Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 204 Unbearable Past Events

Chapter 204 The Unbearable Past

"Mommy, will you abandon me? Just like them!"

Little Benny's usually indifferent little face showed a sense of fear that he had never seen before.

Xue Yingying felt very distressed when she saw it. It was as if a heart had been thrown into a blender, and then someone pressed the switch. The fragile heart was in pieces.

Her hand stroked the back of Benny's head unconsciously, and she forced herself to squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying: "How could it be? You, me, one by one and Ah Zhan, we will always be a family of four. Don't Thinking too much! Tell Mommy the truth, are you blaming me for insisting on taking you away from country M?"

Benny shook his head without hesitation: "No, I can swear!"

The five fingers of his right hand were straight up, and he was close to the ear, and he looked serious: "If there is no Mommy, there will be no Benny now. So I definitely don't blame anyone, maybe I really have nothing with them fate."

Hearing the last sentence, Xue Yingying felt even more sad.

His "they", Benny's biological parents, his half-brother, and his grandfather who has only been together for five years but is extremely precious to him.

"We can't make up for the past. I'm your mommy, so my mom is your grandma. Would you like to go with me to see your grandma?"

With all the feelings accumulated together, Xue Yingying finally let go of her guard and admitted the identity of that person.

Benny nodded straight, Xue Yingying finally stood up, took his hand downstairs, and the family of four rushed to Tanjia.

The old woman's injury was not serious, her fainting was just a moment of anger.After a day's rest, she was also sober.

Jiang Yinshi was worried about her mental problems, and once pulled the doctor aside and asked secretly: "What about her spirit?"

"Well, it's a small problem. I did a physical examination on her, and found that she had a block of blood in the cerebellum that hadn't dissipated, but it's slowly starting to dissipate now, which is a good thing."

The Tan family is well-known, and their status has not diminished.

Everyone has always been respectful when they see Jiang Yinshi, and this doctor is no exception.

"This means that she can return to normal?" The wish for several years has finally been settled, how could Jiang Yinshi be unhappy?Her voice sounded smug.

The doctor nodded and continued: "If there is no accident, it can be recovered in a week, but it depends on the individual's physique. However, I have to ask clearly. The skin on her face seems to be different from other parts of her body. It’s the same, what’s going on here?”


Jiang Yinshi was stunned, and really didn't know how to answer.

For several years, Mrs. Zhang has been taking care of her daily life.But the old woman is very resilient. When taking a bath by herself, no second person is allowed to approach her, even helping to rub her back!
Is there something hidden here?

She asked without shame: "What do you think?"

"Our dean is the chief surgeon this time. According to his many years of experience, the skin on her face was probably painted on by someone, and she hasn't been treated afterwards! You put this thing away first, sooner or later Apply each after cleansing, and the skin will fade after a month."

Jiang Yinshi agreed, and kept all the matters that should be paid attention to in her heart.

When the old woman first woke up, she was clamoring to see Nannan, her own baby.

Jiang Yinshi couldn't control it by herself, because she couldn't be too agitated in her current condition, the doctor had to come over and give her a sedative.

"She is fine in all physical conditions! You can take her back to rest." He waved his hand, and after saying this, he left.

Hospitals are like this, they don't like patients who stand in the latrine and don't shit, especially patients like her who will affect other patients.

After comprehensive consideration, Jiang Yinshi decisively went through the discharge procedures.

From the moment the old woman woke up, she hugged the pillow tightly in her hands, curled up and leaned against the corner, but her eyes were staring at the door, as if she was expecting someone to come.

From the first sunrise of the sun to the third pole of the sun, the person she was waiting for never appeared.

Because of the similar age, Jiang Yinshi can understand her state of mind very well.

She brought a bowl of porridge from Mrs. Zhang with some side dishes, and she came forward with the thing and advised, "You should eat something first! From yesterday to now, you haven't eaten a single grain of rice. The body can't bear it either."

"I'm not hungry!"

For her kindness, the "grandmother" didn't appreciate her kindness, and continued to look there firmly with her eyes.

Jiang Yinshi had no choice but to back away, but she found that her husband's eyes were circling the woman on the bed without stopping for a moment.

What happened?
Before bumping into a wall at her place, Jiang Yinshi had nowhere to vent the anger left in his heart, and he happened to bump into it by himself.

She complained in a suppressed voice: "Well, you talk about Jianguo!"

Before the circled fist landed on his arm, Tan Jianguo stopped him with a hiss: "Shh, keep your voice down! Don't think too much, don't you think she looks like an old friend from this angle?"

Forgive him for not daring to cheat, especially with a woman around her age!
Jiang Yinshi looked in the direction of his finger.At this sight, her eyes were fixed on it for a moment!
Like, so much alike, it's a godlike resemblance!
When Tan Junzhan's family of four appeared, the three people in the room kept this posture without any change.

"Mom?" Xue Yingying looked curiously and couldn't help raising her voice.

Once her voice enters the cochlea, the eyes of the "grandmother" will be full of light.

Unable to restrain the ecstasy in her heart, she stumbled out of bed and trot towards Xue Yingying: "Baby, my sweetheart, it's my mother's fault!"

"Stop! Just stand there, don't come near me!"

Xue Yingying pointed her finger and ordered sharply.

As soon as she made a sound, the "grandmother" did stand still and didn't move, but the layers of mist in the eyeballs made people feel sad.

Xue Yingying is not a hard-hearted person, and now, she doesn't need to be around the corner.

After a few moments of consideration, she tried her best to control her tone: "I just want to ask, why did you leave me in Tan's grove back then?"

If it weren't for her good luck, maybe she would suffer and suffer wherever she is now?Compared with what happened to Benny's biological mother, she is really lucky!
"Baby, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but I have reasons!" Speaking of this topic, the "grandmother" also began to cry, raised her sleeves, and kept wiping away her tears.

That sadness is definitely not adulterated.

"Hmph, everyone says they have their own difficulties! I came here on a special trip today to listen to your explanation. Is it because I am a girl, or because my family is poor, so you guess you abandoned me?"

Generally, children are abandoned for nothing more than these two reasons!

"No, no! Your father and I only have you as a child. There was absolutely no problem in supporting you under the conditions at that time, but..."

The more she talked, the more tears poured out uncontrollably, her shoulders kept shaking up and down, and she burst into tears in an instant.

Crying actually consumes physical energy!
Jiang Yinshi glanced at the porridge in her hand, and she touched it with the back of her hand, but fortunately it was still warm.

So, she stepped forward and handed the porridge to Xue Yingying: "Ninny, your mother hasn't had a drop of water or eaten a single grain of rice since last night. Help me feed some!"

"it is good!"

After all, she is the biological mother, no matter how many heinous things she has done, blood is thicker than water.

Xue Yingying approached suddenly, and sat down in front of the bed.

She picked up a spoonful and handed it to the "grandmother", and said softly, "Eat first, and you will have the strength to talk to me when you are full!"

"Baby, I—" There was a complex look in the eyes of the tearful man.

After Xue Yingying saw it, she couldn't bear to look directly at her, so she had to be cruel and said coldly: "Shut up! Don't eat or sleep!"

Obediently shut her mouth and did not speak, the only time she opened her mouth was Xue Yingying to feed.

With her cooperation, the feeding finally ended.

Xue Yingying took a clean tissue and took the initiative to wipe off the remaining stains on the corners of her mouth!

"Baby, if you are really the flesh and blood of me and your father, that's fine!" Once the food and clothing problem was solved, the tearful man continued to cry.

But, what are they talking about?Could it be that she is not her own mother?

"When you were in a coma, I did a paternity test with you, and you are my real mother." Xue Yingying's voice sounded a little tired, she lowered her eyelids desolately, and stayed there and stopped talking.

Is there anyone who lives a sadder life than her?The biological mother is right in front of her eyes, but she just refuses to recognize her, how ridiculous!

"go on!"

The crown prince was the first one who couldn't stand it anymore. He left the two children behind, took a step forward without authorization, stepped forward and grabbed her waist, and gave orders to the old woman in a cool voice.

"Yes, you are indeed my flesh and blood born in October of my pregnancy, but you are not your father's child." She said simply, and when she closed her eyes, a line of tears fell down like this.

None of the people present dared to speak again.The painful past, they are the evil hands, forcing her to recall it.

"Shen Meiyi is my name, and my lover is Xue Liankai. About [-] years ago, we were an enviable model couple. However, it was not long after we got married, and it was the second day after my husband left for a mission. As soon as I woke up, I saw a strange man lying next to me. His body was ruined, and I wished I could die. But I was afraid that if this matter was known, it would bring a lot to Lian Kai. So, I endured it until the day two months later, I found out I was pregnant. Seeing Lian Kai happily like a child, I was worried because I didn’t know the biological father of the child Who is it? Not long after you were born, baby, that man came to me with a paternity report, saying that you were his child. Then, I had a mental breakdown and couldn't bear the blow."

She didn't realize that Tan Jianguo and Jiang Yinshi exchanged glances when she was rambling on about all this.

(End of this chapter)

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