Chapter 205
"That man is Guan Yi?"

Xue Yingying choked for breath, she couldn't believe this conjecture.

Once these words were blurted out, Shen Meiyi's face revealed a look of pain.

Taking a deep breath, she managed to calm herself down: "Yes, it's that devil! He told me himself that what happened that night was not an accident, but something he planned for a long time. Just because I refused to go with him, That's why he started to deal with me and your dad. We can't guarantee our own safety, and we don't want you to suffer with us, so... Baby, I'm sorry, I've been regretting it all these years!"

Hearing this, Xue Yingying couldn't believe her ears, the so-called truth turned out to be like this!

"What about my dad?"

Will Guan Yi be her real father?Hmph, even if it was the truth, she would never admit it in her life.As soon as he closes his eyes, Guan Yi plans to fight hard. Will there still be such a beastly person in the world?
What nonsense!
"Your father? I'm sorry for Lian Kai! If I had left you father and daughter before, nothing would have happened to him. Guan Yi, he is a devil, a devil!"

Shen Meiyi began to recall all kinds of things back then, and she could never forget the evil she did to Guan Yi.When she became emotional, she clenched her hands into fists, mistaking the pillow in front of her for the villain, and beat it violently once or twice.

This is enough to see her hatred.

"What happened back then?"

Xue Yingying opened her mouth, eager to know.

Regardless of whether Guan Yi is related to her or not, considering Shen Meiyi's mood swings at this moment, it is estimated that the turmoil that occurred back then was not small!
Thinking about the murder case of the party members again, is this a lesson from the past?
She was suspicious in her heart and couldn't calm down for a long time.

As for Shen Meiyi, she hasn't recovered from the past pain.

Jiang Yinshi on the other side couldn't calm down anymore!
"I still have some impressions about this matter, let me tell you!"

In an instant, Xue Yingying's fiery staring eyes shifted and drifted leisurely over.

Jiang Yinshi looked at the pair of focused gazes in front of her, and she couldn't help sighing: "Daughter, on the day I found you, the Xue family did have an accident that day. Xue Liankai was arrested for collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country." Right now, he was sentenced to death. His wife couldn't bear the stimulation, went crazy, and then disappeared. I didn't expect that you would be their child! You see, I am also confused, no wonder I always feel that You look familiar, so that's what happened!"

"You nonsense! That wasn't done by Lian Kai, it was all Guan Yi's conspiracy. In order to get me, I would rather die than surrender, so he had to come up with this trick to frame Lian Kai. What evidence, it was all created by him! My whereabouts are unknown? Haha, because I was arrested by him and put under house arrest. If his wife knew that I was the No. [-] person and set fire to me out of jealousy, how could I have escaped?"

Shen Meiyi jumped off the bed all at once, telling the truth.But when she thought of her deceased husband, she still couldn't restrain the sadness in her heart, and her legs softened and she knelt down again.

"Lian Kai, Lian Kai..."

After so many years, she still misses him in her heart and has not changed.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Xue Yingying felt a slight soreness on the tip of her nose.

The real version of the deep love between husband and wife, this is the portrayal of her parents.

Without Guan Yi's interference, maybe she should have a happy family.However, all of this was ruined by him.

Guan Yi, I am at odds with you!

Xue Yingying's eyes burst into fierce fire, and for a while, lightning flashed and thundered, and sparks overflowed.

But Tan Jun Zhan used two fingers to lightly pick her jaw.

He saw the tears hidden deep in her eyes, and unconsciously lowered his voice: "Why are you, I have everything!"

"Azhan, I..." Xue Yingying touched her lips up and down.

Before she could finish her sentence, her lips were blocked by his warm and dry knuckles.

"Guan family, let me deal with it, you don't need to worry about it. She is your only relative, so go and spend time with her during this time! As for the relationship between you and Guan Yi? Hmph, just like you, I don't believe a word. "

Tan Junzhan rubbed her head with his big palm a few times, and then said slowly: "Don't think too much, I will settle the old and new grudges with him. Stay at home obediently and wait for my favor." information!"

However, before he could walk away, the phone on his waist rang.

This sound was clearly the sound of a text message.

Xue Yingying's eyes were bright, and the cordon was immediately pulled up.

With her small appearance, he was very happy to see her.

"Think I'm cheating? Let's take a look together?"

He said that casually, but she took it seriously.

She pulled out his mobile phone, and she said unceremoniously, "You said it yourself!"

With a swipe of your fingertip, the screen lights up.

The sender is an unfamiliar number, but when you click on it, it turns out that Lian Yinyun has passed away.

Resurrected from the dead, engaging in supernatural events?

Xue Yingying was bold, but she didn't believe in this evil, so she continued to check.

——Jun Zhan, I am Lianyin.I'd love to put "yours" in front of my name, but I just don't have the chance.When you receive this text message that I edited in advance and press the scheduled time to send a text message, I should already be dead.I know you hate all the harm I did to Xue Yingying, but I don't regret it, at least you have me in your eyes.

Benson, Guan Yi, and Guan Hong, none of them are easy-going.My use value has been exploited to the maximum, my existence is a threat to them, and they can't tolerate me in their eyes.

Jun Zhan, farewell.The only thing I have left for you is where we first met.I guess you can't remember it either!It's in the grove in the backyard of your house, under the swing you personally built for Xue Yingying.Below is a safe, and the password is the reverse of your date of birth.

Xue Yingying looked at it in detail, feeling very sad in her heart.

With this rhyme, she really has a deep affection for Ah Zhan.


Tan Junzhan ignored everyone present, and dragged her into his arms desperately, exhaling hot air while talking and laughing, falling on her white and tender neck.

"No!" Xue Yingying dodged desperately, not letting him approach.

Even though she knew his wholeheartedness, she still cared about his past in her heart.

"It's fine if you don't have one, come to the backyard with me, don't get inked!"

With a big hand, he clasped her slender waist tightly, and dragged her away, ignoring her mother's need for her comfort.

But Xue Yingying completely entrusted herself to him, as he said, he is responsible for everything.

Dear Azhan, thank you for having you by my side!

(End of this chapter)

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