Chapter 210
Just with the momentum of the person opposite, the person who doesn't know how to avoid is a fool!

Xue Yingying is not stupid, she didn't have enough time to escape, she didn't know how to hide aside?

She subconsciously turned sideways and politely.

However, Pu Xinyu seemed to have predicted her actions.

Just a few steps away from her, she quickly stopped, smiled, and stood where she was.

"Pu Xinyu you—"

She just smiled and didn't say a word.

And Xue Yingying's heart began to ring alarm bells, and there was obviously a conspiracy inside.

Before she had time to dodge, she just watched Pu Xinyu make a sudden move, took out a miniature gun from her arms, and aimed at her direction at the place where it was easy to misfire.

Xue Yingying realized it a long time ago, and when she wanted to move now, she found that she couldn't move her feet.

What is going on here?

Pu Xinyu's smile was trembling, she was holding a gun that could easily go off, and approached her slowly: "Xue Yingying, today is your death day, no one can save you, including your most precious prince."

Sweating profusely, chills down the back.

She was still writhing desperately there, not begging for a single word.This woman in front of me is a complete lunatic, talking to her is simply useless!
However, when Pu Xinyu was two or three meters away from her, another figure she did not expect fell from the sky.

When faced with Pu Xinyu's bad behavior, he did not choose to dodge, but frankly blocked in front of her, acting as the most beneficial deadly human barrier for her.


A loud gunshot pierced the sky. In this hospital where doctors save lives, this can be regarded as a criminal act.In a blink of an eye, with only two ears, one can hear a series of neat steps, and they are approaching.

"Brother Hong, I, I didn't do it on purpose..."

After Pu Xinyu saw clearly the figure of the person who had been shot and fell to the ground, the gun in her hand fell to the ground inadvertently.

She panicked!

"Get out... poof—"

Who knew, she regretted it, but the man here threw out a cold word mercilessly.It's just that he was too seriously injured, and he couldn't bear to spit out a mouthful of blood after just uttering a word
"Hmph! Guan Yi, you are here today because you asked for it! This is the fate of not cherishing me."

Listening nervously to the changes around her, Pu Xinyu realized that if she didn't leave, her life would be lost.In the current crisis of life and death, such a thing as love is nothing at all.

Before she left, she still did not forget to sneer coldly: "Xue Yingying, show me clearly, this is the end of everyone who cares about you! You can do it yourself."

After saying this, Pu Xinyu seemed to be proficient in the terrain here, and the person disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Xue Yingying really couldn't leave him with heavy hands, and ran to chase her alone.

Sighing leisurely, she quickly took out the fuselage and explained the situation here to [-] in detail.

"Guan Hong, support me! I know you have a lot to say to me, but now is not the time. When you recover from your injury, I will give you a whole day to talk about it."

His only priority now is to preserve his strength.

But Guan Hong insisted on going his own way. The corners of his mouth were forced together, and he sent her an ugly smile: "Xiaoying, you can blame me for hating me, but you can't erase my love for you. Even if there is a chance to do it again, I will I will come this far. Love you, I don't regret it!"

"Guan Hong, please stop talking!"

Xue Yingying begged bitterly, and Pu Xinyu's curse seemed to really play on her body.In order to protect her, even if the others didn't lose their lives, they still hurt their lives.

He sincerely wants her to feel sorry for her conscience?
"Ahem... I'm a medical student, and I know my situation. I don't regret that I loved you, I only hate that I have this kind of family, and I only blame myself for meeting you one step later. I can't deal with my parents, but Pu Xinyu...cough cough, don't think about it!"

He vomited blood one mouthful at a time. After he finished speaking, bright red blood was left on the corner of his mouth.

The crimson color made Xue Yingying's eyes blaze.

She raised her arm and wiped it for him desperately: "Don't say it, don't say it!"

All of a sudden, she felt that the man's whole body movements underneath were a bit huge.His fingers squeezed her arms tightly, trying to pin her down.But he talked too much just now and wasted too much energy, he was determined but powerless.

There was nothing growing on the back of Xue Yingying's forehead, she stared blankly at Guan Hong's movements, and stopped talking.

As if someone else was approaching, Guan Hong held his mouth, feeling extremely at ease.

He used his last ounce of strength: "Xue Yingying, this is the last love I can give you. Pu Xinyu said that she will die because I tampered with her car."

Everything that should be said has been said, and Guan Hong's last concern in this world is also over.He, who had no love in his life, just fell into her arms and passed away peacefully.

"Guan Hong—"

Xue Yingying called his name in a low voice, but the clips of the two of them dating unconsciously appeared in her mind.Although I can't recall much, but every little bit of his careful care of her, now that I think about it carefully, his feelings for her are indeed true!
But for the two of them to come to this point in the end, they can only blame fate for playing tricks on others!

Xue Yingying sighed, which was an expression of helplessness in life.

She was about to stand up and go to talk to Tan Jun Zhan about Guan Hong's funeral.

But before she got up, she only felt a gust of cold wind blowing past her neck.

The eerie cold air roared past, what's going on?

She was about to turn around to take a closer look, when she heard an overly familiar male voice coming from behind.

"Ninny, be careful—"

Immediately afterwards, there was another burst of gunshots.

Then, a heavy object fell to the ground instantly with a bang.

Is it?

She couldn't stand the wild thoughts in her head. At this juncture, who else is more important than her Ah Zhan?

Putting down the dead Guan Hong decisively, she turned around sharply, and ran towards the figure on the ground.

That straight military uniform, if not her Ah Zhan, who else could it be?
God, why did you treat her like this?Could it be that Pu Xinyu's curse really hit the mark?

Xue Yingying couldn't help but slumped on the ground, she completely forgot to ask for help.

Fortunately, Han Shaoting and his party soon followed the sound.He saw the behavior of these three people from a long distance, and his heart was extremely shocked.

Comforting women is indeed his forte.But once the woman is his sister-in-law, how dare he make a mistake?

So, he had no choice but to wink at Ding Keke.

As women, on the same day, both of the men they cared about her the most had accidents. No matter who they were, they couldn't bear the blow!
Ding Keke suppressed this sympathy in his heart, stepped forward and helped Xue Yingying up: "Sister-in-law, this is the best result for Guan Hong. As for the boss, don't you know that the boss is the God of War? How could something happen?"

"Why are you guys still standing there? Time is money, so hurry up and take Ah Zhan to the operating room!"

Xue Yingying's standard is twins, and the contrast in emotions is so huge that Ding Keke and Han Shaoting are taken aback.

It wasn't until Tan Junzhan was carried away by his subordinates that Han Shaoting came back to his senses, and he didn't hesitate to praise her: "As expected of a sister-in-law, she has such courage!"

"You talk a lot of nonsense, no wonder you're not a man!"

Xue Yingying was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so she just walked away.

Han Shaoting was stunned, how could he not be a man?It's about men's respect, he has to be serious.

So, he rolled his eyes for a while, deliberately chose this moment, and stretched out his hand to prevent her from leaving.

"Sister-in-law, you have to tell me clearly! Otherwise, how can I gain a foothold in Manthorn?" Look at the grievance he said, isn't it because of Ding Keke's mocking smile!
Whenever this is mentioned, she will get angry!

Xue Yingying became unceremonious, and did not give the other party any face at all.

She said arrogantly: "Hmph, you are also a leader? My sisters have given birth to you for several years, and you haven't settled it yet. What kind of man do you think you are? Go away, don't stop me!" In front of me!"

With a wave of her hands, she slapped his obstructing hand away.

Ding Keke felt the oppression of the scene when the sister-in-law who was holding the line was not there.

As smart as she is, she quickly found a good reason to get out: "Well... Boss's situation, I have to go and see my sister-in-law, I'm afraid something will happen to her."

In a short time, she took advantage of her long-distance running and disappeared without a trace.

When Tan's family arrived, there was still a row of empty seats in the corridor outside the operating room.

But where is there a figure on it?

Tan Jianguo looked around with cold eyes, looking for Xue Yingying?

However, just when everyone was worrying about her, they heard a childish and sensible voice coming from around the corner.

"Mom, don't cry, I'll give you one by one. Stop crying!"

Tan Yi was still young, so he didn't even know what happened.

Seeing her mother sitting on the ground, even with tears in her eyes, she had no choice but to coax her in the same tone she used to treat dolls.

"Ninny? Why are you sitting here? It's cold on the ground, get up quickly, what can I tell mom?"

A pair of charming big eyes, crying like a pair of big walnuts, Jiang Yinshi felt distressed seeing it!

She helped Xue Yingying up, arranged to sit on the seat directly opposite the door of the operating room, and had a good rest.

Xue Yingying started to speak in a sobbing voice, and she was doing self-reflection: "Mom, I'm sorry, it's my fault! I shouldn't be arrogant and try to catch Pu Xinyu. Otherwise, Guan Hong wouldn't die because of me." Ah Zhan, he will not be shot and injured for protection."

"Silly boy, this is their doom. Besides, you are Ah Zhan's daughter-in-law. If he doesn't protect you, who should he protect?" Jiang Yinshi wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes one by one, helping her comfort her self-blame Afflicted mind.

(End of this chapter)

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