Chapter 220 Old Identity
this sound...

After hearing this, Xia Xuanfu was extremely excited.

Raising her hands, she wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Bad bad, my child—" It's been a while since we met, and we finally met, and she never let him leave her side no matter what.

"Mrs. Han, we don't have to worry about the past more than ten years ago. But now, please leave my house."

Xia Xuanfu didn't wait to see her, even for a while, she couldn't stand it.She hugged the little guy in her arms with one hand, and slammed it towards the door with the other.

With this firm belief, no one can change her determination!

However, having said that, for her to be able to do this right now, it is considered a gift for Han Shaoting's face.

However, there are always some people in this world who do not accept good intentions, such as the person in front of you.

"Hmph! Don't you all want to know? Let me tell you in good faith. Even Shao Ting's father doesn't know about it."

Before she spoke again, she seemed to need to brew her feelings, so she coughed hard, cleared her throat, and said: "The two of them haven't been together for long, and Shao Ting's class teacher told me the news. I did an investigation secretly , her bones are amazing, and she has studied martial arts for several years, so she just happened to be hired by the Intelligence Bureau."

"If my calculations are correct, it should not be your own attention, but someone who came to your door and gave you a hint, right?"

Xue Yingying remained silent the whole time, not saying a word for a long time, but this did not mean that she did not care about world affairs.The matter of the sisters is tantamount to her, especially this matter is also involved in himself, it has to be thought-provoking!

"You, you, how do you know?"

The old things of the past were brought up again to discuss in detail.As for Xue Yingying in front of her, based on her age, she probably didn't know.

Han Mu felt a little suspicious in her heart, and looked at her in a daze, her bony eyes rolled restlessly on her face.

"She's not the subject of your research, why don't you quickly retract your eyeballs? Huh?"

My own baby, the crown prince attaches great importance to his own ownership.Not a single cent is allowed to be peeped at.Even for women, the result is the same!

Tan Junzhan's face turned cold, and without saying a word, he put one big and one small upside down in his arms.

Xue Yingying hadn't expressed any opinions yet, but Xiao Yiyi had the biggest reaction, she was discouraged, and she yelled angrily, "Father, you really hate me! No wonder my aunt would say that in this world, there is only my mother." Only people will look. Hmph!"

The tender and delicate face couldn't help but wrinkled tightly, Tan Yi desperately twisted her chubby little body.

However, during her desperate struggle, a photo unexpectedly fell out of her body.

In fact, this is not a novelty, but something unexpected finally appeared.

Mother Han was not far from where they were standing. After the photo spun around in mid-air, it soon landed firmly on the ground in front of them.

And she was in a position where she could see the face of the person in the photo.

Her complexion suddenly changed suddenly, just like the speed of changing faces in Beijing opera.

Pale and bleak, like seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

Tan Yi twisted, and Xue Yingying had no choice but to follow her temper.

what happened?

Xue Yingying exchanged glances with you about Jun Zhan, it's obviously not normal!

Go and have a look, what's going on?

The two sides nodded, and when they saw Xiao Yi hurried forward to pick it up, they immediately panicked.

Doesn't this intentionally seek death?

So, the two of them had no choice but to move quickly to prevent Mother Han from hurting their little baby.

However, they were one step too late in the end.

Tan Yi bent down, and just picked up the photo, she put it in front of her eyes, and said complainingly: "You bastard, you killed Brother Benny's family, and you also framed my parents' separation before. Let me see you back, and see if I don't beat you to death!"

"You know this man?"

Mother Han strode forward, and strangled the little guy's arms with both hands, so strong that she could almost remove her arms.

Tan Yi has never seen such a situation before, the child's family can't bear the pain.

A faint sense of pain hit her, she squeezed her mouth and cried out, "Mom and Dad, help, one by one is going to die!"

"To shut up!"

As long as you are an adult, you probably don't like her character, and if you are related to her by blood, then that's another matter.

Han Huaihuai spent a few days with Tan Yi, and that time was not in vain.Those good times of playmate relationship, the two are almost on the same side.

"Smelly grandma, let go!"

Han's mother never expected that before Tan Yi's answer, she would be bitten by her grandson instead.

He slammed hard, the tooth marks, it won't be able to go down for a few days!

"Bad?" Mother Han didn't dare to imagine, she looked hesitantly at the blood-congested area on her arm, the deep brand no longer reminded her that this really happened.

"Sister Yiyi, are you okay?"

Han Huaihuai turned a deaf ear to Han Mu's words, and the only thing he cared about was Tan Yi's safety.

Xia Xuanfu smiled awkwardly, it seems that his precious son has been defeated by his sisters and daughters!

It seems pretty good for the sisters to become in-laws again!
"Mrs. Han, do you know this person?"

Children like to play together, Xue Yingying doesn't express any opinions, and there is still the most difficult thing to solve.

If her guess is correct, all things may have one thing in common, that is——

"More than ten years have passed in a flash, and I can't remember his name for a long time. But this face, I am deeply impressed. It is him!"

Han Mu's piercing eyes stared at the photo from beginning to end.

"The recommendation at the beginning was all taught by him. By the way, who is his identity?" Finally, Han Mu finally raised this question.

Everyone's faces were serious, so she could tell that this person's status was not low, and he was definitely not an ordinary person.

"He's Benson!"

No one said anything, and a cold male voice sounded outside the door.

"It's useless to say it... Ah, why did you come here?" Han Mu realized it after a while, and her whole body was extremely embarrassed.

"Why, you can come to my daughter-in-law, but I can't? Hmph!"

Daughter-in-law?Not bad!
Xue Yingying is quite satisfied with the result. Even if the sisters have not come out of the shadow, as long as the Han family can accept her status, I am afraid that this marriage will not be far from the one it deserves.

"Stinky old man, stop talking nonsense!" Mother Han retorted not to be outdone.

(End of this chapter)

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