Chapter 208

After she got used to the dazzling light, she finally saw the woman in front of her clearly.

She was so frightened that she couldn't speak in astonishment!

"Shen Meiyi?"

Raising her arm, she wanted to touch the woman in front of her, but she withdrew her hand in an instant.

She probably thought that Shen Meiyi was as inhuman as a ghost, and came to seek revenge on her?

Xue Yingying enjoyed watching, and couldn't help sneering: "People were watching yesterday, but now it's God's retribution!"


Hearing the sudden sound, Mrs. Guan quickly looked over, and she also looked at Xue Yingying in disbelief.

Her eyes moved back and forth between Xue Yingying and Shen Meiyi, and watched carefully for a long time. Finally, she couldn't stand what she found, and backed away in surprise.

"how can that be?"

Borrowing Jiang Yinshi's magical potion, Shen Meiyi has restored her former face.Even though they were older than Xue Yingying, once the two of them went out, they could be seen as mother and daughter.

Mrs. Guan's reaction was normal, but she did all kinds of bad things, so the first reaction when she saw Shen Meiyi was fear.

"I am the hidden danger left by you before the root is cut. When you persecute other people's families in your next life, remember to investigate the eighteen generations of your ancestors!"

Don't blame her for speaking viciously, isn't this what they forced out?
Mrs. Guan's complexion turned pale for a while, all the strength in her body seemed to disappear out of thin air, and she fell to the ground suddenly.

Seeing her like this, Xue Yingying didn't seem to be relieved enough.

At this moment, the man next to her is still blocking her, it's really unreasonable!
She slammed it with a knife, so she had no choice but to stand still and continue to be aggressive: "You, Guan Yi, and Guan Hong. I will make you pay for all the pain you have inflicted on me and my family with your whole life!"

"You missed someone—Pu Xinyu."

I thought she wouldn't talk to her, but who knew she would say such a sentence.

Pu Xinyu was indeed wrong, but this is far inferior to their evil deeds, right?
"Oh, by the way, I forgot about your good wife! Five years ago, Ah Zhan used all his wealth to deal with the Pu family. Since then, the Pu family has been in a slump. Fortunately, your conscience found that you took in Pu Xin." language. It's a pity--"

She was halfway through, sighing and shaking her head, "It's a pity that you have taken in something that is not as good as a pig or a dog. Guan Hong is still trying his best to get the two of you out, but where is your good wife? where?"

You can never say too much to hurt someone.

Although every word and every word she said was true, Mrs. Guan's face turned dark immediately, and she was speechless.

But after a few seconds of silence, she slapped the hard floor in a circle, and snorted coldly with extreme disdain: "You stinking bastard! Xue Yingying, I know you hate Pu Xinyu. Our Guan family is in your hands anyway." Come on, turn over? Don't even think about it!"

"It's good that you know, you are still helping the evildoers. Therefore, today's fate is completely self-inflicted!" She never gave the other party a good face, even if the other party said something pertinent.

Unexpectedly, she was so shameless, Mrs. Guan's breathing was obviously choked.

"I have to spend the rest of my life in prison, and Pu Xinyu shouldn't think about it too! Do you remember the murder of Qian Jinjin? Hmph, you were the number one suspect at the time. If it weren't for your good luck, there would be a crown prince Backing up, you don't even know where you are now?"

Really which pot should not be carried!
Xue Yingying's breathing was stagnant, her eyes narrowed slightly, and before her eyes moved to Mrs. Guan's side, she couldn't stand the distressed look on her mother's face.

After clearing her throat, she finally returned to normal. She deliberately rushed to speak before Shen Meiyi could speak, but it was a pity that her tone really made people feel embarrassed.

"What do you say? Did you do that?"

Her mocking eyes flicked away, but the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, showing a bit of contempt.

However, it is true.Five years have passed, what's the point of revisiting the past?
Can't understand her!

"Xue Yingying, have you never noticed that Pu Xinyu is somewhat similar to you in terms of body shape and height? As soon as Guan Hong appeared around you, she fell in love with her. Then, she deliberately imitated your words. Together, I hope to win Guan Hong's favor." Mrs. Guan explained everything.

However, what Xue Yingying wanted was only one result.

"So much nonsense? I just want to say, Pu Xinyu is the murderer who framed me?"

There is a lot of cumbersome foreshadowing in front of it, so just say this sentence, how much effort is saved!
Being reprimanded by a little girl who was much younger than her, Mrs. Guan obviously lost her face.

Due to this situation, she had no choice but to agree: "Yes."

Pu Xinyu?
Years of grievances have finally been added!
A trace of cruelty flashed in Xue Yingying's deep eyes!
The crown prince held her in his arms, and the muscles in his palm stiffened, and he discovered the abnormality.

With one move, he turned her whole body around and looked down at her from a height.

"I'm still here, don't treat me like air!"

She understood what he meant, and since he had such a heart, she had no choice but to push the boat along and obey him.

Xue Yingying remained silent, waiting for his next order.

However, everyone fell silent, and at the critical moment when no one made a sound, little Benny's childlike voice revealed a trace of coldness: "Mary Will."

"You, you, who are you?"

With the appearance of strangers one after another, Mrs. Guan was frightened again, and she slumped on the ground again when she stood up against the wall. Her dull eyes just stared at Benny's face, refusing to stop.

After watching it for a while, she realized.

"You, you are her son?"

Retribution, this is the real retribution!
Before Benny even answered, she was basically sure in her heart that he had a face very similar to Xue Yingying, and this was the best proof.

"Guan Yi, he is a bastard! I have been blind in my life to fall in love with this kind of scum and marry him. He used all means to break up Xue Liankai's family first. After Shen Meiyi disappeared, he treated me in various ways." Punching and kicking, swearing at each other.

I thought Shen Meiyi disappeared from our world, but Xue Yingying appeared again.She is simply a copy of Shen Meiyi when she was young. Guan Yi wanted to touch her, but she was taken care of by the Xue family so well that he couldn't find any way to do it.

Not long after the time passed, I learned from others.In Country M, he found a young girl who looked exactly like her and was about the same age.He bought her from the traffickers, imprisoned her, and vented all kinds of abuse and insults.Later, the head of the well-known Will family heard the news and rescued her.

This is the Mary I know.Will. "

After listening to the whole thing, Xue Yingying felt a sharp pain in her heart.

It turned out that the tragedy of my cousin's life was far beyond her imagination.

It's just that he was taken away in his infancy. Does this matter have anything to do with him?

Xue Yingying felt that it was necessary for her to investigate.

Shen Meiyi couldn't hear clearly, "Honey, Mary is—"

"She is my cousin, your niece. And the little boy beside me is her orphan—Benny."

Xue Yingying briefly explained, and she glanced at it with concern.

Little Benny usually has a quiet personality, but it has something to do with this truth. He is too quiet and can only be the calm before the storm.

Before he could get angry, Xue Yingying was eager to get the truth she wanted to know.

"Mary was taken away when she was a child. Is this related to Guan Yi? If you are telling the truth, I can consider letting Guan Hong go. You have to be clear, the four members of your Guan family all have stains on their hands. human life."

Xue Yingying spoke persuasively.

Mrs. Guan's eyes dimmed significantly, "Is what you said true?"


This is necessary, there is no second person in this world who hates Guan Hong more than Dang Zimo.Therefore, even if Guan Hong was caught with her own hands, she would just turn him over to Dang Zimo and let him be punished. No one is more qualified than him.

"As you said, it was deliberately done by Guan Yi. However, his initial plan was only because of you. Once your identity is changed and you become KEN's child, you will only die."

Hmph, Guan Yi, you have such a vicious heart!
Xue Yingying's heart continued to groan, and the little guy beside her finally turned on the storm mode.

At critical moments, human potential can be unconditionally magnified.Just like Benny at the moment, his speed is unmatched by ordinary people.

Even Tan Junzhan, who was a special soldier, even if he had a sharp eye and noticed it from the very beginning.But when he stretched out his hand, he only touched the corner of his coat.

Is he old?
Tan Junzhan stared at his hand hesitantly for a long time.

"It's not your problem, but Benny has the potential to push the waves forward! Oh, no, I can't let Benny do stupid things!"

As soon as she thinks about Lian Yinyun's deeds, she can imagine what Benny will do next.

That time, Tan Junzhan also saw it with his own eyes, and he couldn't forget it.

Moving quickly, before Benny pulled out the small sharp knife he carried with him, he grabbed the little guy out with a big hand.

"Benny, impulsiveness won't solve things."

"Hate, I hate them. If it wasn't for them, Mommy and the others wouldn't have passed away!"

After all, children are emotional animals, and the family affection that they care about the most can never be replaced.

"Do you believe in Daddy? Do you believe in Uncle Yinuo?"

It was the first time for Tan Junzhan to put down his posture and talk to him as an adult to a child.

"Yes!" Benny replied indirectly.

"That's right! Daddy and uncle won't let the murderer go unpunished, just wait!"

Tan Junzhan took his little hand and handed him to Xue Yingying.

"Sister-in-law, Benny has been our child all his life. We will avenge his father and mother! Once he has participated in this matter, even if he knows about it and does not report it, he will be convicted!"

Tan Junzhan's opening has finally determined Mrs. Guan's future.

She couldn't accept it and fell to the ground, losing the instinct to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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