Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 213 The Wild Woman's Trick

Chapter 213 The Wild Woman's Trick
Xue Yingying was more stubborn than anyone else, Jiang Yinshi and Shen Meiyi came to the door several times in person, always to persuade her to go back.

Isn't the purpose of this time's debut the same?
Jiang Yinshi winked at Shen Meiyi, and the other party stepped forward and advised, "Baby, I believe Jun Zhan didn't do it on purpose. Think about how he treated you before, why is he resisting you so much now? Is it to protect your position?"

He had the right to think that she was the kind of vanity-loving woman who deliberately approached her, and that's why she showed such aloof attitude, but could it be the same?
Xue Yingying's attitude is firm, no matter how eloquent her mother and mother-in-law are, they talk about it.She was gnawing on a red apple in her mouth, and she took a big mouthful without being polite.

"Mothers, don't waste your words! If he doesn't admit his mistake, I won't go back. The big deal is stalemate, who is afraid of whom?"

Xue Yingying's thinking is simple, she would rather spend her whole life betting with him.

Long-term separation, what is this?She also hoped that Xue Yingying would add another fat boy to the Tan family!
Jiang Yinshi was in a hurry, she could see it.

Xue Yingying chewed a few mouthfuls, swallowed the pulp, and she said again: "By the way, Mom, tell him later that I'll go to the mansion to pick up clothes at night! Damn that stinky man, he actually gave his subordinates a death order." , Don’t let me in, it’s really annoying!”

She spoke as if she was completely ignorant of their conspiracy and was sulking outside alone.

Hearing this complaint, Jiang Yinshi couldn't help beaming with joy: "Okay, I will definitely teach you a lesson when I go back later. Tonight, you must come, niece!"

"Do I look like I'm lying?"

"Hey, our daughter is so good!" Jiang Yinshi was busy perfunctory, and then she held Shen Meiyi's hand to prevent her from speaking again.

"Ninny, get ready first! We'll see you later."

This time the goal has been achieved, Jiang Yinshi naturally left excitedly.

However, as soon as they walked away, she rolled her eyes and quickly moved her buttocks, and she dialed someone's phone number.

That person was none other than Dang Zimo who just arrived in the capital a few days ago.

"Ah Mo, do you have time in the evening? Find a place with me." Chatting with him was always easy for her, especially after Guan Hong passed away.

After a busy day, Dang Zimo was planning to take a rest, but when he heard her voice full of firepower, he forgot all the hard work.

His deep and mellow voice then spread over: "Miss Xue, tell me, you have something to tell me!"

"Are you going to talk poorly?" Xue Yingying threw it away with a coquettish voice, but her good mood was not affected. She continued to change the topic on the right track, "Do you know what happened between me and Jun Zhan?"

"Clear! I am more concerned about your affairs than anyone else. As far as I can, as long as you want, I can take you away at any time!"

Dang Zimo's voice was far more sonorous and forceful than any other time, further proving his firm determination.

How could Xue Yingying not understand his infatuation?But she can't afford this favor!

At this critical moment, she had no choice but to learn to pretend to be stupid, pretending not to know.

Hehe laughed twice, and she said casually, "Take me away? Travel around the world? Forget it, I beg you, I'm motion sick, airsick, and everything. Please forgive me! My brother is going out tonight. task, so the rough work of carrying luggage can only come to you!"

"Rough work? Yes, this kind of work, you must be the first to think of me in the future! It's late at night, just wait for me at the door, see you there!"

Dang Zimo didn't care at all, as long as she needed something, he could choose to appear in front of Tian at the first time.

This is the standard spare tire mentality, but he never tires of it. What he fears most is that he doesn't even have the qualifications for a spare tire.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Xue Yingying showed up at the door of the house on time.

The faint yellow lights shone on her body, undoubtedly portraying her more eye-catching.

Wearing a nude-colored dress that reached to her ankles, she walked over with light steps, her slender ankles appearing from time to time, and the pair of delicate sandals with pointed heels under her feet stretched the proportions of her whole body Even taller.

Her gaze moved upwards, and she pushed aside all of her slightly curly hair.But tonight, she seemed to have deliberately put on light makeup.

When Yingying smiled, she was so beautiful that it made people breathless.

Just like her, walking towards him, Dang Zimo seemed to have suddenly forgotten the truth that this person in front of him did not belong to him at all.

Just his silly expression was enough to please him.

It seems that her seduction plan tonight will be successful in all likelihood!
Even if a man can forget the memory fragments he used to get along with, what about his body's instinctive reaction?She didn't believe that he would completely forget it.On weekdays, when she dressed up a bit, he would always pounce on her like a beast that hadn't tasted meat for hundreds of years.After several savage actions, her clothes had already been shredded.

"Why, I've changed a lot?" As if she couldn't figure out his thoughts, she frowned, and lowered her head to check her makeup.

"No, you have always been beautiful! Get in the car first, don't waste time, or there will be wind when you come back."

Dang Zimo never had any unreasonable thoughts about her, even if he did, it was only in his heart.

But at the Huazhai, Tan Junzhan waited anxiously.

Thought he regained his memory? NONONO!It's just that he was given a hard lesson by Jiang Yinshier a few hours ago.The hard and soft imposition made him finally agree to wait at home, waiting for a certain wild woman to come.

He just couldn't figure out what charm that wild woman had?In the bedroom, everywhere you go are photos of her.If she was his wife, how could he behave like this with his personality?
Speaking out, it really makes people laugh out loud!

Ding Dong!

While he was thinking about it, he discovered that there were strangers coming and going from the surveillance.

A strange car slowly pulled up at the door, and the first to get off was the wild woman he didn't like to see.However, after she got out of the car, she didn't turn around and leave.

At the next moment, a strange man's head poked out from the car window.The wild woman took the initiative to post it, and from his position, the two seemed to be kissing.

This kind of scandalous thing, she just like this in front of everyone?
How unforgivable!

Tan Junzhan couldn't bear the violent temper in his heart, he decisively dialed the phone at the door.

His tone was very aggressive: "Who is that man at the door?"

"Boss?" The heart of the person who received the call was beating wildly. "That man is sister-in-law's childhood sweetheart. He just came back from abroad. I heard that he had a crush on sister-in-law for many years."

"Shut up! How many times do I have to tell you before you can remember, I haven't married a wife yet! Tell the man to wait outside and let the wild woman come in by herself."

After simply repeating his order, Tan Junzhan quickly hung up.

However, he couldn't say why, his chest was heavy and oppressed, as if the source of all these disasters came from that woman.

What happened?
(End of this chapter)

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