away the impetuousness in her heart with clean water.

After she came out of the bathroom, the mess in the bedroom was replaced by a neat room.

The prince is worthy of being in the military camp for a long time, and he is definitely a good hand at internal affairs!
She gave him 32 likes from her heart!

Her waist-length hair was dripping wet, and she couldn't dry it with a dry towel in a short time, so she had to search for a hair dryer.

As soon as I walked to the bedside table, the phone rang cheerfully - "You are my little apple..."

this ringtone...

Don't think too much, this masterpiece is definitely the work of Tan Yi's naughty girl.

But, who is calling this call?Could it be that mother, seeing that they hadn't left yet, called again to urge them?

You can hide from the first day of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth day.

Xue Yingying gritted her teeth and answered decisively: "Hello?"

The soft female voice seems to be just like the encounter in early summer that year.The gurgling stream flowed into his heart.It's a pity that this woman doesn't belong to him!


She didn't think it was just a joke call, for some reason, her heart was beating like thunder, as if something bad was about to happen.

"Yinger, it's me, Dang Zimo."

After hearing the gentle male voice coming over, Xue Yingying's abnormal feelings finally calmed down.

She simply sat down on the chair and stool, and while the prince was away, she was going to have a chat.

"Hey, Ah Mo, how are you and my uncle? He hasn't seen Benny for a long time, is he thinking about it every day?"

Benny is KEN's only relative by blood. During the five years in country M, he had to take care of her.Since returning to China, she has not returned the phone call, and she has no intention of letting Benny go back. She is really disloyal and unfilial, but she doesn't know how the old man arranges her.

However, there was a long silence on the other side, so long that Xue Yingying thought the signal was not good and was cut off.

"Amo?" Xue Yingying called out in a low voice, she didn't know what had happened on the other side.

Dangzimo's throat was choked, he hesitated for a long time, and then he parted his upper and lower lips slightly, and said, "Yinger, my adoptive father, he, he, he passed away in the early morning."

How, how is it possible?

Xue Yingying's hand holding the receiver lost strength for a moment, causing it to fall directly to the ground.

Ah Mo has always respected KEN, and it is impossible for him to joke about this matter.And his voice sounds dry and deep, but once you listen carefully and distinguish it carefully, there seems to be a sense of frustration that sees through life.

Could it be that all this is really hungry?

There is no time for her to think about things!

Hurrying to put away the bad mood, she bent down and knelt, picked up the phone, and pressed it to her ear again: "Ah Mo, what's the matter? When I left with Benny, wasn't uncle fine?"

"He died suddenly, without any warning before."

Although Dang Zimo has no blood relationship with KEN at all, his cultivation of himself over the years has long surpassed that of family blood.

The Dang family has been in decline for many years, and now even KEN is no longer alive. Right now, Dang Zimo is really a helpless person.

Xue Yingying felt even more sad when she thought of this.

She made up her mind: "Amo, come back! In the past few years, you have successfully cleared your name, so go back to China and develop well. With Benny and me here, you are no longer alone."

"No! The death of the adoptive father is very strange, I must give him justice." Dang Zimo said firmly, leaving no way out.


Xue Yingying didn't understand, "These years, you and others have been grudges against each other. Who did it? Could it be the traitor Benson?"

Besides him, she could never think of a second candidate.

"Besides that white-eyed wolf, who else can be? I was investigating him before. Who knew that he was ruthless against his adoptive father. I didn't take good care of him."

Dang Zimo's words were full of deep self-blame, and it was difficult for him to struggle out of this guilt.


Xue Yingying also owed him, and couldn't bear to see him like this.

"Yinger, don't talk about it, otherwise the prince will be jealous. Take good care of yourself and the children, Benson may kill you back! By the way, I heard that you have found your biological mother. I will give you a piece of advice , you don’t need to focus on the past. You can grasp the present moment, even for a second, and don’t wait until you lose it to regret it. That’s it, next time I have the opportunity to return to China, I will visit your mother-in-law three.”

Even now, he still misses her wholeheartedly, and Xue Yingying can't let go of the heavy shackles in her heart.

She lowered her eyes desolately, and curled up on the stool, only to realize that there was a pair of familiar slippers standing in front of her and eavesdropping.


Xue Yingying hesitated to speak, she glanced at his face with misty eyes, she didn't know if he was angry.

"Don't talk, I know! The dead are like husbands, and now we can grasp the present moment. While your mother is awake, let's go there first! If you have any knots, talk about it face to face, don't let yourself regret!"

Unexpectedly, this time, Tan Junzhan was quite generous.

After two people persuaded her one after another, coupled with the stimulation of KEN's death, Xue Yingying finally figured it out.

After tidying herself up, she was about to walk out of the bedroom.

She had just stepped out of the bedroom door when she almost fell into the mud.When she stood still and took a closer look, it turned out to be Benny's small figure squatting at her door.

what happened?

Xue Yingying couldn't figure it out, she immediately squatted down and kept on the same level as him.


(End of this chapter)

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