Chapter 219
There is no turmoil at the Huazhai side, but Xia Xuanfu's side is extremely quiet, there is no disturbance at all.

After driving away the bad guy, the two of them finally found a good time to sort out their current relationship.

Han Shaoting was originally a dude in the capital, and he still had that bad habit to some extent.However, after talking with Tan Junzhan later, this improved.

Xia Xuanfu is aware of this point, whether it was the encounter in school days or the reunion five years ago, his presence always makes her breathless, unlike her usual self.

After five full years of nurturing, Han Shaoting was completely tamed and became a loyal dog.He only has her in his eyes, and he can only have her, just like the first time he met in the third year of high school.

Some people, when they meet at the first glance, they are persistent for thousands of years.Unfortunately, he happened to be this kind of person.Even though Nizi gave birth to a child for him, she still refused to go with him to get the certificate, but he still insisted on this idea, and stayed at her house in a shameless manner.

Since then, he has been responsible for taking care of the daily life of the two of them. In fact, this should be his responsibility.

The two parties have actually met their parents, but their attitudes are completely different.

Because Xia's parents knew their daughter's mind well, if they didn't love her deeply, how could they have given him an illegitimate child?Therefore, the two elders opened their eyes and closed their eyes, tacitly acquiescing to the relationship between the two, and only hoped that the precious daughter could quickly enter the palace of marriage, and put an end to their one concern.

On the other hand, Mother Han is one of the most difficult mother-in-laws.

Han's mother has always been brooding about the wrong things she has done, holding on to this point, and refusing to let her marry into the Han family.And Xia Xuanfu felt ashamed in his heart, so he didn't think about it.

After being "kidnapped" to the Han family again and again, Xia Xuanfu's endurance has completely collapsed.

"Han Shaoting, Young Master Han, there are plenty of people in the capital who want to help you have a baby. Just show kindness and forgive me! I'm just bad."

Xia Xuanfu didn't look up while speaking, his hands were stuck to the outer wall of the cup, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Honey, five years ago, when I was going to be with you, I knew I had already lost. I lost completely. At the beginning, in order to complete the task assigned by your superiors, you would rather not hesitate to mess with me. In the end, I found someone to hypnotize me, making me forget the relationship between us. If you say you don’t hate, it must be a lie! But now that you think about it, you can actually be forgiven! Don’t worry too much, the person who wants to spend the rest of your life with you is not her but me. In the past few years, I have been like double-sided tape, and it is indeed difficult to be a human being caught in the middle. But who is right and who is wrong, I have a judgment in my heart. Life is hard Short, we don't have that many eight years to waste."

Han Shaoting spoke smoothly in one breath, and finally said all the words he had held back for a long time.

"I only have one request, let me and Badass go. As for your world, I don't want to participate, and neither does Badass." Xia Xuanfu's cold tone remained the same, which was consistent with the first encounter.

He still remembers the time after the reunion, her nympho.However, it seemed that she never felt this way about any man except him.

Isn't this silly girl not clear about her feelings?
Han Shaoting laughed muffledly, and continued: "There is only one thing I want to say! Xia Xuanfu, I don't want you to miss me again in my life, so—let's get married! Let's become officially legal Husband and wife, bad will never be a member of the black family again, we will give him a happy family."

"No, without you, I can live as well as bad! As long as your mother doesn't come to rob me frequently." At the end, Xia Xuanfu still added one last sentence.

This sounds like a fucking bandit, although sometimes it does look a little like it.

"That's different..."

As soon as Han Shaoting opened his mouth, his words were abruptly interrupted by the continuous ringing of the bell outside the door.

At this juncture, which guy is looking for death?

Han Shaoting turned around resolutely, and hurried towards the door aggressively.

But as soon as he opened the door, Han Mu appeared in front of him with a sob.Seeing his big black face, she felt even more aggrieved: "Shao Ting, you have to make decisions for your mother! It's really not my fault that the prince and the others took you away. Your father, how could he? Hit me?"

Along the way, Mother Han clutched her injured right cheek tightly. She had nowhere to go, so she had to find this place.However, she didn't think well, this place is not Han Shaoting's territory at all.

"My small temple is too crude to accommodate two big Buddhas, you two should get out of here!"

Seeing these two people getting together, Xia Xuanfu couldn't control the anger in his heart.In the whole five years, which time has she not lived in dire straits?

"Hmph, she is indeed a vulgar girl with no tutor. Fortunately, I didn't let you into our Han family. Shao Ting, let's go home!"

Han Mu seems to have just been slapped out of the house by her husband's "glorious deed".

Han Shaoting did not dare to forget each other, he withdrew his hand without leaving a trace, and snorted coldly: "Want to go home? Then let me say hello to Dad first!"

"No! Shao Ting, it's not like you don't know that I was given by your father..."

Han's mother was born in a scholarly family, so she pays attention to whether her identity and background match.She was beaten out by her husband, how could she have the face to go back alone?

I can't hold back my face!

"Mom, if you still want me to recognize you, I hope you keep your mouth clean! Xia Xuanfu is my unmarried daughter-in-law. The first time I saw her that year, I knew that I would be in trouble for the rest of my life." On her. If you hadn't provoked it, how could I have been separated from her for so long?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Han Shaoting became angry and clenched his hands unconsciously.

"You, how do you know? Even your father doesn't know about this!"

Mother Han talked quickly for a while, but she slipped her tongue all of a sudden.She covered her mouth tightly, but it was too late at this time.

"Scroll or not? Or do you want to eat this thing?"

Mother Han's eyes shifted, and she happened to see the thing in her hand.

With a wave of the broom, there is a lot of dust raised.If you don't pay attention, you will have to inhale a large piece.

"With your kind of family education, my grandson stays by your side, what can I do in the future? Hmph, my behavior at the beginning was a very wise choice."

It's a pity that when Xia Xuanfu waved his hands and the broom fell down, she actually hid behind Han Shaoting.However, Han Shaoting went to dodge at the right time, and the broom just landed on her expensive cheongsam, which was really a waste of money!

However, this is purely her own fault!
Xia Xuanfu has always treated each other coldly, she is the only one who can make decisions in her territory, and no one else can participate.

After all, it's his own mother, even if she had nothing to do and took the initiative to find her, he couldn't be too happy!

Nizi's black face stretched out, and he might be kicked out of the house in a short time.

He has to fight for a little bit of his own welfare!

"Mom, you forced me to do this! Either get out now, or I'll ask dad to come over, you can figure it out yourself!"

"Shao Ting, you can't be so cold-blooded!"

It is impossible for Han Mu not to notice his cold blood.

So, she had no choice but to ask hard, if even her son can't take her in, then where is her shelter?
"Let go!"

Don't blame him for turning his face and denying people, but because his mother's behavior in the past few years has been too much.Don't think that if Nizi doesn't say anything, he doesn't know anything.

"Xia Xuanfu was assigned to work as an undercover agent next to Xue Yingying for no reason. Do you dare to say that this matter has nothing to do with you?"

Han Shaoting originally didn't want to talk about this matter, but she was forced to do so, and there was nothing he could do.

Xia Xuanfu's two round eyeballs almost fell out and couldn't be put back.

"Han Shaoting, can you explain clearly to me?" This is the first time Xia Xuanfu heard about the past, when she was nervous, she shook his arm violently, insisting on clarifying the matter

Han's mother is the most protective of the calf, and she is only Han Shaoting's precious son. When she sees Xia Xuanfu's barbaric behavior, how can she bear it?

"Stop it, let me go!"

Han's mother stepped forward to rescue her, but Han Shaoting didn't give her this chance, and broke away from her hand.Afterwards, his gaze fell on her, but it was also cold and piercing: "Mom, if you don't realize your mistakes now, I will never forgive you in this life. You don't like Xia Xuanfu, it's fine, anyway I'm stubborn. Even if I don't get the certificate, I'll be with her."

"well said!"

Unexpectedly, at this time, someone pushed the door and entered, followed by approving applause.

Is this voice clearly Yingzi?
Xia Xuanfu was excited for a while, and was about to step forward to meet him, but the next moment he withdrew his feet.

She is ashamed and right, the two of them have been very close for four years in college, but she got close with a conspiracy in the first place.

Xue Yingying could clearly see this sudden movement.

She bent down slightly, pushed her rotten little body forward, and said, "Your parents are right in front, why don't you hurry?"

"The child belongs to you now. It's a painful thing to take someone else's child with you, and you cried all night." Tan Junzhan said complainingly.

Han Huaihuai walked past Han's mother quickly, and fell into Han Shaoting's arms: "Father, father, I miss you and mother so much!"

"Bad bad, I'm your grandma, come over to grandma's side!"

Not to be outdone, Mother Han felt very nervous when she finally saw this good grandson.

However, Han Huaihuai is a big kid, so what is right and what is wrong, he is like a mirror in his heart.

"Huh, grandma loves it the most! What Baba likes most is being with mom and dad. Huh, mom and dad, don't leave Kuaba anymore, okay?"

"Okay, from now on our family will be together forever."

Before Xia Xuanfu opened his mouth, Han Shaoting answered first, and then turned his provocative gaze to her.

(End of this chapter)

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