Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 212 Fake Marriage Certificate

Chapter 212 Fake Marriage Certificate

Even though the two are just brothers and sisters in name, Xue Yinuo's concern for her is no less than before.

As soon as he heard the news of her injury, he rushed over after hearing the news.

Hearing his voice, Xue Yingying did not raise her head, but tears continued to fall.

"Okay! You're so big, you're still afraid of pain? How ridiculous!"

The nurse who helped her treat the wound murmured this sentence before leaving.

Xue Yinuo became angry when he heard that, he threw his arms across and stopped in front of that person.

The nurse had originally stopped in anger, but when she looked up and met Xue Yinuo's handsome face, pink love bubbles appeared in her eyes.

"Do you have something to tell me?" The little nurse looked shy.

Women, superficial things!

Recalling the sentence just now, Xue Yinuo's face was stiff: "Apologize to her!"

In this empty small room, apart from the two of them, there was only a woman behind her who was crying like a tearful person.

Is it her?

"Hmph, I'm telling the truth!" Twisting her waist, she packed up her things and planned to leave.

However, Xue Yinuo's attitude was very firm, and with a backhand twist, he strangled her wrist.

With a little effort, his powerful aura is no less than that of the prince.Gritting his teeth, two words came out between his teeth: "Say it?"


Several colleagues outside the door heard this and rushed in to rescue.

"Director Xue, I'm really sorry! The little girl is young, and she has done a lot of things poorly. Please don't mind her."

Upon hearing this, I knew that this product was an old fried dough stick.

"I want her apology, an apology from my sister." That's all Xue Yinuo insisted on, and he pointed to the little woman who was quietly dazed behind him.

The old You Tiao looked in his direction, and couldn't help but gasped.

She didn't care about anything else, so she taught her a lesson on the spot: "You, you, what should I say about you? It's not good to offend anyone, but you just want to offend this ancestor. Do you know the identity of that woman?"

As soon as he raised his arm, he directly rewarded her with a chestnut fried in sugar.

"How would I know? Isn't it necessary to cry like this just because the skin on the knee is worn out?" The little nurse stroked the back of her swollen head, puzzled.

The old fried dough stick really hates iron and steel, "The prince who came to our hospital more than half a month ago, do you remember? She is the prince's wife. If the previous prince knew, you would be thinking about it behind your back. .You don't want to stay here any longer!"

"No way? Is she really the prince's wife? Can't tell!"

The little nurse glanced back at Xue Yingying's injured knee.

She heard from hearsay that the wound was pushed by the prince.In this situation, can the two still be called the imitation couple with deep affection in the past?
The little nurse didn't believe it, she pouted.

It's not that Xue Yingying didn't hear their conversation, but she didn't want to pay attention to it.

She suddenly stood up and planned to walk around them without saying a word.

"Ninny, where are you going?" Xue Yinuo had sharp eyes, and ran over in a few strides, grabbing her arm.

"Brother, don't worry about me! Ah Zhan is awake, go and see him!"

Putting his hand aside, Xue Yingying continued to walk forward.The victim's position happened to be at the knee, so she had to hold on to the wall with her hands to walk out slowly.

Seeing her begging for perfection, Xue Yinuo felt extremely uncomfortable.

Stepping forward, he stopped talking, and hugged her forcefully in a manly manner: "Brother will take you to ask for an explanation, don't be sad!"

"Xue Yinuo, don't make trouble! This has nothing to do with Ah Zhan, he just forgot who I am." Up to now, she is still looking for reasons for him.

What a fool!
Xue Yinuo looked down, she bit her lower lip tightly, where was there a trace of blood on her face?

do not care!
In the ward, it was too quiet, everyone looked at each other, but no one dared to speak!
Finally, Jiang Yinshi couldn't take it anymore, she expressed concern: "Jun Zhan, where is your wife?"

"Mom, your mind is muddled! When did I marry a wife, and I don't even know?"

Tan Junzhan's answer shocked everyone present.

What the hell is this?
Jiang Yinshi's astonished eyes fell on the third uncle, but he could only smile awkwardly: "Jun Zhan's condition should be called intermittent amnesia in medicine. That's why he forgot the fact that he was married."

Fortunately, she was prepared before coming.

Before leaving, Xiao Yiyi called her crying: "Grandma, it's bad, dad forgot who I and mom are? Does he not want us?"

"You little brain, you can think wildly, how is it possible? Wait, grandma will bring you the marriage certificate later, let's see what he has to say!"

Jiang Yinshi originally thought that he had presented ironclad evidence, so he could only choose to believe it.

I saw that she took out the marriage certificate of the two of them from her bag, and she took over this certificate from the second elder.

As soon as it was opened, the youthful faces of the two jumped on the paper.But it is not difficult to see that Xue Yingying's complexion was crimson at that time, and her peachy face was very delicious.But the man next to her changed from his previous iceberg face, and finally showed a long-lost smile.A mouthful of white teeth, set off by a bright smile, is quite obvious.

After five years, I have to say that the time when the two of them received the certificate was absolutely sincere.

However, all of this is not the case in Tan Junzhan's eyes.

He frowned sternly, snatched the marriage certificate from his hand, held it in his hand, and looked back and forth carefully.

But before watching for a few seconds, he snorted coldly: "Fake things, how dare you come in front of me? Hmph!"

Accompanied by this humming, he tore and pulled a few times, and easily resolved the final use of the marriage certificate.

Coincidentally, Xue Yingying and Xue Yinuo just arrived at the door and enjoyed his wonderful performance smoothly.

Xue Yingying's face darkened all of a sudden, no matter what his reasons were, she couldn't take it anymore.

"Brother, you take me home first, I have to pack my luggage."

It is probably not necessary to ask for an explanation if it is agreed!The marriage certificates have been torn up like this, even if they get divorced, they still need a marriage certificate to proceed to the next step, right?

"Ninny, I think you'd better go and mend it first!"

Xue Yinuo had no choice but to find this reason.

"Replenish the divorce certificate?" Tan Junzhan didn't miss this sentence, and repeated it in a raised voice.

This can be regarded as he came to the door by himself, Xue Yinuo simply said: "That's right! Nanni is your daughter-in-law, and she gave birth to a cute baby for you. You are in a coma For half a month, she stayed by your side to take care of you day and night. If you don't cherish this kind of woman, what else do you want?"

"Yinuo, don't make us unable to be friends because of this wild woman." Tan Junzhan stared at him with deep eyes.

Depend on--

Xue Yinuo just wanted to swear!
She, an innocent girl, followed him and gave birth to a child for him. How did she become a wild woman?

Anger, if he didn't hit one place, he wished he could cut off the man in front of him in minutes.

"Brother, forget it, there's no need to be angry with him!"

In the end, it was Xue Yingying's attitude that was correct. She raised her moist red lips and smiled slightly: "Tan Junzhan, I hope you won't come back on your knees and beg me one day!"

"Stop talking nonsense, take your child, and get lost!"

These words became more and more outrageous, Tan Junzhan threw out these words coldly.Because of this crazy woman, everyone was trying to persuade him that she was his wife.

His wife, would he still not recognize him?What a joke!

"as you wish!"

Facing this face of a familiar stranger who was lingering together day and night, Xue Yingying couldn't calm down in her heart, and she couldn't accept the huge difference between before and after.

It's a pity that the love she spent time pouring out ended up like this!
Xue Yinuo followed behind her and left together.

Tan Yan, who was present, couldn't stand it at first. She stomped her feet suddenly, and stared with blank eyes: "Brother, you just wait to regret it! When the day my sister-in-law is nestled in the arms of another man, how will you accept it?"

"Those who helped her speak, all of you get the hell out of me!"

For some reason, he used to be able to tolerate harsh words.But this moment, he couldn't control his violent temper.

All the people present looked at each other with resentful eyes, so they stopped talking, and walked out of the ward together in a godlike synchronization.

As soon as they walked out, they heard the sound of him kicking heavy objects violently inside.

If there is no place to spread the fire, isn't he the one who made it himself?

At the Huazhai, no one was allowed to enter without Tan Junzhan's order.

Therefore, Xue Yingying's plan to clean up her things before he came back was abandoned.

She stood at the door, watching eagerly.

The guards outside the door were going back and forth, who didn't know Xue Yingying's identity?

"Sister-in-law, I'm really sorry, we just listen to the boss's orders!"

"I understand! By the way, my mother is here, you guys pay more attention!"

Shen Meiyi has no place to live for the time being, so she can only borrow to live in the Hua Zhai. The quiet area is also convenient for taking care of Xue Liankai who has just been discharged from the hospital.

It seemed that she had no choice but to come and visit the second elder next time.

Xue Yingying left slowly, and there were a few left at the door, so they stayed and chatted together.

"I really don't understand why the commander gave this order?"

"You are stupid! Boss has forgotten the identity of sister-in-law now, and I heard that she is going to drive her out! If you really ask sister-in-law to take things back today, what reason will boss find to get sister-in-law back in the future?"

"Well, you make a lot of sense!"


But in fact, Xue Yingying and Xue Yinuo never left at all.

The car stayed in a certain corner, and the voices of their heated discussion fell into their ears one by one.

Is this the original idea?How could she let them succeed?

"Brother, let's go!"

Xue Yinuo had already observed her expression from the rearview mirror, her eyelids raised slightly, I'm afraid it's time for someone to suffer!

(End of this chapter)

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