Chapter 214 High IQ

Early the next morning, there was a gust of breeze, blowing from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the sky was just as white as fish belly.However, during this period of time, the loving couple was woken up by a loud phone call.

"Ninny, don't pick her up, just sleep with me for a while." He is obviously a mighty and mighty man, but he acts cute in every way in front of her. Does he know how to be ashamed?
Xue Yingying narrowed her starry eyes and ignored him.

The phone rings one after another, playing that song repeatedly, it seems that the other party must have something important!

She poked her fingers fiercely at his waist, and she threatened in a vicious tone: "Let go, I'll just say it one last time!"

Shrouded by the coldness coming from the other side of her body, the prince finally let go.

With one hand propped on the soft pillow, he just watched her actions with endless interest, never tired of watching them!
Ignoring the scorching eyes staring behind her, Xue Yingying worried who could be the person who was looking for her in a hurry?

Her own mother, Shen Meiyi, or her own daughter, Tan Yi?No matter which two, she felt guilty!

Finally, she unlocked it successfully. Without looking carefully, she put the phone close to her ear, quickly connected it, and said directly: "Hello, who is it?"

"Sisters, it's me, Xuanzi."

"Xuanzi, what's wrong with you? Which bastard dares to bully you, I'll cut him off in minutes!" The sisters twitched and had a strong nasal voice, so it's obvious that they were bullied just now?

Xue Yingying understood as soon as she heard it, but the other party didn't say anything other than continuing to sob, what should I do?
"Success, if you don't tell me, I won't force you either. Tell me the address, and I'll rush over here right now!" Instead of rushing to find out the identity of the bastard, it's better to go there to appease her.

The severity of the matter eased, Xue Yingying figured it out, and waited for the sisters to speak again.

However, there was a male voice that she didn't expect to come out from there.

"Honey, don't cry, my heart will break when you cry!" Isn't that pretentious voice Han Shaoting who has always been the most proud?
This matter probably has nothing to do with him!
Xue Yingying rolled her eyes, and decisively turned on the hands-free, just in time to let the man see the good skills of her subordinates.

"Get out of here! The child belongs to me alone, why should your mother occupy it? Who do you think you are, my husband? Don't put money on your face! If you don't send the child back today, we will be here See you in court."

When it came to the topic of children, Xia Xuanfu immediately became full of combat effectiveness, and changed from the previous sobbing state.

Yes, this is her good sister!However, the question of children in the conversation between the two sounds quite tricky!

The prince only listened for a few seconds, and he was able to figure out the ins and outs accurately.Nizi made this move right now, isn't the purpose clearly visible?

With a snort in his nasal cavity, the helpless prince can only take care of other people's trivial matters.

"Son, what's going on?" Tan Junzhan shot straight in, speaking quickly and directly.

The enemy Han Shaoting couldn't help being startled when he heard this.After hesitating for a few seconds, he said in a daze: "Honey, have you hung up the phone yet?"

"Han Shaoting, talk, don't distract me. If you are a man, you should face this problem correctly. What are you and her planning? All children should go to kindergarten, and you are not going to get your marriage certificate yet?"

It's really not easy for the crown prince to care about this, Nizi must make it up to him later!

Tan Junzhan's leisurely eyes glanced over for a moment, and there was a bit of sadness.

"Boss, I really want to, but she refuses to cooperate. I will use both soft and hard, and I can't think of a better way!" Han Shaoting was frustrated all over, and his tone was obviously defeated.

But within a few seconds, he immediately got excited and excitedly asked the prince for advice: "Boss, how did you and sister-in-law get into this matter? In my opinion, sister-in-law is much more difficult than asking my wife, or Boss is capable!"

Jun Zhan was happy to say something, "She is a man, so I resisted her and went directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau. As long as the marriage certificate is ready, I will take care of the marriage report! About the children, my daughter and I will take care of it." .You and her messed up, didn't get a marriage certificate, you two don't even want to see your child!"

Tan Junzhan is worthy of being a dignified prince, and his words are extremely bold, and the two concerns of her mind are solved as soon as he speaks.


"I'm difficult?" Nizi's attention was still on this, her frown was full of displeasure.

At this juncture, he can still add fuel to the flame mountain?
"Don't listen to what his family says! Turnips and vegetables have their own preferences, and I like yours. Let him make his own dishes."

As he spoke, his tall body gradually approached.When Xue Yingying suddenly raised her head to find out, it was too late.

His slender fingertips pressed against his strong chest, but he remained motionless.

She was furious and was about to kick him.However, her whole body was picked up by the air, and then landed firmly on the big bed.Not long after, his whole body leaned close to her soft lips tightly.

"Didn't you say that you are going to pick them up and you are bad?"

After finally taking a break from her busy schedule, she panted heavily and threw out these words.She didn't remember all the names of the little guy, but the catchy nickname was the only thing that left a deep impression on her.

"There's no rush for this matter. It will definitely take years and months for them to get their marriage certificates. Give me some compensation first, my dear—"

As for his conspiracy just now, Xue Yingying felt strangely familiar. Isn't this the same old method that the two elders used back then?

He is so old and cunning that he is simply hateful.

However, she was helpless, but was forced to be suppressed by him, and she would not be able to stand up in this life.

"Mom, Mom, I miss you one by one!"

When Xue Yingying and Tan Junzhan appeared in Tan's house hand in hand again, the little girl rushed up like a wind.

She picked it up and held it tightly in her arms: "I haven't seen you for a few days, it seems to be getting heavier, you little snack. Tell mom, how are you doing these days, have you done anything bad?"

"No! With Brother Benny here, he's like a housekeeper. He doesn't allow this or that, it's annoying!" When he talked about the experience of the past few days, the little guy flattened his mouth and slapped in dissatisfaction. small report.

"Who told you to be mischievous? Before you have the ability to deal with the aftermath, you have to listen to Benny, you know?" Xue Yingying looked like a strict mother, and her little appearance of being injured last time appeared in her mind. feel bad.

"Hmph, mom is eccentric, I don't love mom anymore!"

Tan Yi said so, but he didn't actually act.She was astute after thinking about it, and quickly came up with an idea: "Father, if you don't care about your wife, she's already on top of you!"


Where did she learn this nonsense?

"This is how I love her! Of course, Daddy loves you too."

After five years of confession, he will never be stingy with the phrase "I love you".People live for a lifetime, and they don't know when they will be separated.With luck, maybe we can meet again, just like the two of them.But if you are unlucky, you may be separated from heaven and man forever, and you will not have the chance to regret it.

"Go to a place with Mom and Dad, and I will give you a horse ride later."

As soon as the last three words came out, Tan Yi's eyes began to shine brightly, shining brightly.

"What about Brother Benny? Isn't he with us?" The little guy's education is not bad, and when he's having fun, he won't forget his friends who get along day and night.

She pursed her lips, turning her head and forgot to glance at Benny who was standing in the distance.

Benny raised his head from the book when he heard this sentence.

At the same time, Jiang Yinshi also came out of the kitchen and spoke for him: "Ninny, Benny is also your child, and he must be treated fairly."

I knew they would think wrongly. In her eyes, she treated the two children equally.

Xue Yingying grinned, there was nothing to do, so she had no choice but to express her thoughts, sighed and said: "Mom, Ah Zhan and I are going to Han Shaoting's place later, so badly he was taken away by his mother, Xuanzi and the two of them There are still conflicts because of this matter. Badass is a little boy, not a few years younger than Yiyi. Isn't her lively character very convenient to attract Xiaohuai to play with?"

That's it!

Benny's gaze suddenly became clear, and the corners of his mouth curled up. He smiled and continued to study hard.

The child's mind is extremely sensitive, Xue Yingying is actually most worried about him.

Stepping closer to him, she gently stroked the back of his head, and continued to whisper softly: "Benny, there is a fate between people. In the vast sea of ​​people, you met me and followed me home. It is fate. Cherish fate, so I am here. You are my son, this is a fact that cannot be tampered with in this life. If you are bored at home, you can set off with us, don't keep things in your heart all day, I know It will be hard."

"Mummy, you have too much imagination, don't disturb my reading!" Benny finally gave her the behavior that a normal child should have, rolling his eyes violently.

At the next moment, Xue Yingying's motherly love heart was once again impacted by the distance.

Your sister, did she read it right?
After blinking vigorously for several times, she clearly saw the exercises on the paper in the book in Benny's hand. Isn't this calculus that I only learned in college?
Back then, she passed that subject right next to the passing line.

"Benny, can you understand everything?" She swallowed suddenly, and she asked a little flustered.

He didn't look up at all, and continued to swim in the ocean of knowledge: "Most of them are fine, and some still need to be studied. It seems that the standard answer is not correct."

It's over, it's over, she can't control her little nephew's high IQ.In order to avoid the possibility of being questioned and instructed by him, there is only one plan for now, which is to run away in despair.

When she got back into the car, Xue Yingying's blank eyes still stayed outside the car window, and she couldn't predict her future life pattern.

How embarrassing would it be to be asked every day by a furry child what he was least good at?
(End of this chapter)

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