Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 211 Familiar Strangers

Chapter 211 Familiar Strangers
Xue Yingying was sleeping in a daze, when suddenly a gust of hot air blew on her eyelids, as if deliberately teasing her.

With a wave of her hand unconsciously, she distanced herself from the man's behavior, and a complaint came out of her mouth: "Go away!"

"Little slob! I'm already awake, but you still snooze?"

There was a familiar male voice, gentle as water.

This voice, isn't it just——

Xue Yingying's whole body trembled, and her eyes suddenly opened.

A handsome face was magnified in front of her eyes, and she couldn't restrain her excitement.

After staring at him several times, Xue Yingying's eye sockets soon formed a layer of mist, and her eyes gradually became confused.

"Azhan, you finally woke up!"

For this result, she was counting with her fingers day and night, and this day finally came!
With a plop, she fell directly into his arms.

He just woke up, and his back injury hasn't healed yet.Being hit hard by her, a muffled grunt of pain escaped from his mouth.

"The wound is open again? I'll go to the nurse to help you bandage again!"

It was hard for him to realize that more than a week had passed since the estimated time estimated by the doctor, and he still showed no sign of waking up.

Everyone advised her to go home and have a good rest, but as stubborn as she was, she plunged into it and insisted on waiting aside.

She had only one hope, and the first thing he saw after waking up was her.

"I'm fine, don't go! Just let me hug you well, that's enough!"

The man in front of him is really him, why do he feel insecure?

Xue Yingying couldn't figure it out, but that familiar body odor clearly belonged to him.

She didn't refuse, so he grabbed her into his arms without authorization and wrapped her tightly around her.


"Shh, don't talk!"


"Mom, Mom, Dad, is he... awake?"

Tan Yi's childish baby voice echoed in his ears. Didn't Ah Zhan wake up a long time ago? What's going on?

Xue Yingying was shaken by the movements one by one, and finally realized that it was just a dream.

The waiting time was too long, more than half a month had passed since he fell asleep during the operation.She was anxious in her heart, thinking day by day and dreaming at night, so she had this dream.

Unable to withstand the calls one by one, Xue Yingying put on her slippers, quickly got up from the chair and came to the front of the hospital bed.

After waiting for a few seconds, the man slowly opened his eyes just as Yi Yi said.

Xue Yingying couldn't help the ecstasy in her heart, and before she even had time to look away, she ordered to the little guy: "Yiyi, go and find the doctor uncle!"

One by one quickly ran away.

"Azhan, I waited very hard for you."

Xue Yingying stopped in place, looking at him with tears in her eyes.

However, the words that the man on the bed uttered immediately wiped out her plan to step forward and give him a bear hug.

"Go away! I know you well?"

The cold tone directly isolated her from his world.

Then carefully examine his eyeballs, which are full of strong disgust.

He, is he really okay?

Xue Yingying couldn't believe what she saw, she shook her head and forced herself to forget everything.

She smiled slightly, continued to approach, and forgot everything: "It's okay, you just woke up, and you don't remember me doing the same for a while! Are you hungry? Want something to eat? I'll find someone to go out and buy it?"

He has been lying in bed for so many days, completely unconscious.Xue Yingying felt sad in her heart, and took the initiative to find a doctor to adjust the glucose syrup for him to maintain the body's needs.Afraid that he would be thirsty, she would dip some chopsticks in some cool water from time to time to moisten his lips.

For more than half a month, she even entrusted the two children to Jiang Yinshi to take care of them, while she stayed by his side wholeheartedly.

But now, he finally woke up, and he still couldn't recognize who she was.She could bear it, but what she couldn't accept the most was his subsequent behavior.

Fearing that his throat would catch fire, she first poured a cold glass and passed it to his mouth: "Are you thirsty? Drink some water first to moisten your throat!"

However, he didn't even want to sell this face. He raised his hand every minute, grabbed the water glass in his palm, and slammed it towards the white wall directly opposite in front of her.

Crackling, broken glass shards fell all over the ground.

What was left and fell to the ground was not only the water glass, but also her heart.

This is not a problem, the most excessive is yet to come.

Xue Yingying was still standing in front of his bed in a daze, and she didn't know what kind of mental disorder he was in.

Lifting the quilt, he resolutely rolled out of bed, and just looked down at her like this.It's a pity that the tenderness in the eyes in the past has long since disappeared.

Xue Yingying never thought that she would have this experience again.

Tears flowed out of the corners of her eyes uncontrollably, and she unconsciously raised her hand, groping towards his face: "Ah Zhan, I'm Nannie, your wife."

"Get out! Don't take this set, and get close to me!"

The strength gap between men and women is already obvious.But under his rage, his strength is not to mention.

As soon as he stretched out his hand and pushed hard, Xue Yingying staggered on her feet. She couldn't stand still, so she stumbled towards the door.

At this time, Tan Yi's voice came from afar, "Mom, mom, open the door quickly, the doctor uncle is here!"

There was a splash.

At this moment, Xue Yingying hadn't realized how this happened, Xiao Yiyi opened the door and came in.

She just made a sound, but when she saw Xue Yingying who was not far away fell to the ground, she still looked decadent.She felt very uncomfortable, and no one taught her, so she ran over in a few steps, trying to help Xue Yingying up.

"Yiyi, mom is fine!" Xue Yingying's lips curled up slightly.

Children should not meddle in the affairs of adults.She didn't want to tell Tan Yi too much about Tan Junzhan's transformation.

"Hmph! You adults know how to deceive us children."

Tan Yi retorted unceremoniously, but as soon as her eyes saw the bright red color, she yelled again: "The skin on my legs is scratched! Mom, does it hurt? Get up and help you one by one, Then go to the nurse sister to apply the medicine, don't cry!"

Her tears, at the bottom of the eye, were interpreted as the appearance of hurt and pain.

"Third Uncle? You find someone to drive this woman and the child out!"

Do children talk so much?

Tan Junzhan heard it in his ears, but felt a surge of discomfort in his head.

The "uncle doctor" in Yiyi's mouth is none other than the director of this hospital.

Hearing this sentence, Xue Yingying's fluttering eyes became even more joyful.

Even if he was injured and lost his memory, doesn't he have any memory of his wife and children?
"Ninny, take care of the wound on your leg first! Let me check Jun Zhan's situation carefully! Don't think too much."

The third uncle is also from the past, and the relationship between the two of them was simply envious of others.Now, Xue Yingying's injury is most likely caused by him. It's really a crime!
"Third Uncle Lao is really welcome!"

Escaping, leaving a quiet environment for him to rest, this should be the only thing she can do.

(End of this chapter)

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