Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 215 1 thing for 1 thing

Chapter 215

It was the first time for the whole family to go out together in a hurry, one by one seemed very excited, stuck their heads out and looked around, full of strong curiosity about this colorful world.

Xue Yingying saw it from the rearview mirror, couldn't help but lower her face, and angrily said: "Tan Yi——"

"Father, please discipline your woman!"

Tan Yi licked the tip of her pink tongue mischievously, and quickly retracted her small brain. All this was actually done under the threat of Tan Junzhan's cold eyes.

Several black lines slid down Xue Yingying's temples. Where did the little guy get his unconstrained thinking?

Tan Junzhan's cold eyes quickly retracted, and when they fell on the woman next to him again, they turned into infinite warmth: "Such a big man, still being teased by children?"

The muffled laughter sounded immediately!
After finally breaking away from the genius child prodigy Benny, there are so many mischievous and mischievous people this time, how sad is her world?

"Pay attention to your car and stop talking nonsense!"

Xue Yingying's ears were gradually stained red, in order to hide all this, she had no choice but to raise her voice to cover up.

But the little guy was not satisfied, and she had to make up for it at her mother's place when she was deflated at her father's place.

The eyeballs, which are as beautiful as black grapes, rolled around: "Yaoyao Cheke, your woman is shy!"

Pfft—does that rhyme?

Xue Yingying's face was full of black lines. She was the object of ridicule, so she almost reprimanded her.

There are big and small babies in the palms and backs of the hands. Tan Junzhan couldn't bear to part with either party, so he had to choose a neutral tone: "Tan Yi, pay attention to your wording, she is your mother."

"Yes, she is my mother. Isn't her other identity your woman?"

His black grape-like eyeballs flickered and blinked, but he couldn't say a word of rebuttal!
In order to save face, Tan Junzhan held his mouth and was about to speak, but Tan Yi's exclamation stole the limelight.

"Ah, dad, be careful, there is someone in front!"

This is no joke, Tan Junzhan immediately stepped on the brakes.

The hearts of the three people in the carriage were scared to the point of their throats. Fortunately, there was only a gap of 0 cm in the end, and the car body stopped moving.But the little guy who came out from nowhere was frightened half to death, and the whole person was so frightened that he fell back.Until Tan Junzhan and his party got out of the car, he still maintained the posture of falling to the ground and did not move again.

Being a mother is relatively soft-tempered, seeing other people's children like this makes her feel very uncomfortable.

Taking a step forward, she quickly approached and pulled the frightened child up on her own initiative.Gently brushing the dust on the ground with one hand, she patted his back with the other hand, comforting softly: "Oh, it's okay, don't be afraid!"

But Tan Junzhan put it aside and stared at it for a long time.

My attention was taken away by this boy, and the little princess did not take the initiative to express her displeasure due to her arrogant personality, but——

"Hey, brat, you came out of nowhere, do you want to fight me one-on-one or one-on-one? Shooting or running with a load, take your pick?" Tan Yi raised her chin arrogantly, threatening coldly.

As far as the aura is concerned, there is a bit of similarity. I don't know how she learned this trick?

Xue Yingying only focused on one point, "Tan Junzhan, have you taught her how to play with a gun?"

The sharp words are enough to show her impatience at the moment!
To be clear, she was only taken with a gun when she was only twenty-five years old, and he was nine years old when he first held a gun.But, how old is Yiyi now? Could it be that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves before them die on the beach?


Tan Junzhan couldn't think clearly about this question, he frowned, and finally asked: "Tan Yi, who taught you, tell the truth?"

"Hmph, you two cheapskate, just don't let me touch that stuff, it's still better for Uncle Han to treat me better." When it comes to her Uncle Han, at a young age, she already has a tendency to be a nympho.

"Han Shaoting?" Xue Yingying couldn't connect this guy with the idols she said to worship.

Tan Yi turned her head and looked at her with contemptuous eyes, as if to say, isn't what you said all nonsense?
"Dad... woo woo woo, I want dad, I want mom, I want to go home!"

He didn't know which sentence offended the little ancestor around him, so he raised his voice all of a sudden, crying loudly, and he had to attract all the neighbors around to feel at ease.

What Xue Yingying couldn't stand was the child's tears of grievance. She was completely confused at the moment, and she didn't know what to do?

"Bad? You see clearly, I am your godfather Tan Junzhan."

With Tan Junzhan's simple words, the little guy stopped crying very quickly, and looked at it carefully for a while.

"Hey, godfather, I'm going home to find my parents, I don't want to stay here anymore?"

Children are especially prone to clinging to acquaintances. When Han Huaihuai saw Tan Junzhan's resolute and handsome face, he thought of his father who always had a smile on his face.He couldn't bear the torment of that longing, he cried even more fiercely, and directly plunged into Tan Junzhan's arms with a fierce stab.

"Hey, brat, that's my dad, get the hell out of here!"

Xue Yingying thought about it for a while, damn it, Tan Yi happens to be the domineering Leo, if she doesn't get into a fight with Bad Bad, she probably won't be reconciled!
Before the momentum was up, she quickly bent down and hugged Yiyi in her arms, threatening in a low voice: "If you dare to cause trouble, don't come out with us next time!"

"But that's really my father." Tan Yi continued to take a look, and then quickly withdrew her eyes, sadly, she finally squeezed out a few tears and fell on Xue Yingying's shoulder.

Cool dampness, there is no false element mixed in it.

Now it's her own baby, Xue Yingying is even more at a loss, she can only suggest: "A Zhan, before they find out, let's go first!"

Go back with that brat?She doesn't want it!
Tan Yi's children's shoes showed this attitude from the very beginning, twisting his fleshy little body vigorously.

During the critical period, how could she be allowed to mess around?Xue Yingying didn't think too much, so she patted her delicate buttocks: "Be quiet!"

With a sound of "Wow", Tan Yi's hard work is not a cover, it is worse than the bad ones.

It's probably difficult not to provoke the target person if the two live treasures get together all of a sudden.

The two looked at each other, and there was only one thought in common, and that was a fast word, and they quickly tried to leave.I really met that difficult mother-in-law of Xuanzi, and they probably won't be able to take the child with me!

However, the final result was really expected by them!

"Who's there? Put down my precious grandson quickly, and I can spare you this time."

With this tone, he still needs her to forgive him as the prince?


Xue Yingying smiled contemptuously. Anyway, the worst outcome will happen, so it's better to wait and see what happens.

"Then why don't you take a closer look at who I am?"

As a dignified prince, Tan Junzhan rarely used his noble status.The current rank of major general is due to his hard work with real guns and real ammunition, without relying on any financial support from his family.

"Too... the crown prince?" The middle-aged woman approached angrily, but when she saw his appearance, she was completely taken aback.

"Han Huaihuai is the grandson of your Han family, I admit it! But Xia Xuanfu is his biological mother, you cannot deprive her of the right to be a mother."

As far as the current situation is concerned, Tan Junzhan's point of view is very pertinent, and he will never take sides.

What he said was indeed reasonable, Xue Yingying couldn't find anything worth refuting, so she stayed quietly and listened.

But in the eyes of the woman, this couple is a standard match for singing and harmony, and put on a play for her!So, she scolded angrily in her heart: "Prince, as far as I know, your wife and that heartless are a pair of little sisters."

"You mean, I'm partial to Xia Xuanfu?"

Exhaling and inhaling, Tan Junzhan's nostrils opened slightly. Judging from the degree, it seemed to be more serious than before.

It's over, the prince is angry!
The woman has eaten a lot of salt, how could she not have this wink?

"Uh, I don't mean that. I'm sorry that I'm old, and I just want to live a happy life. Why don't you let me be satisfied?" The woman didn't contradict him anymore, but circled her fingers , Beating his chest twice hard, it seems that the strength is not light.

Xue Yingying raised her eyebrows slightly, and said nothing. Her own intervention in such a situation would only be of no help.

"Okay! You don't want the child to return to Xia Xuanfu's side? I promise, I will give you time to deal with your relationship in the past few days. If you don't handle it well, even you don't even want to see bad. You can't just look at things On the one hand, I have to analyze her situation at that time. I will take the child away first, and you should think about it yourself!"

It seemed that they were just a family of four, and they left very quickly. In less than a few minutes, there was only an unpleasant smell of smoke left in the open space.

When Bad Bad came to an unfamiliar environment, the novelty outweighed the fear.Coupled with Yiyi and Yanyan as companions, the three little guys who are similar in age can play together very well.

During the day, they exhausted a lot of physical strength. At night, the three little guys fell asleep very quickly, so Xue Yingying didn't need to worry about it.

Tan Junzhan, who had just come out of the bathroom, saw his lovely wife leaning against the French window at a glance.

There was a chuckle from the corner of his mouth, and he quietly and slowly approached, then he wrapped his arms around her small waist and locked her tightly in his arms.

His resolute chin rested on her round and fair shoulder, and his slightly magnetic male voice fainted beside her ears: "What are you thinking, so obsessed with thinking?"

Didn't even notice his approach!
However, Xue Yingying sighed heavily: "Do you know the story between Xuanzi and him?"

"As you guessed, they knew each other many years ago. What happened back then caused Xia Xuanfu to get over that hurdle in his heart. Han Shaoting's fucking block, that's why they didn't get the certificate for a long time." Tan Junzhan, the lost and found little wife, no longer has anything to hide.

"I want to know the story between them." Xue Yingying turned slightly, her eyes sparkling.

"That depends on your performance!"

In Tan Junzhan's life principles, there is only one thing for one thing.

With an ambiguous smile, he hugged her waist, and the two walked slowly towards the soft big bed.

(End of this chapter)

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