Chapter 209
To deal with people like Guan Yi, Tan Junzhan must be skilled.

After returning to the off-road vehicle, he raised his wrist and raised his eyebrows triumphantly, obviously showing off.

Xue Yingying got angry when she saw it, "Leave before seeing Guan Yi? You're playing tricks on me!"

"Baby—" Shen Meiyi couldn't help calling her softly, fearing that the man would strike when he got angry, the gain outweighed the loss, and it was unnecessary.

But she smiled calmly, and hurriedly comforted her mother's restless heart: "Mom, don't worry, he won't do anything to me! Ah Zhan, don't you say anything?"

There is nothing wrong with her!

Anyway, the carriage was full of family members, so Tan Junzhan took off all his disguises.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed her small waist tightly, and shackled her tightly.With a light lift of his arm, his warm big hands appeared in front of her eyes, slightly spread out.

"With this thing, plus the rhyme information booklet, I'm not afraid that Guan Yi won't admit it. Our top priority now is to rescue our father. As for our mother, after seeing him, she will only have mood swings, without any help."

Tan Junzhan said all his thoughts in one breath, without any ambiguity.

"Hmph! You still have a conscience!"

Xue Yingying smiled happily. She was satisfied enough that God appointed him to take care of her.

As soon as the off-road vehicle approached Guan's house, Tan Junzhan received a call before the group got out of the vehicle.

Xue Yingying glanced at her clear and indifferent eyes, and asked casually, seemingly indifferently: "A romantic friend? What a good deal!"

Opening his mouth, he just wanted to speak, so he had to change his voice: "I'm looking for you!"

She didn't expect such a sudden turn of events, Xue Yingying pressed close to her ear with half hesitation: "Hello?"

"Boss, we have already released your father-in-law, and now we are sending him to the hospital. However, you have to make your sister-in-law pay attention to safety recently. Pu Xinyu and Guan Hong are the most wanted suspects, and they are very likely to attack your sister-in-law! "

Karma, this is clearly Han Shaoting!
Damn it, she was tricked by him again!
Xue Yingying had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "It's me, Xue Yingying. Thanks to Han Shaoting for today's matter, which hospital did you send my dad to?"

"The First Hospital of Beijing."

Han Shaoting answered honestly, facing this sister-in-law, he didn't dare to make a mistake, the main reason was not the woman at home?I gave him a belt, but so far, I still refuse to get a certificate from him.

What a headache!

After getting the desired result, Xue Yingying did not forget the man's previous act of revenge.

She stuffed the phone into his arms, "I'm looking for you, it's time to go back and deal with business!"

"Benny, Mom, let's get off here! Don't delay the prince's busy work."

Well, this girl is making trouble again!
Tan Junzhan couldn't let her character mess around: "Don't pay attention to her, put them down at the gate of the first courtyard."

Xue Yingying pursed her lips, and was instantly speechless!
This man has always been the overlord of the world, whoever dares to disobey him will hardly succeed!And, isn't he worried about taking the safety test based on them?
Thinking about it this way, she finally felt much better, and obediently pressed her head against his chest, quietly listening to his strong heartbeat.

Tan Junzhan fulfilled his promise, and sure enough, he dropped a few people off the car at the gate of the No. [-] hospital.

Xue Yingying was the last to leave the carriage, and then Tan Junzhan made a gesture to get out of the carriage from the other side and walk over.

Seeing his posture, she quickly stopped her: "Farewell, you can go to work with peace of mind! Come back when you are free, I am enough here! There are people coming and going in the hospital, you are afraid that someone will treat us Start? What a fool to worry!"

"That's good! Be careful yourself."

Seeing that she was so persistent, he couldn't continue twisting.

With a slight nod, the off-road vehicle sped away.

Xue Yingying has been standing in place, without any follow-up movement.

Shen Meiyi looked very curious, so she bumped her arm with her hand: "Baby? We should go find your dad!"

"Oh, Mom! I seem to see an acquaintance, you take Benny in first! I'll come over later!"

After saying this, Xue Yingying decisively ran over from a certain corner.

"Grandma, let's go! Mom will be fine, don't worry."

Regarding Xue Yingying's ability to protect herself, Benny is quite at ease.He took the initiative to hand over to Shen Meiyi, and the old and the young walked slowly towards the main gate of the first courtyard.

Then again, back to Xue Yingying.

As early as the moment she got off the car, her strong sixth sense had already begun to emerge.

She really couldn't see the hazy figure passing by.However, according to her intuition, that person must be Pu Xinyu who framed her in injustice.

It was hard to find her whereabouts, this time I must catch her with my own hands!
"Pu Xinyu, stop!"

Xue Yingying followed closely behind her step by step. Right now, this place is considered the most remote and desolate area, what else does she want?
That person really stopped, and when he turned around, he really was that bitch Pu Xinyu!
"Xue Yingying, long time no see! I heard that your life is better than mine recently, what do you think I should do with you?" Pu Xinyu's mouth curled up, but it carried a hint of irony.

The alarm bell sounded in her heart immediately, Xue Yingying quickly turned her head, and after scanning back and forth, she found nothing unusual.

"Pu Xinyu, don't you hate me because of Guan Hong? From the moment I started, I didn't want to snatch him from you. If you like him, you should tell me the truth from the beginning, and we won't leave either. to this day.”

Xue Yingying backed away quietly, she was in a hurry and had to jump over the wall, what could this crazy woman in front of her do?
In order to protect oneself, it is not too much to act like a villain once in a while.

"I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. Xue Yingying, you really didn't do anything to me, but Guan Hong is not you. Yes, I didn't tell you my love for Guan Hong The matter will evolve to this point, and Guan Hong can only be blamed. He was able to completely trip Tan Jia, and there is a part of me to help here. Who knew that this man crossed the river and demolished the bridge, but ended up with you. I can't get it Yes, you can't even imagine it. I never thought that my sneaky change of potion that time would make you and the crown prince successful, this is really destined!"

"You and Guan Hong's crap, don't bring it to me!"

Xue Yingying continued to step back, and at the same time as she was moving, she pressed her fingertips on the mini recorder.

There is never enough evidence.

"My family, my love, were all destroyed by you. Xue Yingying, you don't even want to live happily with the prince."

This is what it says-

Xue Yingying immediately shook her head, and when she looked up, she found that Pu Xinyu was galloping towards her at a flying speed.

(End of this chapter)

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